
  • 网络Photographer;Aaron
  1. •谷歌(Google)正在开发一款具有人脸识别功能的移动应用程序,以帮助用户获得被拍摄者的谷歌个人主页(GoogleProfile)联系信息。

    • Google is developing a mobile app with facial recognition technology that pulls up the Google profile contact info for people snapped in photos .

  2. 这说明拍摄者(thedeliveryman)那时正在往西看,但地球是由西向东转的,因此他刚好处在地球上朝向暗黑孪星(以下简称孪星)接近的那一面上。

    So the delivery man was looking west , though the Earth was not such that he was on the side of the Earth from which the Dark Twin is approaching .

  3. 拍摄者是飞机的尾炮手、土生土长的布鲁克林人鲍勃·卡隆(BobCaron)。

    The photographer was the plane 's tail gunner , Bob Caron , a native of Brooklyn .

  4. DV(digitalvideo)作为高科技时代数字化影像记录工具,其低成本和轻巧灵便的特点缩短了拍摄者和拍摄对象之间的距离,赋予更多人影像制作的权利。

    DV ( Digital Video ) being an instrument to record the digital images in the times of high technology ; its characteristics of low cost ; legerity and convenience shorten the distance between the photographer and his object ;

  5. 拍摄者FrancoBanfi冒着巨大的生命危险,勇敢的顶着零度以下的温度潜入厚厚的冰层里,捕捉到了瑞士萨索罗湖里的这些非同寻常的照片。

    Photographer Franco Banfi braved sub-zero temperatures to dive under thick ice and capture these remarkable pictures at Sassolo Lake , Switzerland , at considerable risk to his life .

  6. 现在Shutterstock有7万名专业及业余摄影师提供图片,订阅费也涨到250美元,约30%的收入归照片拍摄者所有。

    Now the images are provided by 70,000 professional and amateur photographers , and the subscriptions have gone up to $ 250 , with about 30 per cent of revenues going back to the people taking the photos .

  7. 专业的摄影记者受到其他拍摄者和各种影像记录装置的挑战;媒体专职图片编辑的传统地位受到挑战;

    Photojournalists and professional picture-editors are facing challenges from other photographers .

  8. 或者我该找这片子的拍摄者?

    Or should I call the man who filmed this ?

  9. 根据拍摄者眼睛的图像确定其瞳孔在眼睛中的位置。

    Deciding the positions of pupils by processing the eyes ' images taken .

  10. 每一个被拍摄者都会感到惊讶,他们是如何会变成照片中的这个样子。

    Everyone is surprised by how he or she actually looks in photographs .

  11. 照片的拍摄者、业馀摄影师比尔麦金托什简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。

    They were snapped by amateur photographer Bill Mcintosh , who couldn 't believe his eyes .

  12. 这个捕捉是真实的,尽管拍摄者现在声称他认为这些是镜头光晕。

    The captures are genuine , despite the poster now claiming he thinks they are lens flares .

  13. 他呈现了在公权力面前,拍摄者应该有什么样的位置。

    He emerged to show public authorities just what kind of status those doing filming should have .

  14. 摩根和录像拍摄者允许路透社使用片中的部分内容。

    Morgan and the person who shot the film gave Reuters permission to use it in shortened form .

  15. 戴眼镜的被拍摄者应保持正确的头部位置,这对于避免眼睛拍摄时产生不必要的反光非常重要。

    For those individuals that wear glasses , proper head orientation is crucial in avoiding unwanted glare from glasses .

  16. 传统的摄影和数码摄影一样都是一种拍摄者对客观世界的主观选择。

    Traditional photography and digital photography are both means a photographer can subjectively choose to face an objective world .

  17. 这张照片的拍摄者是23岁的亨得利·古纳万·施娅,QZ8501航班悲剧的乘客之一。

    This photo was taken by 23-year-old Hendra Gunawan Syawal , a passenger on the doomed AirAsia flight QZ8501 .

  18. 照明布置图–被拍摄者照明的布置图包含至少三个平衡照明点;

    LIGHTING ARRANGEMENT – the lighting arrangement for subject illumination which should consist of a minimum of3 point balanced illumination ;

  19. 在镜头视角里加入拍摄者的情感和理解是提升摄影层次的必由之路。

    The next step in learning photography is to add some interpretation to what is seen through the camera lens .

  20. 布鲁内尔先生对英国《每日邮报》表示:我是在我认识的长得很像的人中找到我的第一组拍摄者。

    Mr Brunelle told MailOnline : ' I found my first subjects simply through people I knew who looked alike .

  21. 照片的拍摄者是来自澳大利亚39岁的马特-威尔金森,照片是在他位于阿德雷德市的家中花园里拍的。

    The images were taken by Matt Wilkinson , 39 , in the garden of his home in Adelaide , Australia .

  22. 面部特征–被拍摄者面部或部分的妆容或相貌,包括疤痕,纹身等。

    FACIAL FEATURES – the makeup or appearance of a subject 's face or its parts , including scars , tattoos , etc.

  23. 但它是真实的,被不同的几个拍摄者从不同的角度拍到,而且被即使不是上百,也是好几十的人目击到。

    But it was real , captured from several different angles by several different photographers and witnessed by dozens if not hundreds .

  24. 针对从图像中提取成像主体比较困难的情况,提出了跟踪拍摄者瞳孔来选择对焦窗口的方法。

    Tracking pupils of photographers to select focus windows is proposed for images where it 's difficult to extract . imaging objects .

  25. 不仅如此他还带动了更多的年轻人,甚至原来的被拍摄者参与到纪录片的拍摄之中。

    Not only that he also led to more and more young people , even the original is involved in the documentary film .

  26. 还有一个小的橙色灯,可以让你在低光源下对焦物体,同时还可以提醒拍摄者即将拍照成像了。

    Yeah , the one that alerts your subject of an imminent candid shot , that 's , well , not so candid anymore .

  27. 随后,麦当劳将把视频公布到网上,请消费者选出他们的最爱,并向最佳视频的拍摄者奖励2500美元。

    McDonald 's will post the videos online and let consumers vote for their favorite , awarding the maker of the top-rated pick $ 2,500 .

  28. 摄影师说,这些照片可以让他研究被拍摄者之间的亲密关系,以及他们是如何看待彼此之间惊人相似的面容。

    According to the photographer , the portraits allow him to explore the intimate relationship between subjects and how they approach their remarkably similar appearances .

  29. 私纪录片的伦理道德问题,将涉及拍摄者的权力观念、拍摄对象的隐私权、创作的迷失等,这些将是本文讨论的重点。

    This paper focus on ethical issues , which includes the power of photographer , the privacy of subject , lost of procession and so on .

  30. 通过拍摄者谁放置广告,对广告并列本身的形象,贾尔斯深入探讨了大都市最里面的机制。

    Through photographing those who place the advertisements , and juxtaposing the image against the advertisement itself , Giles delves into the innermost mechanisms of the metropolis .