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yáng qí
  • semaphore;wield flag
扬旗 [yáng qí]
  • (1) [semaphore]∶设在车站两头的铁路信号,在立柱上装着活动的板,板横着时表示不准火车进站,板向下斜时表示准许进站

  • (2) [wield flag]∶飘扬的彩旗;挥动旗帜

扬旗[yáng qí]
  1. 当坐在你旁边的那个人占用你的扶手的时候,你要开始扬旗警戒了。

    The occupier of the next seat move upon your armrest the moment your vigilance flags .

  2. 扬旗山水利枢纽大坝基础防渗墙施工

    Construction of Leakage-proof Wall in Hydraulic Project of Yangqi Mountain

  3. 舵轮转,重船抢风加速灰帆扬旗快去远航。

    The bows turn , the freighted ship tacking speeds away under her gray sails .

  4. 隶属营销巨头电扬旗下的广告机构伟门在招聘项目经理,基本要求包括“数字原生代”以及具备“现有及新生数字平台”工作经验。

    In aposting for a project manager , advertising agency Wunderman , which is part of marketing giant Young & Rubicam Brands , listed as the top requirement being " a digital native " experienced in " existing and emerging digital platforms . "