
  • 网络photographic lens
  1. 摄影物镜的光谱透射率和彩色还原特性的校正

    The Spectral Transmittance Characteristics and Correction of Colour Restoration Characteristics for Photographic Lenses

  2. 本文从彩色摄影需要出发,依据美国ANSI彩色标准,研究了摄影物镜的光谱透射率及其彩色还原问题。

    According to the American colour standard ANSI , the spectral transmittance and colour restoration of photographic lenses are investigated in this paper .

  3. 采用一台大面阵CCD和广角摄影物镜的组合,研制成功一种新型的单面阵CCD航天立体摄影测量系统。

    A new plane array CCD space three-dimension photogrammetry system is described .

  4. 大视场大相对孔径水下专用摄影物镜的设计甚大光强[相对]孔径物镜

    Design for Special Underwater Photography Objective Lens with Wide Angle and Large Relative Aperture

  5. 一种用于可见光电视导引头的摄影物镜的设计

    Lens design for visible-light TV homer

  6. 该系统与传统摄影物镜相比具有结构简单、系统总长度小、元件易装调、像质高等优点。

    This system has many merits , such as simple structure , short total length , easy installation , high resolution and so on .

  7. 高速列车前视系统是列车安全运行的必要安全辅助设备,要求昼夜清晰成像,其光学系统由电视摄影物镜和主动照明光源组成。

    The forward-looking system of high-speed railway is safe auxiliary equipment for railway safety work , use with the day and night . It is optical system includes a telescope lens and a source of initiation lighting .

  8. 本文通过简单的实验装置来模拟变焦距物镜的光学系统,此实验可加深学生对透镜组基点、基面原理的理解,并可进一步了解变焦距摄影物镜的设计思想。

    This article used simple experiment apparatus to imitate the optical system of the zoom lens . The experiment can deepen students ' comprehensive understanding of the cardinal point and cardinal plane of lens group , and the design idea of zoom lens .

  9. 大相对孔径(摄影)物镜

    Object lens of large relative aperture