
  1. 房地产金融风险防范的再思考

    A New Idea on the Avoidance of Real Estate Financial Risks

  2. 从系统的角度认识和防范房地产金融风险

    Understand and Prevent Financial Risks in Land and Housing Business Systematically

  3. 美国次贷危机与中国房地产金融风险防范

    Subprime Loan Crisis and Precaution on Real Estate Financial Risks of China

  4. 银行信贷与房地产金融风险管理研究

    The Research on Bank Credit and Financial Risks Management of Real Estate

  5. 房地产金融风险的评价与控制研究

    Research on the Appraisal and Control of Real-Estate Financial Risk

  6. 房地产金融风险的成因与防范

    Cause of and Precautions against Real Estates Financial Risks

  7. 我国房地产金融风险预警方法选择探究

    Study on Warning Method of Financial Risk of Real Estate Based in China

  8. 我国房地产金融风险分析与防范

    Analysis and Innovation of Real Estate Financial Risk

  9. 资产负债表效应与房地产金融风险

    Balance-Sheet Contagion and Financial Risk of Real Estate

  10. 我国房地产金融风险评估体系与风险防范研究

    Research on the System of the Appraisal and the Protection of Real-Estate Finance Risk

  11. 中国房地产金融风险大

    Chinese real estate lie dormant huge finance risk

  12. 第三部分:我国房地产金融风险的现状研究。

    Part three : research on the actuality of real estate financial risks of China .

  13. 房地产金融风险分析

    The Risk Analysis of Real Estate Finance

  14. 我国房地产金融风险研究

    Research of Chinese Real Estate Financial Risk

  15. 中美房地产金融风险比较及我国的应对策略

    Comparison between China and America of Financial Risk in Real Estate Sector and China 's Strategy

  16. 商业银行房地产金融风险防范研究&基于上海数据的实证分析

    The Shanghai 's Data-Based Empirical Analysis on Prevention of Financial Venture of Real Estate for Commercial Bank

  17. 分析我国当前房地产金融风险控制存在的问题。

    Also this paper will give an Analysis of the current real estate financial risk control problems .

  18. 深入剖析了房地产金融风险的根本来源和产生原因,并对几种主要的金融风险进行了重点的分析与评价;

    Secondly , it makes a thorough analysis of the source of risk in the real estate finance .

  19. 中国房地产金融风险分析&一种基于制度经济学与信息经济学的解释

    Analysis of Financial Risk in China 's Real Estate & Based on the Interpretation of System and Information Economics

  20. 最后一部分提出了优化宏观调控的对策建议,包括建立房地产金融风险预警机制,以及相关的一系列配套措施。

    Thirdly , I provide some suggestions to future regulations , such as the early warning mechanism and some other related mechanisms .

  21. 通过对美国次贷危机的分析,对我国房地产金融风险防范提出启示,并的出相关建议。

    Though the analysis of the subprime loan crisis , gives out the enlightenment and suggestions for real estate financial risk of China .

  22. 第一章为绪论,介绍房地产金融风险问题研究的背景和研究现状。

    Chapter 1 for introduction , introduce the investigative background and the present studying condition in problem in financial risk of real estate .

  23. 文章第三部分比较系统地分析了房地产金融风险识别、风险估价及风险处理的方法。

    The third part of the article introduces the methodologies of risk identification , risk assessment and risk handling in the real estate industry .

  24. 在本部分首先对房地产金融风险进行概述性介绍,对于常见的房地产金融风险进行说明。

    In this part , this paper will introduce the concept of financial risk and give a description to the real estate financial risks .

  25. 房地产金融风险研究有较强的理论研究和现实指导意义:房地产业作为国民经济的支柱产业,在国家经济发展中占有举足轻重的地位;

    The signification of the theoretic research and realism finance risk is as below : Real estate is the dominant industry of country economic .

  26. 第四章是中国商业银行房地产金融风险形成原因分析,利用信息不对称模型和博弈论的理论对中国商业银行金融风险进行了详细的分析,找出其风险存在的原因。

    Chapter 4 uses the model of Information Asymmetry and Game Theory to analyze the finance risk of commercial banks , and finds out the reasons of risks .

  27. 从金融角度出发,研究房地产金融风险,进而探索建立房地产金融预警机制,对促进房地产市场健康发展和防范化解金融风险,有着重要的意义。

    It is important to study the risk of real estate finance from the financial perspective , and search for a way of establishing a real estate alarm mechanism .

  28. 在对各种融资模式分析的基础上,分析国内外房地产金融风险形式、房地产金融风险防范体系及其内在关系形成发展的一般规律。

    On the base of analysis of various financing models , we will analyze the types of real estate financial risks , financial risk prevention system and its inherent relations .

  29. 通过对我国房地产金融风险的成因分析,运用回归分析方法和数据及理论分析等方法,论证了多方面因素形成了房地产金融风险,包括:房地产融资渠道单一导致的风险;

    By analyzing the cause of real estate financing risk , the article uses Regression Model and theoretical analysis to prove various factors leading to the risk , including : narrow financing channel ;

  30. 第三章建立理论模型分析房地产金融风险的形成。

    The external reasons mainly include legal and the short-term capital impact etc. ( 3 ) The third chapter build theoretical model to analyze the forming mechanism of the real estate financial risks .