
chā xiāo
  • slotting
插削[chā xiāo]
  1. 大型普通滚齿机插削大模数斜齿轮的技术

    The technology of large ordinary gear hobbing machine for slotting large modulus helical gear

  2. 二维非标准数字化修形齿面的插削展成加工仿真计算实例,验证了该方法的正确性。

    Computer-simulated example of the slotting of non-standard shaped DGTS verified the proposed method .

  3. 斜齿轮插削加工的CNC系统

    CNC system of helical gear shaping

  4. 因此,利用数字控制取代螺旋导轨,实现斜齿插削加工的CNC控制具有重要的现实意义。

    So using CNC substitute helix track and realizing bevel wheel 's shaping CNC have important realism meaning .

  5. 研究了无差动法插削加工螺旋齿轮的理论,并以此理论为基础,结合对运动控制芯片MCX314的研究,利用PC机ISA总线和MCX314相连接,搭建数控系统硬件平台。

    The dissertation also researches the theory that uses undifferentiated method to slot helical gears . On the basis of the undifferentiated method and the research of the digital signal processing chip , we use PC-ISA Bus to communicate with the DSP and construct the CNC hardware platform .

  6. 斜齿轮插削加工的运动分析和控制

    An analysis of the motion and control for helical gear shaping

  7. 本机床可用于插削零件的平面、型面用沟槽等。

    This vertial planing active surfaces of parts and notch etc.

  8. 插削齿轮齿侧棱线高度及数目的精确计算

    Calculating the Accurate Height and Number of Crest Line on Tooth-face of Gear shaping

  9. 插削键槽的误差分析类花键廓形研究

    The Analysis of Error for Spline Shaping RESEARCH ON PROFILE OF QUASI - SPLINE

  10. 插削键槽的误差分析

    The Analysis of Error for Spline Shaping

  11. 等距型面孔插削原理及其计算机仿真

    The slotting principle of the hole of the isometric profile cylinder and it 's computer simulation

  12. 机床附有电磁自动抬刀的刀架和刀杆。刀架用天外插削,刀杆用于内插削和插键槽。

    The toolholder is used for outer slotting and the tool bar for inner slotting and for slotting the keyway .

  13. 侧棱等长n维单形锥体的若干性质插削齿轮齿侧棱线高度及数目的精确计算

    Some Properties of Simplex Cone Equal Lateral Edge Lengths Calculating the Accurate Height and Number of Crest Line on Tooth-face of Gear shaping

  14. 采用靠模仿形法铣削、磨削和插削内曲线表面时,靠模尺寸一经确定,则刀具直径的大小就不得变更。

    The dimension of cutter diameter must not be changed when the former cams size has been settled in profile milling , grinding and slotting .

  15. 该方法能有效地解决工件斜齿轮插削加工中工件主轴的扭振问题,使斜齿轮插削加工的平稳性得到改善,有利于加工精度的提高。

    This method could solve the torsional vibration problem of work spindle and make the shaping motion more smoothly and steadily , improving the machining precision of helical gears .

  16. 对插削等距型面孔的插刀进行了设计,对其平均半径、前角、后角、刀刃的空间曲线作了分析和研究。

    The slotting tool with isometric profile cylinder hole is designed . The average radius , the rake angle , the relief angle and the space curve of the edge are analyzed and researched .

  17. 本文阐明了以内等距线为插刀切削刃插削等厚形三面孔的原理,指出了确定插刀平均半径时应考虑的诸因素。

    In this paper , it clarifies the principle of shaping isopachous trihedral-hole with the inner equidistant line as the edge of the shaper cutter , and indicates many factors that should be considered when determining average radius of shaper cutter .