
  1. 我们从未提议任何双层持股结构。

    We never made any proposal that involved a dual-class shareholding structure .

  2. 而上市公司的资产重组则往往首先表现为公司持股结构的变化。

    But at first , asset restructure of market corporation often display changes of corporation stock ownership structure .

  3. 随后,本文从多个角度描述了我国民营上市公司金字塔式持股结构的现状和分布特征。

    In the second place , the paper describes the present conditions and the distributing characteristics of the pyramidal shareholding structure in Chinese private listed companies .

  4. 第二个假说则认为,当公司内部持股结构改变时,法人持股比例会是影响公司治理以及转换机率关系的重要因子之一。

    In the second hypothesis , we expect that the percentage of non-manager institutional shareholdings would strengthen the association between expected conversion probability and corporate governance .

  5. 近年来,随着一些民营上市公司系族危机的不断爆发,越来越多的学者开始对金字塔式持股结构加以关注和研究。

    Along with some scandals of private listed company clusters are reported recently , more and more scholars pay attention to the pyramidal shareholding structure and investigate it .

  6. 而华为之所以能追赶并超越同业竞争对手,原因之一就是员工持股结构。

    By contrast , Huawei 's employee-owned structure , he said , is ' part of the reason Huawei could catch up and overtake some of our peers in our industry . '

  7. 一些民营企业家借助金字塔式持股结构控制了多家上市公司,在我国证券市场上形成了数个民营上市公司系族,这使越来越多的学者开始关注金字塔式持股结构。

    Some entrepreneurs control more than one listed company and forge them into several clusters in the market by pyramidal shareholding structure , which makes more and more researchers pay attention to it .

  8. 股份公司,尤其是上市公司的不平衡的持股结构加重了这一问题。大股东持有公司很高比例的股份,尤其是国家作为大股东高比例持股时问题更加严重。

    The unbalanced holding structure in joint stock companies , especially in listed companies , in which large shareholders ( or the state ) hold a large percentage of shares makes this even worse .

  9. 在股权分置改革完成后,更重要的任务是要对持股主体结构和股权集中度进行优化。

    After the equity division reform , a more vital duty is the optimization on equity - holder structure and equity intensive degree .

  10. 国有股和经理人持股对资本结构的影响&基于中国上市公司的理论研究

    Influence of state-owned and manager-held shares on capital structure & A theoretical research on Chinese listed companies

  11. 最典型的是高度分散股权结构下发挥外部治理机制作用的市场导向型治理模式和具有法人交叉持股的股权结构下发挥控制股东治理作用的网络导向型的治理模式。

    A typical one is market-leading mode of management to play a great part under high dispersing stock right and network leading mode of management under stock right structure that legal persons hold share alternately .

  12. 因此,中国如果必须保持国内力量对主要银行的控股权,则应借鉴招商银行模式,建立国内大型企业法人持股的治理结构。

    Therefore , China should establish a governance with legal person of large domestic enterprise holding shares against the model of China Merchants Bank if the Chinese side must stay in control of leading banks .

  13. 相互持股对公司治理结构的影响及其法律规制

    On the influence of interactive share holding on enterprise management and related laws

  14. 家族持股比例与资本结构成反比,表明家族企业倾向于保持家族控制权,与债权融资正相关,与股权融资负相关。

    It showed that family listed business was inclined to retain control right , and had positive correlation with claim financing and negative correlation with the equity financing .

  15. 由于数据查找方面的困难,本文未对管理层持股区分来源。(3)本文未考虑管理层内部持股结构和和分布,而是将管理层视为利益一致的整体,而这可能存在着问题。

    Does not take into account different source of management shareholding is one of the shortcomings of this article . ( 3 ) This article does not consider internal shareholding structure and distribution , but seems management layer as a consistent whole , it may be a problem .