- letter of commitment

Provide the letter of commitment signed by owner for joining in distribution in China market and having the ability of production and supply .
And in line with a European Commission demand , he insists that both party leaders should sign a letter of commitment to the new bail-out terms .
He had them sign pledge cards agreeing to take the money .
Undertaking on the Use of Electoral Records
At present , sign an undertaking of the number of enterprises also continued to increase .
A Commitment on Self-disciplinary Administration of Securities Account ( See the Attachment for the format ) .
I feel very honored to represent Lujiazui sub-district to announce the commitment to establish a safe community .
The lecturer didn 't force anyone to sign . However , many students still disliked being faced with such a promise .
This form is an undertaking given by the visa applicant who wishes to work in Hong Kong as a domestic helper from abroad .
Please complete and sign this declaration certifying all the requirements are met as they apply to each product , part or component supplied to ZTE .
Most of Chinas commitments to the WTO on natural person movement are related to commercial presence ; however , natural person movement is an unattached service trade mode .
They can take the form of a memorandum of understanding or a commitment letter from the bank to the authorities and are less serious than formal enforcement actions .
The same as ITC , however , in the letter of guarantee for transfer the only a little different is not signature by applicant but the seal by company .
R.C.The belonging of the intellectual properties of the bidding work shall be subject to the relevant clauses in the Commitment Letter of Global Solicitation of Shenzhen City Logo Design .
They can take the form of a " memorandum of understanding " or a " commitment letter " from the bank to the authorities and are less serious than formal
A lecturer at Xidian University in Xi'an , Shaanxi province , has called on students in her female-only class to sign a pledge that they will not have sex before marriage .
Requisition file , Promise file , accreditation file , constitution and feasibility report of new company , . we can provide the document 's format , only need investor 's signature .
Any indebtedness owed by borrower to ICDF shall be governed by and construed under the laws and submitted to the court specified in the credit facility agreement between the bank and the borrower .
The promise note distributed to workers at Honda Automotive Components Manufacturing in Foshan , a factory town west of Guangzhou , says they absolutely will not lead , organise or participate in work slowdowns , stoppages or strikes .
Ms Vallaud-Belkacem agreed , and in a published statement on Jan. 31st wrote : " This ordinance is incompatible with the principles of equality between women and men , which are listed in the Constitution , and in France 's European commitments . " From that incompatibility follows the implicit abrogation of the ordinance . "
His latest book , How to Create a Mind , carries in its subtitle the immodest promise of the secret of human thought revealed .
His latest book , How to Create a Mind , carries in its subtitle the immodest promise of " the secret of human thought revealed . "
In her book Culture and Commitment , M . Mead classifies the development of human culture into three forms : the pre-metaphor culture , the mutual metaphor culture and the post-metaphor culture .
The victims relinquished their funds based on promises of high interest rates and received documentation bearing the bank 's stamp .