
  • 网络price-to-rents ratio
  1. 它们从未跌到过与长期房价租金比和房价收入比相一致的水平,这两项是衡量房地产市场相对低估或高估的可靠指标。

    They never fell to the levels consistent with long-term price-to-rent and price-to-income ratios , which are reliable metrics of the property markets ' relative under - or over-valuation .

  2. 本文以常被用作房地产泡沫测度指标的房价租金比为切入点,从住房买卖市场和住房租赁市场的差别角度对泡沫研究进行了有效补充。

    This paper puts emphasis on House price-Rental ratio , which is often used as a measurement index of real estate bubble ; It is an effective supplement for the bubble study .

  3. 在他看来,我们或许还未曾看到1997至2007年房地产泡沫所造成的失衡状况彻底得以修正,如不断下降的购房能力以及飞涨的房价租金比。

    In his view , we might not yet have witnessed a full correction of some of the imbalance that the 1997-2007 housing bubble created , such as decreasing affordability or surging price-to-rent ratios .

  4. 近几年,我国各城市的房价租金比明显偏高,有关于房地产市场是否存在泡沫的讨论不绝于耳。

    House price-Rental ratio is significantly high in most cities in China in recent years . The argue about whether there is bubble in the real estate market or not is on debate without end .

  5. 拜德表示,根据房价/租金比之类的指标,房价已接近公平价值,但更重要的是看总体经济复苏状况。

    Based on measures such as the ratio of prices to rents , housing was somewhere close to fair value , MS Bhide said , but it was more important to look at the overall health of the recovery .