
  • 网络blowing sand;raising sand;jansa
  1. 甘肃临夏地区一次扬沙与强寒潮天气诊断分析

    Examining on a Blowing Sand and Strong Cold Current Event over Linxia Region of Gansu Province

  2. 沙尘暴、扬沙、浮尘日数呈明显减少趋势。

    The sandstorm , blowing sand , and floating dust day numbers assume the obviously reduced tendency .

  3. 目的探讨扬沙和沙尘暴细颗粒物(PM2.5)对肺泡巨噬细胞(AM)的毒作用机制。

    Objective To investigate the hazards of blowing sand and dust storm fine particulate matter ( PM_ ( 2.5 )) on rat alveolar macrophage membranes .

  4. 近45a我国沙尘暴和扬沙天气变化趋势和突变分析

    Analyses of Sandstorm and Sand-blowing Weather Trend and Jump in China in Recent 45 Years

  5. 结论扬沙和沙尘暴PM2.5可影响AM膜通透性和流动性,导致细胞死亡。

    Conclusion Blowing sand and dust storm PM_ ( 2.5 ) could make adverse effects on AM by increasing plasma membrane permeability and fluidity , leading to cytotoxicity .

  6. 扬沙天气污染相对较轻,空气的PM10以本地地表尘为主。

    The pollution in blowing sand weather is light , the PM_ ( 10 ) in the air is mainly from ground dust in local place .

  7. 喀什地区近43年沙尘暴、扬沙天气

    Sand Storm and Sand Blowing in Kashi in Recently 43 Years

  8. 扬沙和沙尘暴对导线电位影响的风洞模拟实验

    Wind Tunnel Simulation of Effect of Sandstorm on Electrical Wire Voltage

  9. 2004年北京地区一次扬沙天气过程数值预报分析

    Numerical Forecast and Analysis on a Blown Sand in Beijing in 2004

  10. 近40年陕西省扬沙和沙尘暴天气

    Blowing - sand and sand storm in Shaanxi in recent 40 years

  11. 区域扬沙强度与环流动力条件相关性的遥感分析

    Relativity between Regional Dust-blowing Intensity and Circulation Dynamical Condition by Remote Sensing Analysis

  12. 扬沙和沙尘暴对云和降水的影响数值模拟

    Numerial simulations for effects of raising dust and Sandstorm on cloud and precipitation

  13. 春季北方扬沙和沙尘暴天气异常频繁;

    Sand storm and dust devil in spring in northern parts were extremely frequent .

  14. 沙尘天气分沙尘暴、扬沙、浮尘三种,北京扬沙天气的沙尘源以就地起沙为主。

    The sources of sand-dust during sand blowing weather mainly come from Beijing outskirts .

  15. 由于大风扬沙的作用,造成春季大气浑浊度明显增大。

    Fly ash by strong wind cause the β to increase rapidly in Spring .

  16. 河套地区春季扬沙天气影响因子的初步研究

    Preliminary research on effect factors of BLOWING-SAND weather in spring in Mid-Reaches of the Huanghe River

  17. 浮尘、沙尘暴和扬沙与低能见度事件的相关程度是不同的。

    There are different relationships between abnormal low visibility event and floating dust , sandstorm and flying-dust respectively .

  18. 内蒙古扬沙天气与人群健康效应关系的初步研究

    A pilot study for health effects of the sand climate on exposed population in Inner Mongolia of China

  19. 扬沙天气应减少户外活动时间并尽量避免骑自行车出行。

    Reduce the time on outdoor activities and try to avoid riding a bicycle outside in Sand-Dust days .

  20. 青岛扬沙和浮尘发生总日数的比例为1:2.84;

    The ratio of blowing-sand days to floating-dust days is 1: 2.84 in Qingdao and 1:1.6 in Hefei .

  21. 甘肃省近30年沙尘暴、扬沙、浮尘天气空间分布特征

    Spatial Distribution of Dust Storm , Fly Sand and Floating Dust Over Last Thirty Years in Gansu Province

  22. 本地扬尘、扬沙是影响十堰空气质量的主要污染物,而浮尘天气更加重了总悬浮颗粒物的污染程度。

    Local raised dust and sand were major air pollutant , and the weather of floating dust aggravated the pollution of TSP .

  23. 通过对2002年春季几次沙尘天气过程中大气电场数据的分析,获得了沙尘暴、扬沙、浮尘等天气现象初步的大气电场特征。

    By Analyses on the data , the primary features of the electric fields of sandstorm , flowing sand and floating dust were obtained .

  24. ,北京春季风沙以能见度在1&10公里范围内的扬沙为主,约占2/3;

    About 2 / 3 of the Spring dust storm was caused by blowing sand with the visibility within a range of 1-10 km ;

  25. 1961-2001年,北京沙尘暴、扬沙和浮尘发生总日数的比例为0.07:1:0.19;

    In this period of time , the ratios among days of dust storm , blowing-dust and floating dust is 0.07:1: 0.19 in Beijing ;

  26. 沙尘暴和扬沙平原地区主要发生春季中后期及夏初,山区主要发生在春季;

    Sand storm and sand blowing mostly occur in latter spring and early summer in plain , mostly in spring in the mountainous regions .

  27. 从模式预报的北京地区沙尘浓度的垂直廓线和沙尘强度表明本次沙尘的沙源以本地扬沙为主。

    The forecasted vertical profile of sand-dust density and sand-dust intensity in Beijing region show that the dust aerosol comes from the local dust source .

  28. 北京地区主要是以扬沙天气为主,占总沙尘天气的74.15%,其次是浮尘天气(18.09%)和沙尘暴(7.76%);

    The blowing sand is the dominating phenomena ( 74.15 % ), the next is the floating ash ( 18.09 % ) and the dust storm ( 7.76 % ) .

  29. 根据北京地区资料分析了沙尘的年代变化、月变化,春季是沙尘天气的高发期并以浮尘和扬沙为主。

    The annual and monthly variation of the sand and dust was analysed based on the data of Beijing area . The sand and dust weather in spring are frequent .

  30. 浮尘和扬沙天气主要发生在冷锋前部,沙尘暴和特强沙尘暴主要发生在锋后的西北强风区域中。

    Floating dust and blowing sand mainly occurred at the front of the cold front , and the dust storm was mainly occurred in the strong northwest wind behind the cold front .