
zhí xínɡ xínɡ fá
  • execution of a punishment;execute a punishment
  1. 关于监狱在执行刑罚中的几个法律问题的探讨

    Inquire into Several Legal Problems of Execution Carrying Out in the Prison

  2. 正在被执行刑罚或者正在被执行刑事强制措施;

    Being under criminal punishment or criminal coercive measures ;

  3. 它要求监狱必须有完备的行刑法律体系,具有执行刑罚的单一功能;

    It requires a complete legal system of penalty and a single function of it .

  4. 被判处拘役的罪犯,由看守所执行刑罚。

    For a convict sentenced to criminal detention , the detention house shall execute the sentence .

  5. 以至于部分研究成果仅仅将分类制和累进制视为监狱执行刑罚的一种手段。

    Even more , some research only regard the classified and progressive systems as a means of jail penalty .

  6. 刑事行政管辖权,主要是行政机关侦查、起诉和执行刑罚的权力。

    Criminal administrative jurisdiction is the power that administrative office investigates , brings the suit and carries out punishment mainly .

  7. 明确狱政管理的性质,是研究监狱执行刑罚全部问题的一个基本出发点。

    Making clear the nature of prison management is the starting point of study all issues of execution of punishment .

  8. 特殊预防,是指通过对犯罪人适用、执行刑罚,防止其重新犯罪。

    The special prevention refers to through suite , carring out the penalty to the perpetrator , preventing it crime again .

  9. 本文采用的是广义的刑罚目的说,即是国家制定、适用以及执行刑罚所希望达到的结果。

    This paper uses the generalized penalty purpose , which means the country made , applied and carried out penalty . To an expected ending .

  10. 社区矫正是在社区中对罪犯执行刑罚的活动,近年来成为我国刑罚执行改革的重要举措。

    The community ′ s correction system , as an important step for the reform of carrying out punishment , is efficient in punishing the criminals .

  11. 罪犯教育是对犯罪者再犯罪的一种预防,是改造罪犯的根本措施和手段,也是执行刑罚的目的所在。

    The criminal education is one of the essential methods to carry on the penalty and transformation to the criminal in jail work of our country .

  12. 监狱人民警察是否具有较强的证据意识,直接影响着能否正确、公正、公平地执行刑罚和教育改造罪犯的质量和效果。

    Whether prison policemen obtain a strong evidence consciousness has a direct effect on the qualities and effectiveness of punishing and reforming the criminals fairly and justly .

  13. 刑罚的目的是报应与预防的有机统一,是国家确立、适用与执行刑罚所追求的客观效果,其实质是对刑罚客观效果的一种主观认识状态。

    The purpose of penalty is an intrinsic unity of punishment and prevention , an objective effect that the country pursues in penalty 's establishment , application and enforcement .

  14. 监狱贯彻宽严相济刑事政策对准确执行刑罚,有效改造罪犯,维护社会稳定,促进社会和谐具有重要的意义。

    The criminal policy of tempering justice with mercy prison implement accurately executing criminal punishments , effective criminals and maintain social stability and promote harmonious society has the vital significance .

  15. 刑法是规定犯罪、刑事责任和刑罚的法律,是国家审判机关据以进行刑事裁判并执行刑罚的根据。

    The Criminal Law provides that crime , the criminal and penal laws , according to the national judicial organs for criminal penalties referees and the implementation of the basis .

  16. 监狱法治化程度不仅影响着执行刑罚和改造罪犯的效果,也从一个方面反映了国家政治文明建设的进程。

    The rule of law in prisons not only affect the result of the penalty enforcement and criminals correction , but also reflect the progress of the national political civilization construction .

  17. 在中国,对罪犯执行刑罚,从收押罪犯之日起,到刑满释放为止,都严格依法办事。

    The punishment of criminals in China is carried out strictly according to the law , from the day they are taken into custody to the day of their release at the end of their sentence .

  18. 从内部因素看,监狱警察是国家执法者,但同时又是监狱企业的管理者;罪犯既是执行刑罚的对象,又是监狱企业的生产者。

    From internal factors , the prison police states law enforcement , but at the same time the prison business managers ; criminal penalty is the implementation of the object , but also a producer of Prison Enterprises .

