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  1. 排针疗法结合康复训练治疗脑卒中后足内翻的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Pin Therapy Combined with Rehabilitation Training for PostStroke Varus Foot

  2. 叉排针肋楔型通道换热数值研究

    Numerical investigation of heat transfer in wedge - shaped passage with staggered pin - fins

  3. NaCl溶液结晶时形成的枝叉状形态叉排针肋楔型通道换热数值研究

    SEM Observation of Fractal Patterns Formed with NaCl Crystallites Numerical investigation of heat transfer in wedge-shaped passage with staggered pin-fins

  4. 羊毛衫罗纹领排针数的设计

    Design of needle alignment for the rib collar of cardigans

  5. 电排针治疗小儿麻痹后遗症1076例临床疗效总结

    Clinical Observation on Treatment 1076 Cases of Poliomyelitis Sequelae with Series Electro-Acupuncture

  6. 排针透刺法治疗腰椎病的临床观察

    Clinical Observations on Treatment of Lumbar Vertebra Disease by " Aligned Point-through-point Acupuncture "

  7. 结论排针透刺法治疗腰椎病具有显著而肯定的临床疗效。

    Conclusion " Aligned point-through-point acupuncture " has a marked and exact curative effect on lumbar vertebra disease .

  8. 方法采用头皮发际区排针法治疗老年突发性耳聋患者并检测血液流变学改变。

    Method The cases of Senile Sudden Deafness were treated by Arranged Needling in the Hairline Regions of the Scalp .

  9. 密佑高架桥的侧面轮廓就像一根绷紧的线被一排针刺透一样,它绵延几英里,俯瞰四周乡野,被誉为美学和科学的经典结合。

    Like a taut thread pierced by a line of needles , the silhouette dominates the countryside for miles around and has been praised as a classic marriage of aesthetics and science .

  10. 文中并以抛光毛纺精梳机圆梳锡林针排针条为实例,详细介绍工艺方法,工作原理,工艺参数和工艺流程。

    Taking circular cylinder 's gill bar of woolen comber as an example , it des - cribes in details the technological chart process , working principle , flow chart and its parameters .

  11. 沿着缝线将两边缝合在一起形成滚边,然后沿着这排针迹将滚边缝在衣片正面上。

    The piping is prepared by stitching the edges together on the seam line . This is then joined to the right side of the garment section following the precious row of stitching .

  12. 一次性型材,安全标准,配合七排针使用,控制进针深浅,下色均匀,不喷色、不滴色、不断色。

    One-time profiles , safety standards , with seven row needles use , control the needle into the next color depth , even , not spraying color , without dropping color , constantly color .

  13. 应用该法使排针条的抛光效率比用传统的手工机械方法提高几十倍以上,产品质量有大幅度提高。

    The application of this method makes the polish efficiency several-dozen times higher than that of the conventional manual-mechanical one and , at the same time , makes the quality of the products much better .

  14. 结果排针透刺法治疗腰椎病,治愈率为48.08%,总有效率为92.31%;

    Pain scores were compared between pretreatment and posttreatment and the curative effects was evaluated after treatment . Results The cure rate and total efficacy rate from treatment of lumbar vertebra disease by " aligned point-through-point acupuncture " were 48.08 % and 92.31 % , respectively .