
quán tou chǎn pǐn
  • "fist" product;key product;the most competitive products;sure-to-sell goods;the topped products
拳头产品 [quán tou chǎn pǐn]
  • [the most competitive products] 比喻企业特有的、别人难以胜过的看家产品

  • 每个集镇的经济繁荣,有赖于其拳头产品的畅销

拳头产品[quán tou chǎn pǐn]
  1. 榔皮、二层PU是我们的拳头产品,二层反绒的质量在福建是首屈一指,而二层皮的胚革更是无可挑剔。

    Split leather is our key product , including PU-coated and Suede . Especially , the quality of suede is NO.1 in Fujian , and the crust is also on the top .

  2. 着重分析并提出农口国家工程技术研究中心顺利发展的对策与措施:建立良性循环的运行机制,创造适宜的模式,选准突破口,开发形成拳头产品,建设装备条件和强化组织管理。

    The countermeasures and measures of actions for the smooth development of the center mentioned above were deeply analyzed as follows : setting up the good operation mechanism , creating an appropriate operating pattern , choosing the correct point of penetration , developing the key product and strengthening the management .

  3. 会上正式推出2006年度第一个拳头产品:精装小户型A3楼。

    In the ceremony , the first fist product in2006 has been introduced-A3 style building with finely-decorated small apartments .

  4. 在其专利到期前,适利达(一种前列腺素药名)是辉瑞公司(Pfizer)一款价值高达数十亿美元的拳头产品。

    Before its patent expired , Xalatan [ a prostaglandin ] was a product worth a couple of billon dollars to Pfizer .

  5. 诺华公司CEO江慕忠向《财富》杂志(Fortune)建议的方法是,重新思考所谓的“拳头产品”,或者每年至少能给公司带来10亿美元收入的药物。

    One way , Novartis CEO Joseph Jimenez suggested to Fortune , is to re-imagine what is known as a blockbuster , or a drug that earns the company at least $ 1 billion per-year .

  6. 用户甚广的移动约会应用Tinder是该公司的拳头产品,特别受年轻用户的欢迎。

    Tinder , the popular mobile dating app , is that company 's crown jewel , and is especially popular among young audiences .

  7. 并根据市场营销的4P策略,针对广州旅游营销的不足之处,重点探讨产品策略和促销策略,策划了5种旅游拳头产品和6种旅游促销手段。

    According to " 4P " marketing strategies and the weak points in Guangzhou tourism marketing , the author also proposed five knockout tour products and six promotion methods .

  8. 关闭工厂、清理资产和筛选“拳头产品”等工作也都有条不紊地着。“拳头产品”包括Cyber-shot数码相机、Bravia液晶电视,当然还有PS3。

    It is also on track with factory closures , asset disposals and winnowing [ 5 ] its product line-up to focus on " champions " such as Cyber-shot digital cameras , Bravia televisions and , of course , the PS3 .

  9. 请问贵公司在今天的展会上推出了哪些拳头产品?

    Does your company in today 's show which launched competitive products ?

  10. 他是我们组的大拿,本公司的拳头产品就是由他开发的。

    He is the man of our group and developed corporate bread-and-butter products .

  11. 一次性卫生竹筷系列产品是本厂拳头产品之一。

    Chopsticks are disposable sanitary products factory fist products .

  12. 我们公司的拳头产品是高品质的空调。

    This product is also my fist Products unit .

  13. 这是我们厂的拳头产品。

    This is the knock-out product of our factory .

  14. 典型报道一直以来都是电视新闻宣传的拳头产品。

    Typical report has long been the most competitive product in TV propagandistic news .

  15. 岫岩玉雕产品是大连口岸对外出口拳头产品之一。

    Jades Xiu carving products are the port exports of Dalian as the fist products .

  16. 我们有充分的理由认为拳头产品的时代已经终结。

    And there is good reason to think that the era of blockbuster drugs is over .

  17. 传统的寻找拳头产品的策略虽然不能持久,但却能迅速产生利润。

    The old blockbuster-finding strategy hasn 't been sustainable , but it 's been profitable immediately .

  18. 中国的大银鱼主要供出口,是中国渔业创汇的拳头产品。

    Whitebait is mainly produced for exports , which is the main product of creating foreign current .

  19. 开发出口型拳头产品

    Develop export-oriented hit products

  20. 木纹版是我公司的拳头产品,在国内占有领先地位。

    Wood grain printing cylinders is our most competitive product that is occupying a leading position in china .

  21. 商业的基本目标是创造一款拳头产品,这是举世公认的事实。

    It is a truth universally acknowledged that the fundamental goal of business is to create a hit product .

  22. 这些新近研制成功的产品必将成为我们的拳头产品,并将很快正式投产

    The newly-developed products will of course become our knockout products and go into commercial production within a short time

  23. 这款遥控器显然是他们的拳头产品,因为研究显示狗狗真的很爱看电视。

    A remote control was apparently their best bet since research shows that canines are really into watching TV .

  24. 铸精品,以拳头产品的产品份额为基础,提升品质,创出精品;

    Casting choice , To based on leading products of products share , Improving the quality , creating the choice ;

  25. 传统观念认为,“拳头产品”所指的药物能够治疗影响大量人口的疾病。

    The old concept of a blockbuster has generally been one drug to treat one disease that affects a large population .

  26. 中央政府号召各地利用本地优势和特点开发当地的出口型拳头产品。

    The central government called on every region to develop its own export-oriented hit products according to its local advantages and characteristic .

  27. 通常一个企业的存亡并不是由于企业独家拥有某个单一的拳头产品的专利;

    That 's because it usually isn 't individual big-bang product ideas in and of themselves that make or break a company ;

  28. 随着“质量立市,科技兴业”意识的确立,拳头产品不断问世。

    With the " enterprise with science and technology enterprise ," the consciousness of the establishment of high-quality products continue to come out .

  29. 这意味着大型医药公司只有两条路。一是努力保住对拳头产品的专有权。

    This means Big Pharma has a couple of options . For one , they can fight to keep the rights to blockbusters .

  30. 公司生产这类产品所使用的基本配方与其拳头产品完全相同,只是对其进行稍微改动和重新包装,便作为一种新药出售。

    Companies make drugs with the same basic formulas as some of their bestsellers , tweak them slightly , and re-package them as new treatments .