
zhā duī
  • Pile up;chew the fat
扎堆 [zhā duī]
  • [gather together]〈方〉∶多人聚拢在一块

  • 有几个售货员正在扎堆聊天,有说有笑

  1. 不久之前,Facebook上点赞最多的还是那个宝宝第一次吃柠檬的视频,它从网上扎堆出现的搞笑婴儿风尚中脱颖而出。

    It seems only a few Facebook ' likes ' ago that videos of kids tasting lemon for the first time was the big thing in the online land of funny baby fads .

  2. 在这款应用面世之际,BeyondVerbal和其他一些开发商――很多都扎堆特拉维夫――正在推出一些越来越尖端、据它们说可以通过分析语音确定一个人情绪状态的硬件和软件。

    But the app is coming out as the company and other developers -- many clustered in Tel Aviv -- push increasingly sophisticated hardware and software they say can determine a person 's emotional state through analysis of his or her voice .

  3. 而曼谷中心区的某些地方,比如游客扎堆的素坤逸路(SukhumvitRoad)上的一些地段,就不是这样。那里充斥着浓重的商业味道。

    But this isn 't the case in some parts of central Bangkok , like along some stretches of the touristy Sukhumvit Road , where the feel is predominantly commercial .

  4. 在中国的小城市,中产阶级及其消费的增长将远远快于迄今外资企业扎堆的大城市,波士顿咨询集团合伙人廖天舒(CarolLiao)表示。

    The growth of the middle class and its spending will be much faster in small-town China than in the biggest cities many foreign companies have concentrated on so far , says Carol Liao , a partner at BCG .

  5. 德克萨斯大学的经济学家MichaelSadler则在担心创业公司扎堆的问题,现在越来越多的创业投资都集中到了奥斯汀、纽约和硅谷这种业绩超群的地区。

    Michael Sadler , an e conomist at the University of Texas , is concerned about the rising concentration of start-up investment in just a few super-performing regions such as Austin , New York , and Silicon Valley .

  6. 他还竭力避开外国人扎堆居住的区域:外国侨民爱逛位于朝阳区的三里屯(Sanlitun),这儿以喧嚣热闹、但鱼目混珠的酒吧街出名。

    He is also keen to avoid living where many foreigners flock : the expat haunt Sanlitun , an area in the Chaoyang district , renowned for its vibrant , but gritty , bar street .

  7. 急性毒性实验:各组小鼠注射聚肌胞后均表现行动迟缓,精神沉郁,畏寒扎堆,被毛竖立,用药后3h呈现不同程度的腹泻,4h后相继出现死亡。

    Acute toxicity test : Many toxic symptoms of the mice were observed after poly I : C including action retardation , gloomy spirit , chilly , clothing hair erection , and diarrhoea 3 hours after medication and death one by one 4 hours later .

  8. 我们特别具有公共性而且喜欢扎堆。

    We are very communal and we like to dig in .

  9. 可是,农民做梦都想到城市扎堆。

    Nevertheless , farmers still dream of clustering at cities .

  10. 这听起来很难,因为美国青少年看起来也是想自己扎堆在一起。

    This sounds difficult because American teenagers will seem to keep to themselves .

  11. 它们扎堆做出相同预测的动机相当明显。

    Their incentives to flock together are obvious enough .

  12. 而另一方面,用户们也快乐的扎堆在这个社区里。

    On the other hand , users gather in this community and have fun .

  13. 我马上更多地亲身体会到,为什么国外生在这里都喜欢扎堆儿。

    I immediately understood more personally why international students tend to stick together here .

  14. 投资者往往会扎堆买股票。

    Investors tend to hunt in packs .

  15. 许多青年人选择情人节扎堆结婚。

    Marriage rush on Valentine 's Day .

  16. 等待你的音信是一个期待,当我在成堆的作业里扎堆的时候。

    Waiting for you was an expectation , when I throwing myself in amounts of homework .

  17. 然而,中国留学生“扎堆儿”现象不仅体现在专业选择上。

    However , the issue of conformity among Chinese overseas students does not stop at choosing majors .

  18. 科技精英汇聚一堂,名牌学府扎堆,因而竞争强、压力大。

    Many high-tech elites live here and with several famous universities , there is a very competitive vibe .

  19. 最重要的原因是因为几乎所有俄罗斯籍亿万富豪扎堆生活在莫斯科,只有18人生活在莫斯科之外。

    The biggest reason is that nearly all Russian billionaires live in Moscow , only 18 live elsewhere .

  20. 双子座:增加与挚友单独相处的时间你们双子座的人是社交高手,做什么事都喜欢扎堆。

    Gemini : give one-on-one time You twins are social butterflies who like to do things in groups .

  21. 马克:我现在就可以想象到那场景:许多准妈妈们扎堆儿逛着商场。

    Mark : I can picture it now : dozens of soon-to-be mothers rolling around the shopping mall .

  22. 大草原上,槐树生长在大象扎堆的地方,很容易被它们吃掉。

    On the , acacia trees growing in regions that get a lot of elephant traffic tend to get eaten .

  23. 该研究旨在探究社会中肥胖及相关行为为何扎堆的问题。

    The study was designed to find out the reason why obesity and related behaviours appear to cluster in social networks .

  24. 贝塞尔说,少在人多的地方“扎堆儿”也是降低感染概率的一个有效方法。

    Bessel low a place in people " abuse " is also a lower probability of infection is an effective way .

  25. 包括泛娱乐化大潮弱化了对艺术价值追求;题材扎堆,少有心意;改编前后风格水准的失衡等。

    Including Pan-Entertainment tide weakened the pursuit of artistic value ; theme get together , a rare mind ; adapted around the style standards imbalance .

  26. 其他仙灵扎堆而坐,互相围拢着来抵御寒冷,任凭雪花落在身上,傻气而坚忍地待在露天。

    The other faeries sat together in bunches , huddled against the cold , and let the snow coat them , mad and exposed stoics .

  27. 随着赞助商增加支出,其它不愿扎堆的企业进行了削减,因为要从铺天盖地的广告宣传中脱颖而出,代价过于高昂,也很难奏效。

    While sponsors increased their spending , others pulled it back because it was too expensive and difficult to cut through the " clutter " .

  28. 人们讲话语气都很不屑一顾、很自以为是,这位前员工写道,我认为他们势力、扎堆,说白了就是很粗鲁。

    The tone of voice people used was belittling and self-righteous , the ex-employee writes . I found them snobby , cliquey and frankly , rude .

  29. 在续集扎堆的2018年,能有一部原创电影受到宣传和关注也挺不错的。

    And with so many sequels and spin-offs coming out this year , it is nice to have an original film get some hype and attention .

  30. 该公司在周三发布的季度业绩报告中,在六句话里扎堆出现“壮观”、“史无前例”、“惊人”和“优秀”。

    Quarterly results on Wednesday were described within six sentences as " spectacular , " " unprecedented , " " tremendous " and " outstanding . "