
kàng rì zhàn zhēng
  • the War of Resistance Against Japan;Counter-Japanese War
抗日战争[kàng rì zhàn zhēng]
  1. 抗日战争中,正规战争是主要的,游击战争是辅助的。

    In the War of Resistance Against Japan , regular warfare is primary and guerrilla warfare supplementary .

  2. 但在抗日战争期间,根据敌情的变化,这种带游击性的运动战又基本上转变为游击战争。

    But in the War of Resistance Against Japan , with a different enemy and in different circumstances , there was a shift back to guerrilla warfare .

  3. 为了纪念七十年前中国抗日战争的胜利,9月3日将是国家法定假日。

    There 's going to be a national holiday on September 3 in memory of China 's victory in Anti-Japanese War seventy years ago .

  4. 中国经济的不统一、不平衡,对于抗日战争反为有利。

    The heterogeneity and uneven development of China 's economy are rather advantageous in the war of resistance .

  5. 结合当今流行的Intranet的发展,通过实例:基于Intranet的中国人民抗日战争纪念馆MIS系统的设计,介绍了新一代MIS系统的系统结构与体系结构的特点。

    In light of the current development of Intranet nowadays , this paper introduces the characteristics of the system structure and architecture of the new generation of MIS , through the example of the MIS design scheme of the Museum of the War of Chinese People 's Resistance against Japan .

  6. 抗日战争时期的教育救助问题研究

    A Study on Educational Salvage in the War Against Japan Period

  7. 探讨抗日战争时期陕西近代纺织工业发展的进程及其特点。

    The development and features of Shannxi textile industry are discussed .

  8. 抗日战争时期的兵险业

    War Insurance in the Period of the Anti - Japanese War

  9. 抗日战争时期重庆邮政发展初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Chongqing 's Post during the Anti-Japanese War

  10. 四川人民与抗日战争的胜利

    The people of Sichuan and the victory of the Anti-Japanese War

  11. 抗日战争以我们的最后胜利而告终。

    The anti-Japanese war ended for us in an ultimate victory .

  12. 论抗日战争胜利的决定性力量

    On the decisive force of the victory of the anti-Japanese war

  13. 略论抗日战争的精神文化遗产

    Talk about the Spiritual Inheritance of the Anti-Japanese War Culture Slightly

  14. 抗日战争时期的科技政策与社会发展

    Science and Technology Policy and Social development in Anti-Japanese War period

  15. 抗日战争时期江南地区的国共关系

    The KMT-CPC Relation in the Jiangnan Area in Anti-Japanese War

  16. 日本国防教育的方法和路径分析&纪念中华民族抗日战争胜利六十周年

    The Methods and Ways of Japanese Contemporary National Defence Education

  17. 抗日战争与中国近代国防经济理论研究

    The war of resistance against Japan and modern defense economic theoretic researches

  18. 全国民众奋起之日,就是抗日战争胜利之时。

    Victory will be ours when the entire people arises against Japan .

  19. 抗日战争为什么是持久战?

    Why is the war of resistance against Japan a protracted war ?

  20. 抗日战争的各级指挥员,对此应当加以注意。

    Commanders at all levels in the anti-Japanese war should take note .

  21. 民国时期美育思想与明治后期以及大正时期学校音乐教育;中国抗日战争时期与日本明治后期国粹主义学校音乐教育;

    The period of China resist Japan and Japan Nazism Music education ;

  22. 因此,这次抗日战争是一定要胜利的,非胜利不可。

    Hence the anti-Japanese war must and certainly will triumph .

  23. 从抗日战争时期的学术个案看全民族的思想启蒙

    Nationwide Enlightenment : A Study of Academic Cases during the Anti-Japanese War

  24. 论抗日战争对中国社会发展的重大影响

    The Great Influence of Anti-Japanese War on the Development of Chinese Society

  25. 一部开创性的云南抗日战争史研究著作&《云南抗日战争史》评介

    An Initiative Masterpiece in the Studies of the Anti-Japanese War History of Yunnan

  26. 第三个阶段,就是现在的抗日战争阶段。

    The third stage is the present stage , the War of Resistance .

  27. 白求恩以在抗日战争中帮助中国人民而闻名。

    Norman Bethune is well-known for helping Chinese people in the Anti-Japanese War .

  28. 菲律宾华侨对抗日战争的贡献

    The Activities of the Overseas Chinese in the Philippines Against the Japanese Imperialism

  29. 试论苏联在中国抗日战争时期政策的演变

    On the USSR China policy during Anti Japanese War

  30. 抗日战争时期党的知识分子政策和实践

    On the Party Policy for Intellectuals and Its Practice During the Anti-Japanese War