
  • 网络promoter;extension agent
  1. 芭芭拉·菲克(BarbaraFick)是美国西北部的俄勒冈州立大学的一名推广员。

    Barbara Fick is an extension agent at Oregon State University in the northwestern United States .

  2. 1996年左右,为了给凯恩筹集鼻子整容的费用,俱乐部推广员马克·伯克利(MarcBerkley)在守护神俱乐部(Palladium)举办了一场义演。

    To help pay for her nose job , the club promoter Marc Berkley hosted a benefit at the Palladium around 1996 .

  3. 马修·卡斯滕(MatthewKasten)是男孩酒吧的推广员。他说,“她把鞋子存放在烤箱里,因为她不做饭。”

    Matthew Kasten , who was the promoter at Boy Bar , said , " She kept her shoes in the oven because she didn 't cook . "

  4. 从馆藏的多样化、网络的推广、馆员队伍的建设、文献资源的共享、科学管理方法的运用等方面论述了县级图书馆如何面对现代化的问题。

    This paper discusses on the modernization of the county-level libraries from aspects of the multiplicity of the holdings , the popularization of the network , the construction of the librarian ranks , the sharing of the literature resources and the application of the scientific managerial methods .

  5. 学科博客具有博客所具有的一切优点,然而又比博客更加严谨和规范,它与高校图书馆的学科馆员能够无缝连接,是高校图书馆推广学科馆员制度,开展学科深次知识服务的最好利器。

    Discipline blog has all the advantages in common blog and has a more rigorous and standardized service than common blog , it has a seamlessly connect with subject librarian in university libraries and is the best weapon to promote and carry out deep sub-disciplines of knowledge services .