  19. 犯罪人分类待遇制度是监狱以执行刑罚为目的的重要的行刑管理规则,不仅是保障监管各种秩序的基本措施,也是矫正犯罪人的重要手段。

    The classified criminal treatment system , an important set of administrative rules aimed at executing punishment , is not only a basic measure to secure supervising and managing various orders , but also an important means to correct criminals .

  20. 为进一步明确监狱职能,准确执行刑罚,确保罪犯改造质量,将整个监狱活动纳入法制轨道,1994年《中华人民共和国监狱法》颁布实施。

    To further clarify the functions of the prison , carry out the penalty accurately , ensure the quality of the reformation , and bring entire prison activities into the legal system , in 1994 the " PRC Prison Law " was promulgated .

  21. 现代引渡是指一方应另一方的请求,将当时在其管辖范围内而被该请求方指控犯有某种罪行或已被判刑的人移交给该请求方以便起诉或执行刑罚的活动。

    Modern extradition is the act by which one side delivers up an individual within its jurisdiction where he is accused of or has been convinced of an offence , to other side which demands him and which is competent to try punish him .

  22. 保外就医制度是指被判处有期徒刑或者拘役的罪犯由于身体患有严重疾病,不适宜在监管场所内服刑,经过取保手续而依法将其放在监外执行刑罚的制度。

    The medical parole system indicates that , the criminal who was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention serves his sentence outside the jail after legal procedure , because of serious disease which leads to no fit for serving his sentence in jail .

  23. 监狱人民警察是执行刑罚的主体,也是监狱管理的主体,监狱管理的法制原则能否得到贯彻关键在于监狱人民警察的执法水平。

    The jailer is a corpus that carries out the penalty , is also a corpus of the jail administration , so , whether the principle of legality of the jail administration can be carry through largely decided by the law enforcement level of jailers .

  24. 产业选择把握有利于保持和有效利用罪犯劳动能力、有利于执行刑罚和改造罪犯、有利于罪犯和监狱的安全、从实际出发因地制宜、充分利用现有优势资源等因素。

    Industry Select grasp conducive to maintain the ability to work and effective use of offenders , facilitate the implementation of penalties and rehabilitation of offenders , be conducive to the safety of offenders and the prison , make full use of existing advantages of resources .

  25. 现代刑罚理论认为,刑罚在于执行,刑罚离开了执行,就即无意义,也不可理解。

    In modern punishment theory , it is believed that punishment lies in implementation and it will become meaningless without implementation .

  26. 自由刑的执行是刑罚执行中的一个核心问题。本文对自由刑执行问题做一些探讨研究。

    Execution of free sentence is a core problem in punishment execution , the paper makes some exploration and studies on free sentence execution problem .

  27. 缓刑罪犯在缓刑考验期内又犯罪的,在撤销缓刑数罪并罚后不应当再适用缓刑,而应当判处实际执行的刑罚。对单位判处罚金研究

    New offenders on probation should not be reprieved . A Study on " A Unit Which Commits a Crime shall be Punished with a Fine "

  28. 缓刑是在判刑的同时宣告暂不执行原判刑罚,但在一定时间内保留执行原判刑罚的制度。

    Probation at sentencing are declared a moratorium on executions while the original sentence , but at a certain period of time the implementation of the original penalty reservation system .

  29. 缓刑通常是指将某些已经被定罪判刑的犯罪人,附条件地放在社会上给予监督、暂缓执行监禁刑罚的非监禁刑方法。

    Suspended sentence usually refers certain sentence crime person attached the condition to put in the society and gives the surveillance , postpones the execution imprisonment penalty the non - imprisonment punishment method .

  30. 按照罪责刑相适应原则,一罪一罚,数罪数罚,应当对想象竞合犯以数罪定罪处罚,按照数罪并罚制度决定应当执行的刑罚。

    According to the principle of suiting punishment to crime , one-crime-one-punishment and plural - crime-plural-punishment , it should be punished with all the crimes charged under the principle of joinder of punishment for plural crimes .