
  • 网络Instruction information;Message Action;C-APDU;order message
  1. 第五章完善了基于参数化特征的CAD/CAPP特征信息集成模型、CAPP/CAM工艺指令信息模型,设计了CAPP/PDM、CAPP/ERP的特征信息集成模型;

    In chapter five , the feature-oriented CAD / CAPP integration model and the CAPP / CAM process instruction model was improved , and CAPP / PDM , CAPP / ERP integration model was designed ;

  2. 提出了一种基于PROFIBUS总线的机床数控系统接口设计方法,解决了数控系统与伺服间指令信息误差对数控系统性能的影响。

    One kind of design method for CNC interface based on PROFIBUS structure is discussed in this paper . The interface designed will improve the system performance which will be influenced by the analog command from the CNC to the servo system .

  3. 所以软件编程要求传输指令信息的误码率很低,且要求传输实时性较高。

    Thus Software program is requested low information transmission bit error rate , and high real-time transmission .

  4. 交通管理执行系统主要由能自动把指令信息变成行动的执行设备和人员组成。

    Traffic management and enforcement system is consist of implement equipment which can change signal information to movement automatically and personnel .

  5. 与普通机床靠工人操作手柄进行加工相对应,数控机床的运动是由加工指令信息来进行自动控制的。

    General machine tools and workers to operate the handle on the corresponding processing , CNC machine tools is the movement of information from processing orders to carry out automatic control .

  6. 在以往研究的基础上,针对任务的人机界面设计思想,对指令信息按任务进行了归类,提出了针对任务的智能菜单选择,简化了飞行员的操作,为智能化信息处理做了必要的准备。

    On the base of the before study , the set of instructions will be classified to design intellectualized menu to select for pilots , which predigests the operation of the pilots .

  7. 一方面,它实时地获取飞行员的各种操作和操纵信息;另一方面,它实时地将有关飞行信息、控制指令信息、故障信息及告警信息等通过航空仪表反映到飞行员面前。

    On the one hand , it obtains the manipulating information of pilots ; on the other hand , it indicates flight information , controlling order information and warnig information by means of virtual instruments .

  8. 利用所测线路参数经计算便可得到摆式列车倾摆控制所需未平衡离心加速度的大小,为倾摆控制提供指令信息。

    This measurement system not only can measure superelevation of railway , but also curvature of curves , from which the unbalanced centrifugal acceleration can be computed to provide the instruction information for tilting control .

  9. 为了降低启控点偏差造成弹道跟踪控制段的舵面饱和现象,设计了过渡参考弹道,并给出了光滑的控制指令信息,使制导炮弹能够沿过渡参考弹道飞行至增程方案弹道上。

    To reduce the rudder saturation caused by initial point deviation during the trajectory tracking segment , a transitional reference trajectory is designed . The smooth command information is derived by programming trajectory that guided projectiles fly along .

  10. 机车信号系统是通过接收地面信号设备发出的指令信息,经过处理,用灯光设备显示给司机,以控制列车的运行方向和速度的信号识别设备。

    Locomotive signal system is a set of device which receives instructions from signal equipment on ground , processes them , and signals the driver with lighting , so that the driver of the train may control the direction , speed and distance between the trains .

  11. 其中客户端模块实现用户与DICOM应用实体的交互以及指令与信息的输入输出。

    The client module realizes the information input and output between user and the DICOM Application Entity .

  12. fix是一种行业标准,是证券经纪人与交易所之间传输买卖指令等信息的一种共同语言。

    Fix is an industry standard that provides a common language used to transmit buy and sell orders , as well as other information , between brokers and exchanges .

  13. 针对指令超前信息未知的情况,提出一种基于Pade近似原理的数字前馈控制器。

    A new algorithm to design the feedforward controller was presented based on Pade approximation for the case that the preview information of the desired output is not available .

  14. 一种基于代码块的指令级信息流机密性检查框架研究

    Framework Based on Code-block for Information Flow Confidential Security Checking

  15. 然后是优化设计了派发部件逻辑结构,使派发部件在处理指令并行信息的同时处理指令的目的功能单元的信息,从而提高了指令派发的并行度。

    Make the dispatch unit deal the instruction parallel information and the destination function unit information simultaneously .

  16. 简介给予或接受简洁的预备性的指令、信息或忠告的行为或步骤。

    The act or procedure of giving or receiving concise preparatory instructions , information , or advice .

  17. 该系统通过高频接收器等设备对桥吊所有运行数据、司机收发指令等信息进行实时采集和记录。

    The system are collecting through high frequency the quay crane running data , the instruction truck drivers sent and received and does real-time record .

  18. 化学分子同电脉冲在脑的各部分之间运行,向大脑和身体的各组成部分发布指令和信息。

    Chemical molecules and electrical impulses constantly flow between regions of the brain , sending signals and messages to other parts of the brain and body .

  19. 铁路信号向列车发送指令和信息,以控制列车运行的线路、间隔和速度,并显示当前列车线路及设备的状态,从而保证列车高速安全的行驶。

    Railway signal sends instructions and information to control the train line , time interval and speed , displays current train line and equipment status , so as to ensure the safety of high-speed train traffic .

  20. 有关此指令的更多信息,请参见managed,unmanaged。

    For more information on this directive , see managed , unmanaged .

  21. 通过GPRS网络实现路灯集中控制器与监控中心的通信,传输指令和上报信息。

    Centralized control and monitoring center street through GPRS network communication , transmission instruction and reporting information .

  22. 请参阅LDAP同步复制一章以了解关于如何使用该指令的更多信息。

    See the LDAP Sync Replication chapter of the admin guide for more information on how to use this directive .

  23. 从软件工程角度,建立了面向产品生命周期的全面质量管理系统(PLCTQMS)的总体构架,着重介绍了可视化过程建模,强调了产品、指令、资源信息及知识的有效集成;

    Then from the viewpoint of software engineering , the general system architecture of Product Lifecycle Total Quality Management System ( PLCTQMS ) was constructed , process visualization modeling was introduced , and effective integration of product , order , resource and knowledge was emphasized .

  24. 撤单指令与市场信息

    Cancellation orders and market information

  25. 指令与控制信息系统

    Command and control information system

  26. 接收指令使用接收信息控制字节中的位来定义信息启始和结束。

    The receive index defines the information start and end based on using the receive information to control byte bit .

  27. 传统的电力生产信息的传递模式是图纸、报表、调度指令,这种信息传递方式费时、费力。

    The traditional transmission mode of electric power production information is drawing , report form , instruction , which is time-consuming and strenuous .

  28. 在网络控制系统中,控制指令或状态信息经常因为传输延时或故障而不能及时到达目的地。

    In networked control systems , control signals or state data often fail to reach their destinations on time due to transmission delays or breakdowns .

  29. 基于指令驱动市场信息模型,从信息不对称角度解释股票市场波动性日内特征的原因。

    Based on the information model of order-driven market , the intraday characteristics of the volatility of Chinese stock market are studied from the viewpoint of asymmetric information .

  30. 通过分析一类由输入验证不完全导致的整数溢出进而引起缓冲区溢出的漏洞,提取出二进制代码的漏洞模式,设计了结合敏感指令分析、信息流分析、程序切片等技术的动静态检测方法。

    A kind of buffer overflow vulnerabilities caused by incorrect verification is studied . The buffer overflow pattern is developed for detecting mission combined with sensitive instruction analysis , information flow analysis and program slicing technology .