
jiē bànɡ
  • take over;relay;carry on
  1. 经济刺激的初期提振作用已经在消退,但很多经济学家都认为民营企业尚未做好准备,无法接棒成为中国经济增长的引擎。

    The initial boost from the stimulus is already fading , but many economists doubt that private-sector businesses are ready to take over as a growth driver .

  2. 4×100m接力跑高效率传接棒技术要点分析

    Key Points of Baton-changing Technique in 4 × 100m

  3. 两家银行都非常积极地用次级抵押贷款构造债务抵押债券(cdo),而且是音乐停止时的最后接棒人。

    Both were very active creating collateralised debt obligations out of subprime mortgages and got stuck holding the bag when the music stopped .

  4. 皮尤研究中心(PewResearchCenter)一项新的预测显示,本世纪下半叶,外来移民及其子女在美国人口中的占比将升至创纪录水平,亚裔移民将接棒成为美国人口增长的主要来源。

    The ranks of immigrants and their children will grow to hit a record share of the US population in the second half of this century , new projections show , with Asian immigration taking over as the major source of population growth .

  5. 对4x100m接力传接棒技术教学与训练的研究

    Discussion on Teaching and Training in Skills of Passing Baton in Four by One Hundred Metres Relay

  6. 4×100m接力跑主要由个人100m成绩水平,全队交接棒技术的熟练程度,以及在高速跑中传.接棒运动员的心理变化因素来决定最终成绩。

    The final achievement of 4 × 100m relay race are mainly decided by the factors : individual level in 100 meter-race running , the team 's skills , and the members ' psychological change in passing and taking the baton when they are running at high speed .

  7. 母亲去世后,妹妹科林恩接棒继续照顾她。

    After that , Edwarda 's sister Colleen O'Bara took over 。

  8. 该策略就像接力赛中的接棒环节一样存在风险。

    The strategy is as risky as a relay handoff .

  9. 当你对一个问题不再感兴趣时,你最后的责任就是找位能胜任的接棒人。

    When you lose interest in a program , your last duty to it is to hand it off to a competent successor .

  10. 乐观者看出有泡沫,但指望能及时离场,在泡沫破灭之前让更大的傻瓜接棒。

    Optimists recognise the froth , but hope to get out in time by selling to a greater fool before the bubble pops .

  11. 对不许保持各自赛道的接力赛,等待接棒的运动员可在里道接应队友。

    For races where lanes cease to be used , waiting runners move to an inside position to receive the handoff as their incoming teammates arrive .

  12. 虽然全球并未真的缺少低成本劳动力,但有望接过劳动密集型制造业接力棒的两大明显候选者——东南亚和印度——尚未接棒。

    While the world is not exactly running out of low-cost workers , the obvious candidates to take the lead in labour-intensive manufacturing - south Asia and India - are yet to do so .