
bào ēn
  • pay a debt of gratitude;requite favours
报恩 [bào ēn]
  • [pay a debt of gratitude] 报答所受到的恩惠

报恩[bào ēn]
  1. 除了知恩不报之外,最痛苦并难以承受的一件事就是报恩。

    Next to ingratitude , the most painful thing to bear is gratitude .

  2. 将来的某一天,她会有只报恩的小狗。

    One day she will have a dog that will return the favors .

  3. 不管我怎么感谢你,都不足以报恩于万一。

    I shall never be able to stress too much for your kindness .

  4. 你兄弟就是这样向我报恩的。

    That 's how your brother thanked me .

  5. 因为我要报恩,要尽最大的努力回报社会!

    Because I want to gratitude , we must do our best to repay the society !

  6. 感恩能使我们成长,报恩能助我们成就。

    Gratitude can make us grow , and the resolve to return favors can help us succeed .

  7. 女性报恩母题在当代言情小说中复现频繁且内容丰富,其中女性对恩人尤其是男性恩人以身相报的回报方式最为典型。

    The motif of women 's repaying an obligation is frequently found in contemporary love novels with rich content .

  8. 如今的中国学生知恩、感恩、报恩的意识日趋退化,甚至完全丧失。

    But now the consciousness of gratitude and reward of Chinese students is gradually degenerating , even totally disappears .

  9. 知恩/报恩是民众理想婚姻达成方式,也是其两性伦理意识的核心范畴。

    " Benefaction / reciprocation " is the ideal marriage rule and the core of ethical consciousness about bisexuality .

  10. 你的意思是说,你是否必须为两千万美元的贷款做些什么来报恩吗?

    You mean , do you have to do any favors in return for a loan of twenty million dollars ?

  11. 对别人的爱体现为同情心和报恩心;对自己的爱则包括求生欲和自尊心。

    The love towards others includes sympathy and gratitude while the love towards oneself includes desire for life and self-esteem .

  12. 我想感激自己,因为惟有懂得报恩的人生,才是有价值有意义的人生。

    I want to appreciate his kindness , because only know the life , is worth a life of meaning .

  13. 这是&父亲就过一次无花果树的命,现在换树来报恩了。

    Just as the father once saved the life of the fig tree , now it can repay the favour .

  14. 感受他人恩惠和欲求报恩是一个人道德行为发生的重要情感基础。

    Experiencing benevolence from others and seeking ways to return the kindness are important emotional bases for one 's moral conducts .

  15. 在民间传说中,玉兰寓意“报恩”,这源自“玉兰”三姐妹拯救黎民、被变为玉兰树的民间传说。

    In folklore , mangnoliaflowers meaning " gratitude ", which come from three sisters saving the common people , made intomangnolia .

  16. 一则,它象征了忠诚、善良、报恩,是人类的朋友;

    On the one hand , a dog , a friend of human being , symbolizes loyalty , kindness and gratitude .

  17. 那只鹿不知何故,知道了那棵树将会倒下砸向她,所以就回来报恩了。

    The deer somehow knew the tree was going to fall and crush her , so it came back to show its gratitude .

  18. 用感恩的心、报恩的心,来做服务的工作,便不会感到倦怠与疲累。

    Offer your service with a heart of gratitude , as if repaying a kindness , then you won 't feel weary or tired .

  19. 而为了报恩不必受封建礼教对男女交往的束缚,礼法规范被恩报义务所取代。

    And repaying an obligation that needs not restricted by the feudal ethics of male-female friendships , the norms of etiquette and law was replaced by obligations .

  20. 一些关于爱情和恩仇的电影、歌曲教人有恩报恩、有仇报仇和针锋相对。

    The films and songs about love and revenge and friendship teach young people to give kiadness for kindness , hatred for hatred and tit for tat .

  21. 人生最痛苦的事莫过于想要去报恩,想要去回报却没有地方!

    The most painful matter of the human life is nothing is better than in want to requite favors , want to repay to however have no a place !

  22. 通过对先秦报恩理念与行为的研究,我们可以从中窥见先秦社会的人际交往和处事原则。

    Through the research on the concepts and behaviors of repaying a kindness in the pre-Qin , we can see the interpersonal communication and the principle of doing things .

  23. 报恩型作品展示了传统伦理道德中值得永远珍视的一些道德规范,同时也有着直接为封建统治秩序服务的消极因素;

    The work mirrored the ethics which we would cherish forever , but also it had the negative influence to people because they gave service to the federacy rule order ;

  24. 是,是的,我现在相信你的确说的不错,你真的救了我的命,但你放心,我很快就会向你报恩的。

    Yes , yes ; and now I believe you are right , and that you have really saved my life ; be assured I will return the favor hereafter .

  25. 汉文帝的这种报恩思想也赋予了他因循守旧和固守刘邦政治原则的形象,形成了他人格上的二重性。

    Wen Emperor 's such thought of paying a debt of gratitude made him a image of conservatively sticking to Liu Bang 's political principles , thus he showed his dual personality .

  26. 同时,从佛教万物因缘而起的角度来讲,佛教的报恩思想是无差别的,这与儒家的孝有差等相区别。

    At the same time , from the standpoint of Buddhism all sicknesses that arise from Buddhist thought of gratitude is undifferentiated , which differentiate them from poor and filial piety of Confucianism .

  27. 这类侠义人以疗病医伤救助动物,又幸运地蒙侠义兽报恩的故事,可能受到西域传来象求医报恩的佛经故事启发。

    Such a story of people curing an animal of its disease and being rewarded with much retribution from the animal may derive from the Buddhistic story of an elephant repaying an obligation in India .

  28. 可是,当受人之恩不报时,我们除了谴责受恩人缺乏感恩报恩思想之外,是不是也应该把视角转向思考为什么会出现这样的现象上呢?

    However , when the subject of the TU no time , we owe only condemned the lack of Thanksgiving episode , we should not shift perspective on why is there such a phenomenon on ?

  29. 以德报德,并非报之以一时的财物和便利,而是互勉互励,双方德业自然日日增上,自然后福无穷,所以说报恩长。

    The repayment of kindness with kindness does not refer to a one-time gift or favor ; rather it involves mutual exhortation so that both parties grow in virtue and reap boundless blessings in the future .

  30. “谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”,报恩父母、回报家乡、报效祖国,参与春晖行动的关键在于行动!行动!还是行动!

    As the famous verse says ," Such kindness of warm sun cannot be repaid by grass ", the key to return parents'love , repay hometowns and serve the country is action , action and action !