
yáng shēng qì
  • speaker;loudspeaker;amplifier;reproducer;bullhorn
扬声器 [yáng shēng qì]
  • [loudspeaker] 工作原理与电话受话器相似,但能放大声音(如扩声系统,无线电或电视接收机及唱机中)的电声器件

扬声器[yáng shēng qì]
  1. 利用PC扬声器产生语音的方法与听觉推理

    The method of producing speech by PC loudspeaker and the hearing consequence

  2. 扬声器综合参数CAT技术探讨

    Approach to CAT Technique of Comprehensive Parameters of Loudspeaker

  3. 这电线连接着扬声器。

    The wire led to a speaker .

  4. 他们已找到另外那个扬声器的连接点了。

    They 've found out where the other speaker plugs in .

  5. 舞台演出时,乐师实际上坐在扬声器后面演奏。

    Onstage , the musicians are actually sitting behind the loudspeakers .

  6. 扬声器里传出了细微的声音。

    A tinny voice issued from a speaker .

  7. 扬声器作为随身听的附加装置出售。

    Speakers are sold as add-ons for personal stereos

  8. 为了达到理想的立体声效果,扬声器之间的距离不能太远。

    For a good stereo effect , the speakers should not be too wide apart .

  9. 摘要分析了2种应用于测量扬声器阻抗曲线的功率放大器。

    Two types of power amplifier for measuring speaker impedance curve were analysed .

  10. 扬声器里反复大声地播送那篇演讲。

    The loudspeakers blared the speech repeatedly .

  11. 当传感器检测到障碍物时,就会通过连接的扬声器警告佩戴者。

    When it detects an obstacle , it warns the wearer via the connected speaker .

  12. 然而HTCOne采用了所谓的BoomSound双立体声扬声器。

    HTC 's answer is so-called BoomSound dual stereo speakers .

  13. 这两款扬声器上面有LED指示灯,充满电时就会变成绿色。

    The speakers are a better quality and an LED indicator turns green when fully charged .

  14. 本文重点研究了基于DSP的数字音频效果器实现和对扬声器频响特性均衡实现。

    This paper presents in detail a DSP digital audio processor and frequency response equalizer of the speaker .

  15. 将消息记录到系统日志中,或让PC扬声器发出声响以便对获得的物理输入发出即时用户反馈。

    Log messages to the system log or sound the PC speaker for instant user feedback about getting physical .

  16. 基于PCA的扬声器响应信号特征提取及识别

    Feature Extraction and Recognition of Loudspeaker Response Signal Based on Principal Components Analysis

  17. 它还有一个迷你SD卡插槽,扬声器,和世界的电话支持。

    It also has a Mini SD card slot , a speakerphone , and world phone support .

  18. 8阶高通扬声器系统的设计与SPICE计算机仿真

    Design of 8 th Order High Pass Loudspeaker System and Computer Emulation using SPICE

  19. DLC膜改善扬声器性能的研究

    Study on improvement of loudspeaker properties with DLC films

  20. 本文对恒流法测量扬声器阻抗曲线,进行了详细的讨论。根据实验曲线和数据证明了扬声器阻抗曲线及相关参数共振频率fr品质因数Q都随测量电流的变化而变化。

    This paper gives a detailed discussion of measurement of the impedance curve of loudspeaker using constant-current method .

  21. 电视机、扬声器及其他设备现在都有相应的应用程序,让用户能够把iPhone变成时尚遥控器。

    Televisions , speakers and other devices now have apps that allow users to make their iPhones into sleek remotes .

  22. 防磁,该驱动程序使扬声器的位置没有效果接近CRT显示器和显示器。

    Magnetically shielded drivers allow the speaker to be positioned close to CRT monitors and displays without effect .

  23. 本文从实验和理论方面对声柱谐振时的频率进行了研究,并对声柱谐振时的效率作了理论计算。结果表明,谐振频率随扬声器单元数N的变化近似地按线性规律增加;

    In this paper , the resonance frequency of the sound column is investigated both theoretically and experimentally , and the efficiency of the sound column at resonant frequency is also calculated .

  24. 表演场地、团拜礼堂、剧场及会议场地都会选用“FORUM”系列的扬声器,能加强高质素声效的分配。

    It 's the most demanding sound reinforcement applications in performing arts facilities , worship spaces , theatres and meeting facilities call for the FORUM Series .

  25. 尽管iPad推出了话筒和扬声器,但究竟是否会植入语音电话仍然只是猜测。

    Although the iPad touts a microphone and speakers , how exactly voice chat will be implemented is still anyone 's guess .

  26. 音圈电机(voicecoilmotor,简称VCM)是特种直线电机,其工作原理与扬声器的音圈类似。

    Voice Coil Motor ( VCM ) is a special type of linear electric machinery , which is similar to the voice coil of loudhailer in work principle .

  27. WOW技术却提供给小型扬声器制造商一个在耳机上得到类似于大型扬声器环绕声和低音表现力的机会。

    WOW technology affords manufacturers of small speaker products the opportunity to provide the same impressive stereo and bass performance as larger speakers .

  28. 相对iPadAir2而言,它们的硬件都有了很大提升,包括性能好得多的扬声器,并为12.9英寸版提供了4G的大容量内存。

    Both offer meaningful hardware improvements over the iPad Air 2 , including much better speakers and a very generous 4GB of Ram for the larger version .

  29. 利用脉宽调制方法可使PC机的扬声器能够直接在DOS环境下播放WAV语音文件,产生的语音效果较为逼真。

    By using it , PC loudspeaker can broadcast WAV phonetic document directly under the circumstances of DOS .

  30. 通常,您会借助一个麦克风和耳机或扬声器来使用LotusSametimeConnectV7.5的语音聊天特性。

    Typically , you would use a microphone and headphones or speakers with the voice chat feature of Lotus Sametime Connect V7.5 .