- 名exponential function

Using the analysis method of shrinkage and creep based on initial strain , This thesis fitted the shrink strain and the creep coefficient function with uniform exponential function model and find a way to get the recursion formulae of shrinkage and creep .
Robust solution of the undetermined parameters a , B in the negative exponential function
The Construction of Quadratic Pad é Approximants of the Exponential Function
Whether the one-dimensional or the two-dimensional effective roots length density distribution of jujube trees all of them can be fitted by exponent function .
Optimized Table - Driven Implementation of the Exponential Function in GCC
The series of exponential terms and Hadamard product
Because most soliton solutions of the nonlinear evolution equations have the Exp-function form , we can assume the solution initially then solve the overdetermined equations with powerful symbolic computation .
A new method is proposed to calculate transient radiation field from the metallic enclosure of gas insulated substation ( GIS ) .
The releasing of it at beginning stage was Fick - diffusion mode .
The results show that computing cost is a power function of the dimension .
Fit the curve of iron concentration curve , the results show that the concentration change over time is similar to the exponential function . Fitting over the course of R are 0.985 .
The theoretical minimum dendritic size of hypoeutectic Al-7 % Si alloy refined by melt superheat treatment is about 20 μ m. The effect of degree of superheat on degree of undercooling was studied .
Lastly , the memory capacity is estimated by the signal-to-noise ratio analysis and it is pointed out that the capacity is increased exponentially with N when the nonlinear weight function is taken as an exponential function .
We need give an objective queue delay for ESD only , and it use an exponential function to compute the dropping probability .
Solutions of mixed exp-function and periodic solutions of triangle function to ( 2 + 1 ) - Dimensional Boussinesq Equation
Both the incremental quantity per year and the cumulative quantity of all literature are exponential functions of time , and the two curves are the same curve after parallel translation .
The maximum likelihood and Bayes estimates of these parameters are deduced when the failure rates of the system components are assumed to be exponential with different parameters .
The meticulous integration is turned into difference equation in case transfer function , i.e. exponential function in meticulous integration of single inner point is replaced by Taylor expansion .
The transverse velocity distribution accords with the exponential function distribution . the relation between the relative velocity v / vm and the relative position 2Z / B and the change range of coefficients m and n are determined .
It is also demonstrated that the AGC systems with exponential gain control characteristic may strictly be transformed into a linear system by using any logarithmic amplifier .
Af ter the dynamic recrystallization was finished , the relationship between the average diameter of austenitic grains and the modification factor Z of temperature for de formation velocity was linearly conformable .
First , the integer equation is studied by considering the diffusion coefficient D ( x )∝ x θ . By using the q-exponential function and q-logarithm function , the analytical solution of the equation is derived .
The result also indicates that Cubic model is the optimal one to describe population density distribution of Shanghai both in 1990 and 2000 , and the exponential model is not the best .
Owing to the exponentially functional relation between the annual mean rate and b value , the variation of b value by varying statistical time range brings about decrease or increase in the annual mean rates of each magnitude interval with power progression law .
The relation were good between ALP / Cr , PALP / Cr or thermostable ALP / Cr ( y ) and pregnant weeks ( x ) with exponential functions .
By analyzing normal PID controller 's shortage and combining the theory of intelligent control with the prime of non-linear control , a PID algorithm based on exponential function compensation and a PID algorithm based on function switch compensation are created .
The DunCan Chang 's nonlinear elastic model is adopted for constitutive relationships of granular materials . An exponent function model is used for friction behavior of materials on silo walls .
Three common mathematic models are always employed to predict the growth of regional or urban population , including exponential function ( Malthus model ), inverse hyperbolic function ( Keyfitz model ), and logistic function ( Verhulst model ) .
Numerical results for the singular solutions with integrands expressed in terms of the product of the second Hankel function and the exponential function agree well with FEM results .
In this model , the mean of data variation with time can be described by polynomial or exponential expression , and the stable process of zero mean by random process model AR ( n ) or ARMA ( n , m ) .