
dǎo dàn
  • Trick;make trouble;give sb. a hard time
捣蛋 [dǎo dàn]
  • [make trouble] 借端生事,制造麻烦,无理取闹

  • 调皮捣蛋

捣蛋[dǎo dàn]
  1. 他好捣蛋,但却很讨人喜欢。

    He 's a bit of a rogue , but very charming .

  2. 我发现这条狗又捣蛋了。

    I see the dog has been misbehaving itself again .

  3. 那孩子非捣蛋不可。

    That child can 't keep out of mischief .

  4. 过来,你这没有教养的小捣蛋鬼!

    Come here , you cheeky little monkey !

  5. 调皮捣蛋的孩子被当场抓住,都要在课堂前面罚站。

    Any child caught misbehaving was made to stand at the front of the class .

  6. 重复我对你说的话,你真是个捣蛋鬼。

    You are a bad boy for repeating what I told you

  7. 他年轻时是个十足的捣蛋鬼。

    He 'd been a real hell-raiser as a young buck .

  8. 孩子们调皮捣蛋的时候她管不了。

    When the children misbehaved she was unable to cope .

  9. 记者们往往被视为捣蛋分子。

    Too often the press are labelled as bad boys

  10. 帕特里克常常明知我手忙脚乱还要调皮捣蛋。

    Patrick often plays up when he knows I 'm in a hurry .

  11. 是那些年纪较长的女士和年轻的母亲们教训了所有那些捣蛋鬼。

    It was the older women and young mothers who sorted all the troublemakers out

  12. 他因上课调皮捣蛋而成为大多数老师的眼中钉。

    He was unruly in class and made an enemy of most of his teachers .

  13. 她真是一个小捣蛋鬼。

    She 's such a little monkey .

  14. 那个年龄的男孩应该可以自己出去闯,也可以骑车出游,还可以调皮捣蛋。

    Boys at that age should be able to explore and go off on their own , go on bike rides , get into mischief

  15. 那个专找茬儿的捣蛋分子被逐出会场。

    The heckler was ejected from the meeting .

  16. 别捣蛋,伙计们,我要学习了。

    Don 't give me a hard time , boys . I 'm trying to study .

  17. 不要理那孩子,你要是责骂他,他反倒会开始调皮捣蛋。

    Don 't take any notice of the boy . If you scold him , he 'll only start acting up .

  18. 这孩子老在班上捣蛋。

    The boy is always making trouble in class .

  19. 那些男孩在图谋捣蛋。

    The boys are brewing some mischief .

  20. 男孩就是男孩(爱调皮捣蛋)。

    Boys will be boys .

  21. 那个捣蛋的人让警方白白搜索了一番

    The hoaxer had sent the police on a wild-goose chase .

  22. 他是个捣蛋鬼,你不要跟他在一起。

    He is a trouble maker , You must be distant with him .

  23. 他对这个小孩的调皮捣蛋低声轻笑

    He chuckleed at the child 's mischievousness .

  24. 她的姐妹们从不调皮捣蛋,她的确是姐妹中间那个难管教的老二!

    Her sisters never behaved badly - she was definitely1 a difficult middle child !

  25. 看来他想捣蛋。

    He seems to intend mischief .

  26. 索比的计划是装扮成一个下流、讨厌的“捣蛋鬼”

    It was Soapy 's design to assume the role of the despicable and execrated ' masher ' .

  27. 妈妈,Chris说他不带我们去“不给糖就捣蛋”

    Mama , Chris said he 's not taking us trick-or-treating

  28. 译名:捣蛋鬼亨利影片讲述了一个名叫亨利的调皮捣蛋鬼整蛊周围家人和同学的故事,改编自同名漫画书《HorridHenry》,是英国的首部3D儿童电影。

    Horrid Henry : The Movie is an upcoming 3D family comedy film , based on the fictional character Horrid Henry .

  29. 当时主持人JimDelahunt正在直播周日的苏格兰跑马赛,那个小男孩很显然想要在主持人后面捣蛋。

    The little kid was apparently messing around behind broadcaster Jim Delahunt as he previewed the racing in Hamilton , Scotland , on Saturday .

  30. 直接回家,你就能和Drew跟Tonya出去玩“不给糖就捣蛋”了

    Come straight home so you can go trick-or-treating with Drew and Tonya .