
  • 网络real estate price index;housing price index
  1. 灰色GM(1,1)模型的改进模型在房地产价格指数预测中的应用

    Applications of Improved Grey GM ( 1,1 ) Model for Real Estate Price Index Forecasting

  2. 与在房地产价格指数研究中所使用的其它几种方法相比,Hedonic方法是一种严密、含有较少主观色彩的方法。

    There are several methods that be used in the research of real estate price index analysis , compare with others , Hedonic method is more strictness and less subjectivity .

  3. 目前所有主要的房地产价格指数都处于上升趋势:case-shiller房价指数一年前就开始上涨,每一个大都市地区这一指数都呈现逐月上涨之势。

    All the main house price indices are now on the rise : the Case-Shiller measure is up on a year ago with every metropolitan area showing a month-on-month increase .

  4. 中国房地产价格指数的模拟和预测

    The Simulation and Projection of Price Index of Real Estates of China

  5. 分析了各个时期的宏观调控政策对上海市房地产价格指数产生的不同影响。

    Analysis the different periods of macro-regulation policies for the different impact .

  6. 国外的房地产价格指数的研究已较为完善。

    Researches on real estate price indexes overseas have been relatively perfect .

  7. 基于神经网络房地产价格指数的预测研究(续)

    Research on Forecasting Real Estate Price Index Based on Neural Networks ;

  8. 哈尔滨房地产价格指数研究

    Research on Real Estate Price Indexes of Harbin

  9. 城市房地产价格指数编制理论及方法评价

    Evaluation on the Drafting Theories and Methods of Price Indices of Estate in Cities

  10. 36个大中城市房地产价格指数表

    Price index of real estate in 36 Cities

  11. 中国房地产价格指数表明,截至六月份,中国房价已经是连续第五个月年比下降。

    Our index of Chinese prices fell year on year for the fifth month in a row in June .

  12. 经过实证分析和研究,本文发现消费者价格指数和房地产价格指数之间有互动的长期关系,国内生产总值跟房地产也有相互的长期关系。

    It was found that the consumer price index and GDP have a two-way relationship with the housing price index over a long period .

  13. 随着房地产价格指数的作用充分显现,探求预测房地产价格指数的有效方法是需深入研究的方向。

    As real estate price indices play more significant roles , it is necessary to give more effective method for forecasting real estate price indices .

  14. 由于国家宏观调控政策的加强,对房地产价格指数理论和方法进行研究,有更为紧迫的意义。

    As the national macroeconomic regulation and control policy is strengthened , it has big significance to conduct the research on the real estate price index theory and method .

  15. 因此,了解和借鉴国外的成熟经验,在理论方法、数据采集等方面对房地产价格指数进行更为深入的研究和探索是非常必要的。

    Therefore it is very necessary to make further and deeply research and probe in the aspect of theory method , data collection etc with reference of abroad mature experience .

  16. 房地产价格指数是反映不同时期房地产市场价格水平的变化趋势和程度的相对数量指标,是所谓的“纯价格指数”。

    Real estate price index is a relative quantitative indicators that reflects the changes of the price in the real estate market in different Its , It s a so-called " pure price index " .

  17. 房地产价格指数是研究房地产价格的重要工具,然而,我国目前还没有一个得到公认客观准确的房地产价格指数。

    The real estate price index is a good tool to study the real estate price . However , our country does not have a recognizable and accurate real estate price index up to now .

  18. 房地产价格指数,就是反映房地产价格在一定时期内变动趋势和变动程度的相对数指标,是房地产市场的价格风向标。

    Real estate price index , which reflects the trends and changes of real estate price in a certain period with the relative number of levels index , is the real estate market price indicator .

  19. 通过房地产价格指数、人均居住面积、房价收入比和租售比四个方面的指标,具体描述上海目前房价高的程度。

    This section describes how high the housing price of Shanghai is through four indicators including the real estate price index , per capita living space , housing price-to-income ratio , rent and selling price ratio .

  20. 本文作者通过对国内外房地产价格指数编制方法的研究分析,并结合厦门房地产市场的实际情况,创造性地提出了用标准化法来编制厦门房地产价格指数。

    After having a research of the method for making HPI overseas and inland and studying the housing market situation of XiaMen , the author bring a new method & standardization method to make XiaMen HPI .

  21. 原则上,房地产价格指数应该只反映因为供求关系的变化而引起的价格变动,而剔除了因为房地产质量、区位、环境等品质因素的变化所引起的价格变动。

    In principle , real estate price index should reflect only price changes because of supply and demand , and exclude the price changes because of the change of the quality , location , environmental factors of the real estate .

  22. 本文首先分析和研究了国内外在房地产价格指数发展方向的研究现状,论述了房地产价格指数的基本理论,介绍价格指数的基本概念、定义、模型和计算方法。

    This paper firstly analyzes and studies the research level about real estate price indexes and frequent designing methods domestic and abroad , discusses the theory of real estate price indexes , expatiates the concept , defines and model of price indexes and computing methods .

  23. 再次,运用多元回归分析方法对物业税税基进行定量分析,并结合房地产价格指数和通货膨胀指数确定物业税的税基,并从税基评估立法以及申诉机制建立两方面探讨税基评估配套体系的构建。

    Thirdly , this paper uses multiple regression analysis method to analyze the property tax base , and combines with real estate prices and inflation index to define property tax base , and explores supporting system construction base assessment from the tax assessment legislation and complaint mechanism .

  24. 扬州市房地产市场价格指数研究

    The Research of Real Estate Price - Indices of Yangzhou

  25. 文章重点是通过对我国历年房地产销售价格指数数据进行统计分析,利用时间序列建立我国房地产销售价格指数的求和自回归移动平均时间模型,并进行预测。

    The article focuses on the sum of the calendar year real estate sales price index data for statistical analysis using time series of real estate sales price index autoregressive integrated moving average time to model and predict .

  26. 房地产价格研究及价格指数模型设计

    The Research of Real Estate Price and the Design of Price-Index Model

  27. 在房地产市场中,房地产价格指数对于投资者,消费者和政府来说都是一种很重要的市场信息。

    Real estate industry is becoming the pillar industry . In estate market , price indices are important information for investors , consumers and the governments .

  28. 房地产市场非理性繁荣,房地产价格指数一路飙升,价格泡沫迅速累积甚至有破灭的趋势。

    Real estate price index soars quickly and continually because of the irrational exuberance of the real estate market . The price bubble busts and accumulates quickly and may burst in the future .

  29. 与近年来房地产业的迅猛发展相比,房地产价格指数测算研究显得尤为落后。

    Compared to the rapid development of the real estate industry in recent years , real estate price index measurement study is particularly behind .

  30. 最后利用理论研究成果进行实证研究,分析日照市的房地产发展情况,编制日照市的房地产价格指数报告。

    Finally , this dissertation utilizes the research results to do the empirical study , analyzing the developing situation of Rizhao real estate and compiling a price index report on Rizhao real estate .