
dǐ miǎn
  • creditable
  • credit
  • offset
  1. 美国税收抵免的金额限制

    Dollar limit on the amount creditable

  2. 目前奥巴马政府考虑对来年增募新人的企业施行税收抵免(taxcredit),正是出于这个原因。

    This is why the Obama administration is considering a tax credit for employers adding new jobs next year .

  3. 政府一直在搞税额抵免、加速折旧及其他一些经济上的花招。

    The government has been offering tax credits , accelerated depreciation , and other economic hanky-panky .

  4. 其它数据显示,尽管投入数十亿美元用于税收抵免,但工党(labour)仍很难控制不断加剧的不平等。

    Other figures show that despite the billions that have gone into tax credits , labour has struggled to hold down rising inequality .

  5. 根据美国国会预算办公室(congressionalbudgetoffice)的数据,2009年,生物燃料的税收抵免政策,让美国总共减少了60亿美元税收。

    Biofuel tax credits , overall , reduced US excise tax revenue by $ 6bn in 2009 , according to the Congressional Budget Office .

  6. 那些“窃取”未来需求的税收政策例如美国的“旧车换现金”计划、面向购房者的税收抵免(taxcredit)、或是对环保电器的补贴政策效应将逐渐消退。

    The effects of tax policies that steal demand from the future such as the US " cash for clunkers " scheme , tax credits for home buyers or cash for green appliances will fizzle out .

  7. 英国的巴克莱(Barclays)在相关复杂跨境交易中充当了主要推手。按照美国国税局的说法,这些交易旨在产生虚假的外国税收抵免。

    Barclays of the UK emerges as a pivotal promoter of the complex cross-border deals , which the IRS claims were designed to generate artificial foreign tax credits .

  8. 对于RD投入,本文在安沃沙赫的理论研究的基础上,分析了税收抵免、减低公司所得税率、RD金额列支三种税收优惠方式在我国的实施情况。

    Then , the paper analyzes three kinds of tax preference and their usage in our country , such as tax credit for R D investment , decrease on enterprises income tax rate , and cost confirm of R D investment .

  9. 和大多数税收抵免不同,eitc是可退回的。

    Unlike most tax credits , the EITC is refundable .

  10. 更有效的做法是,由政府对公司提供激励,使CEO薪酬合理化,比如税收抵免,以CEO与员工的薪酬比为基础确定税收抵免额。

    A more effective idea would be for the government to offer companies an incentive to rationalize CEO compensation , such as a tax credit , and to base that tax credit on the ceo-employee pay ratio .

  11. 不过,中国政府最终可能需要借助于某种形式的直接收入补充,或许是通过某种与美国的“劳动所得税抵免”(earned-incometaxcredit)类似的计划来实现。

    However , it seems likely that the Chinese government will ultimately need to resort to direct income supplementation in some form - perhaps through a program similar to the earned-income tax credit in the United States .

  12. 我们为安装了E85节能汽油泵的加油站争取到了税收抵免。

    We provided tax credits to gas stations for installing E85 fuel pumps .

  13. 当公司购入特定的实物资本资产时,可在其应纳税额中扣除投资税收抵免(ITCs)。

    Investment tax credits ( ITCs ) are deducted from the firm 's tax bill when particular physical capital assets are purchased .

  14. 在联邦一级,投资税收抵免(ITC)和财政部的现金补助继续发挥重要的作用,刺激了光伏产业的投资。

    At the federal level , the Investment Tax Credit ( ITC ) and the Treasury Cash Grants continue to play an important role in stimulating investments in the PV industry .

  15. 在上面这个示例中,薪酬比越低(或CEO与普通员工薪酬差距越小),税收抵免额越高,进而鼓励公司在制定CEO薪酬与初级员工工资时会更加谨慎。

    In this example , the lower the pay ratio ( or the narrower the gap between the pay of the CEO and average workers ) , the bigger the tax credit , motivating businesses to be more thoughtful in setting compensation for CEOs as well as junior employees .

  16. 硕士生抵免学费奖学金政策执行状况研究

    The Study of the Implementation of Scholarship Policy for Graduate Students

  17. 这是由于购房者的税收抵免结束。

    That followed the end of a homebuyer 's tax credit .

  18. 国产设备投资抵免企业所得税的几个问题

    Some Problems on Compensation for Enterprise Income Tax with Domestic Equipment Investment

  19. 了解更多关于新的购房者税收抵免。

    Learn more about the new home buyer tax credit .

  20. 第四章对美国国内法所规定的外国税收抵免的限额作了讨论。

    The fourth chapter discusses limitations on FTC in U.S. internal law .

  21. 外国税收抵免是为避免纳税人双重纳税而设计的。

    Foreign tax credits are intended to prevent taxpayers paying tax twice .

  22. 我希望将为研究和实验提供的税收抵免永久性固定下来。

    I want to make the research and experimentation tax credit permanent .

  23. 第4章是税收饶让抵免法律制度研究。

    Chapter 4 is a study on international tax sparing credit legal system .

  24. 然而,败府已大力提高了家庭补助和抵免税额。

    Nonetheless , the government has energetically raised family benefits and tax credits .

  25. 国产设备投资抵免税收政策的探讨

    Approach on Policy of Home Equipment Invest Tax Credit

  26. 浅析国际税收的饶让抵免

    Brief Discussion on Tax Sparing Credit of International Tax

  27. 投资抵免政策在空分项目中的应用分析

    Analysis of the application of investment tax compensation policy in air separation projects

  28. 我国税收饶让抵免政策分析

    Analysis about Tax Sparing Credit Policy in our Country

  29. 美国出口企业享受的这一抵免优惠,已遭到欧洲的反对。

    Exporters ' use of that credit is already drawing objections in Europe .

  30. 税款抵免可以帮助他们支付。

    Those tax credits to help pay for it .