
  1. 金属针布摆式冲齿机排车角度与模具设计

    The Mounting Angle of Pendulum Punching Machine for MCC and the Dies Design

  2. 吸排车在炼铁生产工艺循环中的应用

    Application of suction car in process flow of ironmaking

  3. 公司引进了自动圆周排车等一批自动化生产设备,大大提高了生产效率。

    YZGH has invested a great deal in automatic equipments greatly improving efficiency .

  4. 他们把我的炸肉排车怎么着了?

    What have they done to my schnitzel truck ?

  5. 圆排车汞腔装置创新设计

    Innovation Design for Hg Storage in Round Exhaust

  6. 我开着一辆炸肉排车。

    I drlve a schnltzel truck .

  7. 佛里德曼让我把那辆1951年造的雪韦车倒进教堂街对面的那排车中。

    Friedman told me to back this ' 51 Chevvy into the line that faces Church Street .

  8. 我跳上雪韦车,把它倒进那排车里,接着听到了一种刮蹭声和砰的一声。

    So I jump in the Chevvy and snap it back in line , and there was a kind of scrape and thump .

  9. 对利用管道气力输送原理和吸排车运输炼铁重力除尘和干法除尘灰的工艺进行讨论与总结。

    The essay discusses and concludes the transportation process of dust collected by gravity precipitator and dry type deduster during ironmaking by means of pneumatic conveying through pipeline .

  10. 是早上九点钟光景,第二号管车王金贞,跑到账房间来报告第十二排车的姚金凤犯了规则,不服管理;

    This morning at about nine o'clock , forewoman No.2 , Wang Chin-chen , ran into my office to report that Yao Chin-feng in Row No.12 had made a mistake and was being insubordinate about it .

  11. 提出了车辆合流的有效算法,通过调整干道排车和合流道车辆的加速度,使车辆在保持安全车间距的前提下实现干道合流点处的同速合流。

    The author puts forward an effective algorithm for vehicle merge in traffic flow , which realizes the vehicle keeping the safe distance merge at trunk-line merging point by adjusting acceleration ratio of trunk-line platoon and merge-line vehicles .

  12. 但婚礼当天,小家乐亲眼目睹了小阿姨的情人,为了爱情,奋不顾身的挡下一整排礼车的那个英雄姿势!

    But the wedding day , a small family of small aunt witnessed the lover , in order to love himself the next row of the block of the heroic limo posture !

  13. 《美国新闻》(U.S.News)就把它排在同级车中的第17位,远远落后于排在首位的斯巴鲁森林人(SubaruForester)。

    U.S. News ranked Tiguan 17th against its competitors , well behind the No. 1 Subaru Forester .

  14. 发动机自吸排式洒水车的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Sprayer with self-priming Engin

  15. 车排子油田车2区齐古组油藏属于低渗透率强水敏油藏。

    Reservoir of Che2 district Qigu formation in Chepaizi field has low permeability and strong water sensitivity .

  16. 平流沉淀池中虹吸排泥桁车的控制改进

    Control System Improvement of Mud Scraper with Siphonage in Horizontal-flow Sedimentation Basin Improvements of Siphon Sludge Water Discharge Vehicle

  17. 她改变了一下她在长凳子上的位置,以便能更好的通过一排排交通车来观察他。

    She altered her position on the bench , the better to observe him across the rows of traffic .

  18. 本文主要阐述了车排子油田车2区齐古组油藏注水开发的可行性和注水开采的工艺技术的研究,注水开发方案的实施及开发效果评价。

    This article mainly depicted the feasibility , techniques research , application and evaluation of water injection scheme in Che2 district Qigu formation of Chepaizi field .

  19. 外界空气压力的这种波动通过车体上的缝隙或空调系统的进、排风口影响到车内。

    Waves of external air pressure affects indoor through possible gaps in body and outlet - inlet draught of air conditioning system .

  20. 拥有汽车的家庭越来越多,在城市生活园区、学习工作园区,几乎到处都能看到一排排的私家车。

    More and more families own cars , which can be seen everywhere , as in the living , working or learning places in cities .

  21. 一排沉重的运货车隆隆地向北行驶在温尼伯山路上,由八头一组的牛拖着,车夫们在一旁走着(加里森·谢勒)

    A train of heavy wagons rumbled north on the Winnipeg Trail , drawn by octets of oxen , the drovers walking alongside ( Garrison Keillor )