
  • 网络Diva;DEVA;Devas
  1. 天使,人,众神和提婆&他们的神是毗瑟奴。

    Angels , Demi Gods , Devas - Their God is Vishnu .

  2. 陀吠众神&这些神代表了自然或提婆的力量,并不等同于把婆罗门描绘成毗瑟奴或湿婆。

    Vedic Deities-These deities represent forces of nature or devas and are not equivalent to Brahman represented as Vishnu or Shiva .

  3. 当我们在提婆和四大元素的帮助下压制风水线时,我们所做的一切应是严密正确的。

    And that is exactly what we have done when we neutralize geopathic lines with the help of the devas and elementals .

  4. 如果你住在这些地区的话你可以协助,通过允许你的能量流来召唤回维生大自然王国的提婆和元素。

    One can assist if one lives in such regions by allowing one 's field to call back the divas ( small angels ) and elements that sustain the nature kingdoms .

  5. 在你能想到的所有领域,提婆界,动物界,植物界和矿物界,他们所有都与盖娅对齐,并锚定在盖娅。

    And the kingdoms , that you think of as kingdoms – the devas , the animals , the trees , the rocks – they are all pretty much aligned as well , and they have also anchored with Gaia .