
  1. 它采取完全被动的指数化投资策略,跟踪、拟合某一具有代表性的标的指数,从而有效地规避个股投资的非系统性风险,力求获得和该指数相近的收益率。

    It follows passive investment tactic of stock index completely , try to follow and fit a certain representative index , to evade non-system risk of single stock investment effectually , and to gain the same yield as the index .

  2. 第二部分分析了积极型、消极型投资风格的不同,并介绍了指数化投资策略,最后指出,根据目前状况,个人账户养老金投资主要应该采取积极投资方式,注重上市公司的投资价值。

    Part two Have analyze the difference of styles of investment , has introduced the investment tactics of the indexation , point out according to state at present , personal account pension investment should take the positive investment , pay attention to the investment value of the listed company .

  3. 投资者将这些指数作为自身投资策略的基准,将数十亿美元配置于追踪这些指数的基金和资产组合之中。

    Investors use such indices as a benchmark for their investment strategies , assigning billions of dollars to funds and portfolios that track them .

  4. 跟踪指数式的被动投资策略削弱了定价机制。

    Passive , index-tracking investment strategies have dulled pricing mechanisms .

  5. 绪论部分大致介绍了国内程序化研究的背景和利用指数化的被动投资策略的现实意义。

    The introduction part roughly introduced research background of domestic program and significance of using the index of passive investment strategy .