
  1. 那是一辆法拉利250GTOBerlinetta,制造于1962年至1963年,在加利福尼亚州的拍卖成交价为3810万美元。

    A Ferrari 250 GTO Berlinetta , made between 1962-63 , sold for $ 38.1 million in California .

  2. 这款名车的拍卖成交价打破了此前的历史记录。

    The hammer price of the car broke the previous record .

  3. 毕竟,看看如今像火箭般窜升的拍卖成交价,哪个中国的当代艺术家能让你用不到一餐美食的价格买下?

    After all , given the current skyrocketing auction results , which contemporary Chinese artist 's work can you presently collect for less than the cost of good meal ?

  4. 分析人士说,低于预期的土地拍卖成交价部分是因为政府的措施奏效了,还因为即将进行更有吸引力的地块的拍卖。

    Analysts said the lower-than-expected winning bid in the land auction was partly due to the effectiveness of the government 's measures , but also due to forthcoming sales of more-attractive sites .

  5. 《艺术品市场报告》(artmarketreport)的数据显示,去年,以拍卖会上成交价最高的100位艺术家的所得衡量,艺术品市场的名义价值超过了1990年创下的前一高位。

    Last year , the art market - as measured by proceeds for the top 100 artists sold at auction - in nominal terms surpassed the previous high set in 1990 , according to data from art market report .

  6. 在1996年JFK俱乐部拍卖现场,成交价要高于25万美元。

    In an actual auction in 1996 JFK 's clubs went for more than a quarter of a million .

  7. 贫民窟住房在拍卖会上成交价仅为一美元

    Tenements sell at auction for as a little as a dollar .

  8. 饲主把装有弗瑞斯基骨灰的黄铜名牌木制骨灰盒拿出来拍卖,结果成交价是最初估计的四倍多。

    His ashes , sealed in a wooden box with a brass plaque , were put up for auction by the cat 's owner and sold for more than four times the initial estimate .

  9. 昨日拍卖结束,最后成交价为40688美元,全部捐给一家动物保护组织。

    The auction ended yesterday and helped raise $ 40,688 for the Gentle Barn , an animal rescue organization in Santa Clarita , Calif. , which was chosen by DeGeneres .

  10. 这条裙子将在12月10日在南伦敦波门德斯的KerryTaylor拍卖会进行拍卖,最后的成交价很可能会在6万英镑到10万英镑之间。

    The dress is now due to be auctioned by Kerry Taylor Auctions in Bermondsey , south London , on 10 December , with the final sale likely to reach between £ 60000 to £ 100000 .

  11. 拍卖会首场拍卖成交额成为史上最低,只有29件拍卖品的成交价有望达到350万美元,而乐观估计第二场拍卖会成交额也不会超过200万美元。

    Its Part I sale is the smallest ever , with just 29 lots expecting up to $ 3.5m , while the high estimate for Part II falls just short of $ 2m .

  12. 在拍卖上秘密代表卖方的个体,他们标价以激起购买兴趣,最终托高拍卖成交价。

    An individual who secretly represents a seller at an auction , and who places bids to generate interest in and drive up the final price of the item being auctioned .

  13. 佛洛伊德的这幅肖像画只是「战后及当代艺术」类拍卖品之一,包括弗兰西斯.培根与安迪.沃荷的作品在内,拍卖总成交价逼近新台币四十九亿元。

    The Freud was part of a sale of post-war and contemporary art which included works by Francis Bacon and Andy Warhol and had a total value of almost NT $ 4.9 billion .

  14. 采用独立私有价值模型,对分阶段拍卖是否带来更高期望回报作了理论推导后发现,两阶段拍卖可以提升拍卖最终成交价。

    This paper attempt to prove whether auction by stages can bring higher return using Symmetric independent private value model and finally approved this result .