
  • 网络Resist cancer;Stand up to cancer
  1. 通过抑制血管的生长、诱导癌细胞凋亡、影响细胞间隙连接通讯、抑制蛋白质和核酸的生物合成、降低DNA加合物的形成、增强机体免疫力和抗氧化能力以抵抗癌症的发生。

    CLA can resist cancer by restraining the growth of blood vessel , inducing apoptosis of carcinoma cell , affecting the gap junctional intercellular communication ( GJIC ), depressing the synthesization of protein and nucleic acid , inhibiting the formation of DNA adduct and enhancing immunity and antioxidant ability .

  2. ServanSchreiber表示,自从出版了抵抗癌症的书籍之后,他不断接到公众电话,询问使用手机是否有安全隐患。

    Servan Schreiber says after he published the book Anti-Cancer , he was contacted regularly by members of the public confused over the health implications of using mobile phones .

  3. 专家还说,像蒜,迷迭香,藏红花粉,沉金粉这样的香料含有抵抗癌症的物质。

    The experts also said antioxidants like garlic , rosemary , saffron and turmeric have qualities that could fight cancer .

  4. 我认为父母最关心的是选择能抵抗癌症和心脏病的基因。

    And I think the most important thing parents are going to want to select are those genes that protect against cancer or heart disease .

  5. 现代研究发现其具有抵抗癌症、预防癌症、高血脂的预防治疗、胆固醇的清除、延缓衰老等功效。

    Modern research found that it could be used of guards against the cancer , the prevention treats the high blood fats , the elimination cholesterol , anti-aging .

  6. 研究人员发现,选择性杀死一到两种免疫应答细胞不会对小鼠抵抗癌症产生不良影响。

    The researchers discovered that selectively killing off one or two of the responding cell types didn 't affect how well a cancer-resistant mouse fended off the disease .

  7. 一些文献甚至说,骨骼肌肉组织可以抵抗癌症,而且,不仅是癌症,还有癌症向骨骼肌的转移。

    Some articles even went as far as to say that skeletal muscle tissue is resistant to cancer , and furthermore , not only to cancer , but of metastases going to skeletal muscle .

  8. 该技术同样可以帮助鉴别对标准疗法产生抵抗的癌症病人。

    This technology could also help identify patients with cancers that are resistant to standard treatments .

  9. 而且,这种生产药物的方法或许还能成为一把钥匙,打开蕴藏着可抵抗感染和癌症的天然化合物大宝藏——要知道,在此之前,由于能产生这些化合物的微生物不能在实验室中生长,科学家们对它们一直只能望而兴叹。

    And the method developed to produce the drug has the potential to unlock a trove of natural compounds to fight infections and cancer - molecules that were previously beyond scientists " reach because the microbes that produce them could not be grown in the laboratory .

  10. 基因改造小鼠的无效能量消耗使其寿命延长,且对一些年龄相关性病有抵抗作用,包括癌症、动脉硬化及肥胖。

    Mice genetically engineered to burn energy less efficiently live longer and are resistant to several age-related diseases , including cancer , hardening of the arteries , and obesity .

  11. 二甲双胍和格列酮类疗法可降低胰岛素抵抗作用,而胰岛素抵抗作用可能与癌症风险的增加有关联。

    Treatments such as metformin and glitazones reduce insulin resistance , with insulin resistance possibly associated with increased risk of cancer ( 9 ) .