
  • China Merchants Bank;China Merchants Bank Co.;CMB
  1. 招商银行(chinamerchantsbank)夺得最受青睐的信用卡发卡行称号。

    China Merchants Bank is credited as the best credit card issuing bank .

  2. 以及中国第六大银行招商银行(ChinaMerchantsBank)旗下关注财富管理的小企业E家(SmallEntrepreneur)。

    and Small Entrepreneur , a unit of China Merchants Bank , the country 's sixth-largest lender , that focuses on wealth management .

  3. 这些竞争者包括发展迅速的中国私营部门银行招商银行(chinamerchantsbank)和巴西的bradesco。

    These include China Merchants Bank , a rapidly growing private sector bank in China , and Bradesco of Brazil .

  4. 这些在香港市场估值更高的公司,包括另外两家两地上市的银行&中国银行(BoC)和中国招商银行(ChinaMerchantsBank)。

    The companies with higher valuations in Hong Kong include the two other banks with dual listings - Bank of China and China Merchants Bank .

  5. 在招商银行和国内其他大型电子商务站点上,相信很多朋友都已经接触过了数字证书这一新生的Internet上的应用了。

    I believe , many friends have known about " Digital Certificate " that is a new application of Internet on the " China Merchant Bank " website and other large EC websites .

  6. 郑宇说,投资者只需在中国银行(BankofCHina)或招商银行(ChinaMerchantsBank)的澳大利亚分行开个人民币帐户,并在渤海交易所注册一下,就这么简单。

    It will be as simple as opening a yuan account at an Australian branch of the Bank of China or China Merchants Bank and registering with the Bohai exchange , Mr. Zheng , said .

  7. 中国招商银行(chinamerchantbank)希望明确“排他性”的含义;我必须向该行解释,当其它银行赞助某项特定活动时,我们将允许它们展示自己的标识。

    China merchant bank wants clarification on the meaning of " exclusivity " ; I have to explain that other banks will be allowed to display their signs when they sponsor a particular event .

  8. 加文和其他代表账户持有人的律师表示,美国司法部和国税局(internalrevenueservice)已经收到以色列国民银行(bankleumi)和中国招商银行(chinamerchantsbank)的账户信息。

    The US Justice Department and internal revenue service have received information about accounts at bank Leumi in Israel and China Merchants Bank , say Mr Garvin and other lawyers representing account holders .

  9. 据中国媒体报道,除了中国的房地产资产以外,安邦在至少四家银行持有股份,包括中国工商银行(ICBC)和招商银行(ChinaMerchantsBank)。

    Apart from real estate holdings in China , Anbang has stakes in at least four banks , including Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and China Merchants Bank , according to Chinese media reports .

  10. 2012年第二季度,中国招商银行(cmb)的净息差已经降低了近20个基点。

    It already slipped almost 20 basis points at China Merchants bankin the second quarter of 2012 .

  11. 通过对EVA及其相关的概念问题的阐述,结合对招商银行的案例分析,以此来达到解决问题的目的。

    Through the concept of EVA and its related problems described , with case studies of China Merchants Bank , in order to achieve the purpose of solving the problem .

  12. 她管理着诸如LVMH、惠普、蒙牛乳业、招商银行,诺基亚和索尼等大客户。

    Under her charge were major clients such as LVMH , HP , Mengniu Dairies , China Merchants Bank , Nokia and Sony .

  13. 该服务提供给招商银行(cmb)信用卡用户,还允许长达24期的分期付款。

    The service , which is offered to holders of China Merchants Bank credit cards , also allows payment in up to 24 instalments .

  14. 18个月前,这家英国公司赢得了中国招商银行(CMB)的一项合同,将为该行在上海外滩设计一座高200米的总部大楼,目前这个项目已在建设之中。

    Eighteen months ago the UK-based group won the contract to design a 200-metre high headquarters for China Merchants Bank on Shanghai 's Bund , which is under construction .

  15. 中国内地银行处于全球估值最高银行之列。以2007年预期收益计算,它们的市净率从中国银行(BoC)的2.59倍,到招商银行的4.9倍不等。

    Chinese banks are some of the most expensive in the world , with price to book valuations ( based on 2007 estimated earnings ) ranging from Bank of China 's 2.59 times to CMB 's 4.9 times .

  16. 但彭博(Bloomberg)的数据显示,投资者正为新兴市场银行付出越来越高的溢价。在全球市值最大的50家银行中,招商银行的市净率排名第一,为4.3倍。

    But investors are attaching a growing premium to emerging markets banks , led by China Merchants , the most highly rated of the biggest 50 banks by market capitalisation , on a multiple of 4.3 , according to Bloomberg data .

  17. 在银行业中,建设银行于2002年率先在部分分行尝试建立EVA绩效管理体系,兴业银行、工商银行、招商银行等股份制商业银行也不同程度地进行了探索。

    In the banking sector , the Construction Bank in 2002 , took the lead in some branches of trying to establish EVA Performance Management System , Industrial Bank , Industrial and Commercial Bank , China Merchants Bank and other joint-stock commercial banks have also been explored to varying degrees .

  18. 备受尊敬的财经新闻杂志财新(Caixin)报道称,中国第七大银行招商银行(CMB)曾在1月2日短信通知客户,“受保监会新规影响”,将停止销售“安邦共赢3号”。

    Caixin , a respected financial news magazine , reported that China Merchants Bank , the country 's seventh-largest lender , notified clients by text message on January 2 that it would halt sales of Win-Win \# 3 " under the influence of new regulations from the CIRC . "

  19. 当前形势下招商银行的国际化战略分析

    A Study on the Current Internationalization Strategy of China Merchants Bank

  20. 对招商银行的投资价值进行了总结。

    On the investment value of China Merchants Bank are summarized .

  21. 在此分析基础上,对招商银行的信用卡营销战略做出了具体规划。

    Based on these analyses , it provides a concrete marketing planning .

  22. 招商银行的财务分析与绩效评估

    The Financial Analysis and Performance Evaluation of China Merchants Bank

  23. 这标志着招商银行衡阳分行有了第一家分支机构。

    This marks the first investment bank with branches in Hengyang Branch .

  24. 昨日,招商银行衡阳蒸阳路支行盛装开业。

    Yesterday , the Merchants Bank branch Hengyang Rd dress steamed open .

  25. 金融企业的品牌传播策略研究&以招商银行为例

    Financial enterprise 's brand broadcasting strategy research & take Merchant Bank as example

  26. 招商银行企业文化体系研究

    The Corporate Culture System Study of China Merchants Bank

  27. 招商银行信用卡业务市场分析和发展方案研究

    Market Analysis and Development Research of China Merchants Bank 's Credit Card Business

  28. 招商银行济南分行综合业务数据查询系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Jinan Branch of China Merchants Bank Data Query System

  29. 招商银行股份有限公司投资价值分析

    The Analysis on Investment Value for China Merchants Bank

  30. 第五章,招商银行估值分析。

    Chapter V , China Merchants Bank valuation analysis .