
chí qiú
  • holding
持球[chí qiú]
  1. 篮球比赛中的持球突破与分球

    The Breakthrough with Holding and Separating ball in Basketball Matches

  2. 关于持球突破技术的探讨

    The Discussion About the Technique of Holding Basketball to Make a Breakthrough

  3. b)这么大块头的人还有这么好的持球能力,太罕见了。

    b ) Nobody ever saw someone that big have such great vision and handle the ball so well .

  4. 持球时,Cue会有一个下蹲动作,然后用与真正的球员相同的动作投篮。

    When handed a ball , Cue squats and then throws the ball using the same movements as a real player .

  5. 如果莱纳德被赋予权力可以灵活的持球进攻,那么很快他就成为荣获MVP最热门的人选。

    If Leonard is empowered to handle the rock and facilitate , it won 't be long until he 's the favorite to win MVP .

  6. 休斯敦有一个MVP大热门詹姆斯-哈登,并在西部位居第三,但是现在球队需要另一个能够持球和投篮的组织者。

    Houston had an MVP frontrunner in Harden and the third seed in the Western Conference , but the franchise identified the need for another creator to handle the ball and shoot .

  7. U-21组足球队采用持球方法完成大强度练习的研究

    Study of Training Method for Completing Great Intensive Exercises with Balls in of Football Team of U 21 Group

  8. 如果用Synergy技术分析他的前一百次投篮,他在进攻中就是标准的摇摆人:随着持球人撕破防线,他能接球就投,也能无球跑动寻求最后一攻。

    If you look at his Synergy play type numbers for his first 100 shots , his role in the offense is that of your basic swingman : as ball handlers break down the defense , he 's either catching and shooting or moving without the ball and looking to finish off the pass .

  9. 针对目前足球训练普遍存在大强度练习与实战需要相脱节的现状,设计大强度持球的练习方法运用于U-21组足球队的大负荷训练课。

    There generally exists the status of disjointing intensive exercises with the needs of actual combat . Based on this situation , the training method for completing intensive exercises with balls was designed in training courses of great loading in the football team of .

  10. 在勇士队的第一次进攻中,考辛斯低位持球,就在斯台普斯中心座无虚席的人群中,受到了人声鼎沸的欢呼,接着篮下的投篮受到快船大个子MarcinGortat的防守,投丢了。

    On the Warriors ' first offensive possession , Cousins got the ball in the post and was cheered by many in the sellout crowd inside Staples Center before missing an up-and-under shot while being defended by Clippers big man Marcin Gortat .

  11. 鲍尔在防守端仍需努力,尤其在防守持球人这方面。

    Defensively , Ball needs work , particularly on the ball .

  12. 托尼阻挡汤姆,让杰克攻入对方端区持球触地得分。

    Tony blocked Tom , allowing Jack to run for the touchdown .

  13. 所有球员必须找到他们持球最舒服的位置。

    All players must find what feels comfortable for them .

  14. 在美式橄榄球中,攻方持球触地得6分。

    In American football , a touchdown scores six points .

  15. 走步持球时不合规则地走动或跑动。

    To walk or run illegally while holding the ball .

  16. 运动员可以持球走吗?

    Can the player take some steps with the ball ?

  17. 提高投篮持球高度的探讨

    How to Raise the Height of Basketball Holding while Shooting

  18. 李奇:持球的人被碰到时,比赛就要暂停。

    Play is stopped when the person with the ball is touched .

  19. 浅谈持球突破时如何运用假动作

    How Use False Operation When Brief Talking Holding Breakthrough

  20. 我不可能持球的。

    It 's impossible for me to hold it .

  21. 优秀男篮大前锋进攻中持球动作结构特征分析

    Study on Characteristics of Basketball Holding Structures in Attacking of Elite Big Forwards

  22. 篮球持球突破技术在比赛中的运用

    The Application of Break in g to Basketball Match

  23. 能够不断地持球过掉他的对手。

    Can beat his man off the dribble consistently .

  24. 篮球专修课持球突破技术教学模式的优化研究大学篮球专项选修课分层递进教学探讨

    Optimised Research of Teaching Pattern of Basketball-holding Breakthrough Skills on Basketball Special Courses

  25. 篮球持球突破技术及运用

    On the Breakthrough Techniques in Basketball and its Application

  26. 皮萨罗是个很优秀的前锋,能够很好的持球并能出色完成任务。

    Claudio is a very good striker , a fine dribbler and finishes well .

  27. 谈防守持球突破的基本方法和教学要求

    Basic Methods in Defending Break-through and Teaching Requirements

  28. 当你扣球时你必须小心不要持球太久。

    When you slam , you should is carful not to hold the ball .

  29. 持球一久,手指就会出力去抓球。

    This goes along with squeezing the ball .

  30. 基本上,一个人持球单打,拯救了球队,上帝啊。

    Literally balled out and saved this team .