
  1. 按揭在抵押担保标的向政府主管机关办理登记手续后方生效;

    The mortgage becomes effective after the charge security target is gone through the registration form by the subjective government institutions ;

  2. 楼花按揭,是以在建甚至是未建的预售商品房作为担保标的取得银行贷款的一种新的融资担保方式。

    Mortgage on future estate is a new type of financing guarantee to obtain bank loans by taking unfinished houses for sale as guarantee objects .

  3. 经本公司审核同意,权证发行人可将履约担保标的证券或现金委托本公司保管。

    Upon the consent of the company , the warrant-issuer may entrust the company to keep the subject-matter securities or cashes which are adopted for guaranteeing the performance .

  4. 如权证发行人同时委托我公司保管履约担保标的证券的,行权专用证券账户同时用于履约担保标的证券的保管。

    In case the warrant-issuer entrusts our company to deposit the subject-matter Securities for performance guarantee , the exclusive exercise securities account shall be appliedy to the depository of subject-matter Securities for the guaranteed performance .

  5. 因此,应将权利担保按照标的权利载体的不同进行划分,并在此基础上进行重新构建。

    Therefore , security of right should be divided according to different carriers of rights as objects . And it should be reconstructed on this base .

  6. 第四章在对权利担保按照标的载体之不同进行划分,在此基础上,对权利担保的设定、实行和消灭进行了分析。

    Chapter Four divides security of rights according to different carriers of the right as object . And also analyzes the enactment , implementation and elimination of security of right .

  7. 中人作为民事契约的参与人,承担了见证、债务连带担保、标的物价格评定等契约辅助职能。

    And the impartial person , as the involving party of the civil contract , carries the witness , guarantee , and assessment of the price and other assisting functions of the contract .

  8. 当今大陆法系各国将权利担保按照标的权利的不同划分为权利质权和权利抵押权,此种划分方式在理论和实践中都带来了一定的混乱。

    In continental law system , security of right is divided into pledge of right and mortgage of right according to different rights as object . This kind of division brings chaos into theory and practice .

  9. 权证存续期间,用于履约担保的标的证券或者现金出现权利瑕疵的,乙方应当及时披露,并采取措施使履约担保重新符合规定。

    In case the subject-matter securities or cashes adopted for guaranteeing the performance suffer deficient rights in the duration of the warrants , Party B shall make a timely disclosure and take measures so as to make the guaranteed performance meet the regulations once again .

  10. 动产让与担保制度由于其标的物的特殊性及法律内涵的特殊性,常与动产抵押及所有权保留制度混淆。

    Owing to the particularity of object , guarantee for chattel transfer often be confused with chattel mortgage and ownership reservation system .

  11. 凭样品买卖的特点,是加强出卖人的责任,视为出卖人担保交付的买卖标的物与货样有同一品质。

    By the characteristic of sample buying and selling , it is to strengthen the duty that sells a person , regard as betray a person to assure the content of the business bid of consign and sample goods have same quality .

  12. 本文的第一章对权利担保作了定义,确定了权利担保之标的物的范围是所有权以外的其他可让与的财产权利,并论述了权利担保之物权性质。

    Chapter One defines what security of right is , the object of which is the property rights other than ownership , and also discusses the character of it .

  13. 质量担保义务是指卖方应担保其交付的标的物的质量符合合同约定或法律规定,违反这种担保义务将承担相应的违约责任。

    Warranty obligations of quality mean that the seller should guarantee that the goods which he supplies conform to any provision of the contract or statutory , otherwise the seller will bear the liability for breach of contract .

  14. 定金担保是一种特殊的物的担保,其标的不应仅限于金钱。

    Earnest money is a special warranty for things , whose subject matter should not be merely confined to money .

  15. 我国在1995年的《担保法》中就已经确立了动产可以成为抵押担保的标的物。

    In 1995 , our country enacted the Guaranty Law which establishes that the chattel mortgage guarantee can become the subject matter .

  16. 意思自治原则在担保物权规范中主要体现在担保物权的设立、实现、担保标的的范围及对担保物权的处分等方面。

    The principle of autonomy in the real rights for security mainly has been reflected in its implementation , the scope of the subject , measures .

  17. 让与担保是大陆法系国家经判例学说发展起来的一种非典型担保制度,它是通过预先转移担保标的物的所有权来实现对债权的担保。

    Guarantee for transfer is a kind of non-representative surety system which developed from precedent and law theory in civil law system countries . Creditor ' rights can be assured by transferring the droit of the guaranty beforehand .