
  1. 和中国的打洛镇相接壤的就是缅甸的小勐拉。

    Bordering China 's Daluo is the town of Minela of Myanmar .

  2. 勐腊对面就是中国的打洛镇。

    Mongla is located opposite China 's Daluo .

  3. 滇缅边境打洛镇6年的疟疾防治措施与效果

    Evaluation of the Measures and Effect in the control of Malaria about Yunnan-Burma Borden for six years

  4. 旅游废都:现象与防治&基于云南国家级口岸打洛镇的实证研究

    " Abolished " Tourism Town : Phenomenon and Preventive Treatment & Based on An Empirical Study of Daluo Town National-Grade Port in Yunnan Province