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  • 网络make a name for oneself;Li Wan
  1. 乔治伊士曼(georgeeastman)为摄影技术带来革命性创新之后,不仅自己扬名立万,还因为他需要大量美国民众帮助他实现设想,而让罗切斯特市的中产阶级延续了两代人的繁荣。

    When George Eastman revolutionised photography , he did very well and , because he needed a large number of Americans to carry out his vision , the city of Rochester had a thriving middle class for two generations .

  2. 任何一位科学家都得用英语发表其研究成果,否则就不可能扬名立万。

    No scientist can flourish without publishing in English .

  3. 有进取心的外交政策;有望扬名立万的、有魄力的年轻人。

    An enterprising foreign policy ; an enterprising young man likely to go far .

  4. 等学会玩这个游戏,你在这儿就扬名立万了。

    Learn to play the game . you 'll be the toast of the town .

  5. 但我相信他能在这里扬名立万。

    But I 'm confident that he has what it takes to make it here .

  6. 曼联后卫费迪南德告诉天空体育新闻本赛季就是安德森扬名立万的最佳机会。

    United defender Rio Ferdinand told Sky Sports News this may be the season in which Ando fulfils his promise .

  7. 可惜一切都迟了这位大侦探两年前刚扬名立万

    Sadly , all this comes too late for the detective , who became something of a celebrity two years ago .

  8. 赛勒斯无疑工作非常努力,而14岁就扬名立万无疑会冲昏一个小女孩的头脑。

    Cyrus is no doubt hardworking , and there 's no question that fame at age 14 can mess with a girl 's head .

  9. 有点难以置信,距离这部让罗伯茨扬名立万的浪漫喜剧电影首映已经过去二十多年了。

    Believe it or not , it 's been two decades since the premiere of Pretty Woman , the blockbuster romantic comedy that made Roberts a bona fide star .

  10. 假如你长大后会既有名又成功,你希望你因什么而闻名于世呢?你认为你终有一天会扬名立万呢?

    If you could grow up to be famous and successful , what would you like to be known for ? Do you think you will be famous one day ?

  11. 真的很享受在曼彻斯特的时光&球场、球队的氛围和历史都非常棒,我希望在这里扬名立万。

    I 've really enjoyed my week in Manchester – the stadium , the atmosphere at the club and the history are incredible and I want to do great things here .

  12. 尽管谷歌扬名立万主要是靠它的网络搜索和广告服务,但这家公司的研究人员已经与全球的汽车生产商探讨过无人驾驶项目,增加了它寻求同盟或合作的可能性。

    Though known mostly for Internet search and advertising , Google researchers have discussed the project with global automakers , raising the possibility that it was shooting for an alliance or collaboration .

  13. 实际上,皮查伊此前担任产品管理总监时,就已经凭借一个不起眼但非常重要的工具在谷歌内部扬名立万了,它就是谷歌工具栏。

    Inside Google , however , Pichai had already made his mark as a director of product management for an obscure but important weapon in the company 's arsenal : the Google toolbar .

  14. 人不可能什么都会、什么都懂,所以我们都鼓励年青人要学有专精,以便在他所精通的领域里扬名立万。

    Since it is impossible for a man to know everything that normally , youth is encouraged to specialize in a field , and ask him to be a reliable expert in his field .

  15. 尽管让费迪南德•保时捷扬名立万的是跑车,但是他当时却生产了一款造型别致的汽车,挡风玻璃是竖立的,车身采取独特的圆形造型,搭载了一款风冷式后驱发动机。

    Porsche , who would go on to design the sports car that bears his name , produced a two-door car with an upright windshield and a distinctive round shape , powered by an air-cooled engine mounted in the rear .

  16. 韩寒今年29岁,十年前以小说家身份扬名立万。自那以后以博客帖子赢得粉丝无算。(最具煽动性的帖子通常很快就会被拿掉,包括温州动车事故后的尖锐评论)。

    Mr Han , 29 , made his name a decade ago as a novelist , and has since built a following of millions online for his blog postings ( the most subversive of which are quickly taken down , including a scathing commentary on the Wenzhou crash ) .