- 名handicraftsman

On the Family Life of the Tang Dynasty 's Handicraftsman
The powers of son also in now encounter to weaken , have arisen scholar , peasant and handicraftsman flow .
The company has some 10,000 shop owners , or individuals who have designed products , from shoes to cellphone cases , that they print out and sell through Shapeways ' website .
The company has some 10000 " shop owners , " or individuals who have designed products , from shoes to cellphone cases , that they print out and sell through Shapeways ' website .
Their position is similar to that of the handicraftsmen .
Majority of the entrepreneurs ( 80 % ) was between the age class 30 and 50 years .
A very significant proportion of contemporary Americans are descendants of small merchants , craftsmen , and professional people .
No matter being scholar , is still peasant and handicraftsman , they flow to everywhere , seek for better development .
Craftsmen had a quite low social status and had to dwell in quarters within the capital and their status was inherited .
In the Ming and Qing Dynasty , the Han migrants entering the Zhuang-inhabited area included officials , farmers , handicraftsmen and businessmen .
During the industrial revolution , technology brought low-skilled workers to the fore and displaced higher-skilled craftspeople such as weavers and lock makers .
The Shangrila Handicraft Shop features traditional work of local artisans and is known for its unique collection of crafts and information about artisans .
The carpenters in Tujia area , as centuries-old , well-based traditional handicraftsmen in minority area , play an irreplaceable role in that region .
The petty bourgeoisie , other than the peasantry , consists of the vast numbers of intellectuals , small tradesmen , handicraftsmen and professional people .
On Western Zhou Handicraftsmen 's Dwellings and Tombs on the Zhouyuan Site : Also on the Role of Particular Objects in the Study of Settlement Structure
A man who may once have been a self-employed craftsman , master of his own trade , might now have a boring job in a factory .
The US has cut down on the vocational education of skilled craftsmen and reacts with surprise that good-quality skilled manual labour has to be outsourced or imported .
National capitalist ownership was the fourth skin , and the fifth was ownership by small producers , that is , individual ownership by the peasants and handicraftsmen .
Under the strike of foreign capital and feudal , Chinese peasant and handicraftsman turn poor little by little . The process that agriculture commercialize accelerate create social condition for modern industry production in China .
Shanxi Traditional folk Furniture , made of Satin Walnut and Elm , was popular with businessman , officer , common handicraftsman and farmer during the late Ming dynasty to early days of the Republic of China .
However , in the peasant society of India , the peasantry ( including rural craftsmen herein ) has been the dominant social group , whose political attitude is influential in the development of Indian political society .
Diverse measures to restore and develop the economy had been designed , which had changed the highly-centralized phenomenon of the land to a certain degree and improved the identity and social status of the peasants and the craftsmen .
Commodity economy set up on individual peasant and handicraftsman little simple commodity production foundation of private ownership still , so it could not dominate among the whole social economy , and was unable to waver the traditional economic system fundamentally .
It embodied the long pent-up indignation of the invaded to the aggressors , the resistance of one culture to another , and the hardships suffered by old type small farmers and handicraftsmen as a result of the disintegration of the natural economy .
There were four kinds of people forming the group : Peasants from Hubei or other provinces who were the main part of the dockers , the urban poor people without fixed occupations , bankrupt handicraftsmen , the bamboo and wood porters and pulling ship workers .
Moral economy is a social revolt culture contained in the long tradition of the England lower classes , it has existed in the public consciousness for a long time , and the lower people here refer to the ordinary working classes as the representative of peasant and handicraftsman .