
  1. 五是,企业的部分所有权市场化,使股东与企业关系发生了重大变化,使企业处于更加复杂的投机投资市场。

    Fifthly , marketization of the share-ownership causes a great change in relations between the shareholders and the enterprise , and makes the enterprise in a more complex venture investment market .

  2. 从产权平等的角度分析了征地制度中引入市场机制的重要性以及建立所有权市场的可能性,提出了增设农地发展权的观点;

    Based on even chance of property right , introducing the market mechanism and ownership market into land expropriation system , the paper raises the viewpoint of setting up the farmland 's development right .

  3. 目前解决这一问题的现行法律架构是:禁止土地所有权市场、严格控制一级土地市场、适当开放二级土地市场,意味着农村土地要转变为非农用,必须采用土地征收或征用的方式。

    At present , the current legal approach to solve this issue is forbidding the market of land property rights , controlling the primary land market strictly and opening the secondary land market adequately .

  4. 亚洲交易所市场分化严重,对外国所有权和市场准入的规定各不相同,这意味着chi-x和其它另类交易平台在亚洲地区的增长可能没有欧洲那么快欧洲的监管在欧盟的规则下更为统一。

    The fragmented Asian exchange market , with differing rules on foreign ownership and market access , means that Chi-X and other alternative trading platforms are likely to face slower growth than in Europe , where regulation is more uniform under European Union rules .

  5. 组织租金、企业所有权与市场化

    Marketization of Organization Rent and Enterprises ' Ownership

  6. 其依据主要是生产要素的所有权和市场经济的内在客观要求。

    Its basis basically is the immanent and external demand of the droit of factor of production and market economy .

  7. 论劳动力个人所有权&劳动力市场理论探讨之一

    On the Individual Ownership of Labor Force ON THE FORCE

  8. 指出所有权蕴含了市场行为人的动机、约束条件和行为规则,明晰的所有权是一切交易的前提和市场活动有序进行的基础;

    It points out that the ownership contains motivation , binding condition and the rule of behavior of market bodies . Clear ownership is the precondition of all dealings and the basis of market activities operating methodically .

  9. 因此,国企改制的路径是渐进的,并且应以所有权改革促进市场建设,从而逐步推进国有大型企业改制为现代公司。

    Therefore , the system reform of SOE 's is an incremental process , and the construction of these markets can be promoted through ownership reform so as to transform gradually the large-scale SOE 's into the modern corporations .

  10. 充分竞争:补偿所有权监督不足的市场安排

    Complete Competition : the Market Arrangement to Compensate Property Supervision

  11. 所有权结构、产品市场竞争与企业绩效

    Ownership Structure , Product Market Competition and Firm Performance

  12. 它是企业的所有权在不同的市场主体之间的移转,既不同于货物买卖也不同于企业财产的转让。

    It is a transfer of business ' ownership between different market entities , which differs from not only goods selling , but also the possession transference between thems .

  13. 所有权保留制度是市场经济发展到一定阶段的产物,该制度既解决了出卖人担保上的需要,也解决了买受人融资的压力,是一种非典型担保性质的制度。

    Ownership retention system is a outcome of market economy development in certain stage . The system not only solves guarantee needs of sellers but also eases the financing pressure of buyers .