
zhǐ dìnɡ dài lǐ
  • Specify Proxy;demonstrative agency;law-agency by appointment of the court
  1. 还可以指定代理客户机的.NET目标语言(默认语言是C)。

    Optionally , you need to also specify the . NET target language for the proxy client ( the default is C # ) .

  2. 对于@target方法,您需要在部署服务之后在WebSphereApplicationServer管理控制台中指定代理端点

    For the @ target method , you need to specify the proxy endpoints in the WebSphere Application Server administrative console post-deployment of your services

  3. ProxySettings:如果通过代理服务器访问Internet,则将需要指定代理地址和代理端口号。

    Proxy Settings : If you access the Internet via a proxy server , you will need to specify your proxy address and proxy port number .

  4. 要使用转换代理,需要在启动JVM时指定代理类。

    To use a transformation agent , you need to specify the agent class when you start the JVM .

  5. PlugSection指定代理/插头为了连接服务器/插座需要执行的操作。

    The PlugSection specifies the actions executed by the agent / plug for connecting to the server / socket .

  6. 然而通常应该指定代理组,如下所述。

    However a Proxy Group should usually be specified , as described below .

  7. 指定代理服务器的名称。

    Specify the name of the proxy server .

  8. 请指定代理许可证的数量。

    Specify the number for agent licenses .

  9. 是必需的参数,包含指定代理名称的字符串值。

    Is a required argument containing a string value specifying the name of the agent .

  10. 这些测试确实需要与这些网站的网络连接,而这种连接不能通过指定代理服务器来完成。

    These tests do need network connectivity to those sites without a proxy having been specified .

  11. (四)指定代理的人民法院或者指定单位取消指定;

    When the people 's court or the unit that appointed the agent rescinds the appointment ;

  12. 由法庭指定代理候赛因的一名律师拒绝就此案发表评论,称他不能谈论即将审理的刑事案件。

    Hussein from court-appointed agent of a lawyer refused to comment on the case , saying he should not talk about the upcoming trial of criminal cases .

  13. 书记在前线指挥作战时,除自己报告外,指定代理书记或副书记作后方活动的报告。

    When the secretary is at the front directing military operations , he should , in addition to submitting his own reports , authorize the acting secretary or deputy secretary to report on rear-area activities .

  14. 所谓国库集中支付制度是指全部财政收支都由设在国库或者国库指定代理银行的账户反映,各支出单位和支出部门的财政资金收付都通过财政部门在国库开设的单一账户集中办理。

    Treasury centralized payment system means all revenues and expenditures are reflected by the account set in the treasury or the appointed agency bank , the revenues and expenditures of all expenditure organizations and departments should proceed with centralized declaration by the single account set by the treasury .

  15. 使用proxy-config.xml,您就可以指定Ajax代理配置参数了。

    Using the proxy-config . xml , you can specify the Ajax proxy configuration parameters .

  16. 指定Ajax代理配置参数。

    Specify Ajax proxy configuration parameters .

  17. 如果分发代理正在执行sptablevalidation,则指定分发代理在完成验证后是否应该立即关闭。

    If the distribution agent is executing sp_table_validation , specifies whether the distribution agent should shut down immediately upon completion of the validation .

  18. 而且,如果MashupCenter被配置为使用代理,那么请求将通过指定的代理定向。

    Also , if the Mashup Center is configured to use a proxy , the request is directed through the specified proxy .

  19. 从指定的代理返回表示远程对象的。

    That represents the remote object from the specified proxy .

  20. 指定复制代理程序在访问发布服务器时要使用的登录。

    Specify the login that replication agents will use to access the publisher .

  21. 配置复制时,指定运行代理应使用的帐户。

    When you configure replication , you specify accounts under which agents should run .

  22. 指定同步代理程序将用来连接订阅服务器的登录。

    Specify the login the synchronization agent will use to connect to the subscriber .

  23. 指定的代理程序类型的配置文件名''%1!''已存在。

    The profile name ' % s ' already exists for the specified agent type .

  24. 必须通过位置字段中指定的代理服务器访问请求的资源。

    The requested resource must be accessed through the proxy given by the location field .

  25. 任何单位和个人不得以任何方式为招标人指定招标代理机构。

    No unit or person may designate a procuratorial agency for the tenderer in any form .

  26. 指定合并代理程序更新订阅的频率。

    Specify how frequently the Merge Agent ( s ) updates the subscription ( s ) .

  27. 在代理签密方案中,一个被指定的代理签密人可以代表原始签密人生成有效的代理签密。

    Proxy signcryption schemes allow an original signcrypter to delegate his signcryption rights to a proxy signcrypter .

  28. 我可以很容易地指定动态代理类在运行时要实现的多个接口。

    I could just as easily specify multiple interfaces that the dynamic proxy class would implement at runtime .

  29. 指定初始代理程序数目要合适(尽管并非必要条件),这可以缩短“热身”时间。

    Specifying a sizable number of initial agents , while not necessary , can accelerate the warming-up period .

  30. 结合代理签名和指定验证者代理签名的概念,提出了一个基于双线性对的指定验证者代理签名方案。

    Combining proxy signature with designated verifier signature , a new designated verifier proxy signature scheme is proposed . 3 .