
yáng zǐ jiāng
  • the Yangzi River;the Yangtze River;Yangtse
扬子江 [yáng zǐ jiāng]
  • [the Yangzi River] 长江古时又称扬子江,此处指长江入海处一段

  • 出北海,然后渡 扬子江,入 苏州洋。-- 宋. 文天祥《指南录.后序》

  1. 我们的下一个目标是从北京去重庆,然后乘游船顺扬子江而下,直到武汉。

    Our next goal was to travel from Beijing to Chongqing and take a ferry boat down the Yangzi River , to Wuhan .

  2. 这湖水流入扬子江。

    The waters of the lake flow out into the Yangtze river .

  3. 扬子江船厂控股有限公司(YangzijiangShipbuildingHoldingsLtd.)今年4月在新加坡上市以来,凭藉中国经济的强劲增长以及造船业的繁荣兴旺吸引到了大批投资者。

    SINCE GETTING LISTED in Singapore in April , China-based Yangzijiang Shipbuilding ( Holdings ) has drawn a wave of investors as a play on the hot Chinese economy and boom-times in the business .

  4. 上个月,扬子江船厂宣布第三季度净利润较上年同期增长68%,达到人民币2.247亿元(合3040万美元),较DBS唯高达(DBSVickers)的预测高出30%。

    Last month , the company reported a68 % rise in third-quarter net profit from a year earlier to224.7 million yuan ( US $ 30.4 million ) & 30 % above DBS Vickers 's expectation .

  5. 美洛昔康分散片(扬子江药业集团有限公司生产,国家准字号:H20010108)7.5mg/次,2次/天,饭后服。

    Meloxicam tablet ( Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group Co. , Ltd. Production ) 7.5mg / times , 2 times / day , meal service .

  6. 十年前,阿里巴巴创始人马云曾声称:eBay可能是条海里的鲨鱼,可我是扬子江里的鳄鱼,如果我们在海里交战,我便输了,可如果我们在江里交战,我稳赢。

    A decade ago , its founder Jack Ma declared : eBay may be a shark in the ocean , but I am a crocodile in the Yangtze . If we fight in the ocean , we lose , but if we fight in the river , we win .

  7. 现在扬子江上已架设了9座桥梁。

    Now the Yangtze River has been bridged for the ninth time .

  8. 不,不是在扬子江大酒店,是在希尔顿酒店。

    No , it 's at the Hilton not the Yongtze hotel .

  9. 我真不知道黄浦江是在何处流入浩荡的扬子江的。

    I wondered where the Hwang Pu emptied into the mighty yangtze .

  10. 扬子江比中国境内任何其他的河流更长。

    The Yangtze Jiang is longer than any other river in China .

  11. 扬子江船厂和武钢的做法提醒我们警惕两件事。

    Both the shipbuilder and the steel company alert us to two things .

  12. 江苏扬子江船厂2号舾装码头河势分析

    Analysis of River Regime at Port 2 ~ # of Jiangsu Yangtze Shipyard

  13. 福纳研究扬子江:国家政策调控是必需的!

    Funafuti research Yangtze river : national policy to regulate and control is essential !

  14. 扬子江船业子公司买下一块地和码头。

    Acquisition Of Land With Wharf Attached By Jiangsu New Yangzi Shipbulding Co. , Ltd.

  15. 在扬子江的涝原

    In a floodplain of the Yangtse River ,

  16. 扬子江船业的独资子公司认购靖江市润元农村小额贷款有限公司51%的股权。

    Subscription Of51 % Of The Equity Interest In The Capital Of Jiangsu Runyuan Rural Microfinance Co.

  17. 欢迎来到重庆,中国最长水道&扬子江的起点。

    Welcome to Chongqing on the upper reaches of the Yangtze , China 's longest waterway .

  18. 中国扬子江轮船股份有限公司

    China Yangtze Shipping Corporation Ltd

  19. 而且分析师很看好扬子江船厂的基本面,因为以订单计算该公司是中国最大的非国营造船厂。

    And they like the fundamentals of Yangzijiang , China 's largest nonstate-run shipbuilder by order book .

  20. 长江,又名扬子江,是中国最长的河流。

    Changjiang River , also known as the Yangtze River , is the longest river in China .

  21. 那些扬子江的水位记录与这本书中所描绘的一致。

    Those records of the hydrology of the Yangtze River accord with the narration in this book .

  22. 它也是扬子江以南地区人们祭祖时的必备食品。

    It is also a must-have offering at ancestral rituals in the south of the Yangtze River .

  23. 毛曾经描绘过类似今日的三峡大坝那样横跨扬子江的大坝。

    Mao Zedong dreamed of a dam stretching across the Yangtze similar to the present-day Three Gorges Dam .

  24. 如今生活在中国另一条伟大河流扬子江的周围稻田中的奇特生物

    for a remarkable creature which lives around the paddy fields of China 's other great river the Yangtze

  25. 在积压大量订单的情况下,扬子江船厂将面临赶工交货的压力。

    With its big order book , Yangzijiang will be under pressure to handle a steep ramp-up in deliveries .

  26. 扬子江快运推出的24小时网络查询的货运服务让代理和货主在任何时候都能掌握货物的运输状态。

    Further , a24-hour internet tracing system allows clients to check the status of their shipments at any time .

  27. 上海中国东部的一个城市,位于扬子江(长江)入海口,南京的东南方。

    A city of eastern China at the mouth of the Yangtze River ( Chang Jiang ) southeast of Nanjing .

  28. 上海扬子江万丽大酒店旺盛的生命力让人一如既往地对她充满信任与憧憬。

    Having faith in this vigorous hotel , we 're looking forward to a glorious future of Renaissance Shanghai Yangtze Hotel .

  29. 江津,距重庆主城大约半小时车程,扬子江上重要的贸易港口,展示了本地官员是如何创造经济增长的。

    Jiangjin , a Yangtze trading post a half hour from Chongqing 's urban core , illustrates how local officials created growth .

  30. 哟,雄伟的黄河,神秘的扬子江哟,你们的伟大的历史在那里去了?

    O the grand Yellow River ! O the mysterious Yangtze River ! Where on earth are your glories of the past ?