
hù wài shēnɡ huó
  • Outdoor life;open air life
  1. 我喜欢户外生活,所以我住在乡间。

    I live in the countryside because I enjoy the outdoors .

  2. 我无法抵制对户外生活的向往。

    He could not resist the call of the outdoor life .

  3. 你本该好好的享受户外生活。

    You 're supposed to be enjoying the great outdoors .

  4. 她很喜欢运动,而且热爱户外生活。

    She 's very athletic and she loves being outside .

  5. 我想你是对的。让我们就享受这户外生活好了。

    I guess you 're right . Let 's just enjoy the outdoors .

  6. 雅曼达和我很喜爱户外生活。

    Amanda and I just love the outdoors .

  7. 具有户外生活特征或适于户外生活的。

    Characteristic of or suitable to outdoor life .

  8. 他热爱风餐露宿的户外生活。

    He loves the rugged outdoor life .

  9. 他们热爱自然界,喜欢户外生活,特别是喜欢鱼。

    They loved the natural world , the outdoors and above all they loved fish .

  10. 我喜欢户外生活。

    I like outdoor life .

  11. 约翰尼习惯于户外生活,故而夜晚在林中感到怡然自得。

    Eg. Johnny was an outdoor man and could make himself at home in the woods at night .

  12. 他父亲曾是一位农夫,他也喜欢户外生活,这是他的祖传天性。

    His father was a farmer and he prefers the outdoor life ; it runs in his blood .

  13. 我们要去露营度假,以便让孩子体验一下有益于身心健康的户外生活。

    We 're going on a camping holiday to give the kids a taste of the wholesome outdoor life .

  14. 他写道,居民会把椅子放在人行道上,重新创造出已经失去的乡间户外生活。

    The inhabitants , he wrote , would put their chairs on the pavement to recreate their lost outdoor village life .

  15. 我从未想到户外生活对一个人能起这么大的作用,这种生活使他年轻多了。

    I never imagined that an outdoor life could do so much for a man ? It 's taken years off him .

  16. 户外生活俱乐部是杭州英孚最受欢迎的课程之一,学生能够在享受户外活动的同时练习口语。

    Off site life clubs are one of the most popular classes in EF as you can practice your English while enjoying activities .

  17. 业主对别墅庭院景观有了日益提高的要求,追求更高品质的户外生活环境。

    The owners of the garden and landscape with the ever-increasing demands , the pursuit of a higher quality of outdoor living environment .

  18. 我们希望你能在大自然中找到乐趣,享受户外生活,并且在欢乐中学习。

    We want you to have fun with nature , enjoy being out there with nature and also learn about it along the way .

  19. 城市绿色开敞空间对改善城市生态环境和提高居民的户外生活品质起着举足轻重的作用。

    The Urban Green Open Space plays a significant role in improving urban ecological environment and raising the quality of their inhabitant outdoor life .

  20. 他在大学读书时,就特别喜爱户外生活,他打定主意要写法国人在加拿大的早期活动。

    As an undergraduate with a strong taste for the outdoors , he had determined to write the story of early French activity in Canada .

  21. 很多同学谈到对加德满都、对文化、对自然环境的观察和感受,有的谈到所学的户外生活、生存技巧。

    Many students talked about their observation of Kathmandu or of nature ; some talked about what they learned in terms of camping skills and basic survival skills .

  22. 随着人民生活的提高,人们对居住环境的要求愈来愈高,地形设计作为居住小区外环境景观设计的重要元素之一,对调节居住小区户外生活环境起着非常重要的作用。

    With the people do more on the living environment . Residential landscape external environments design an important element of landscape design , playing an important role in residential outdoor regulating environment .

  23. 随着城市的发展、汽车时代的来临,城市传统的公共空间及其户外生活走向泯灭,城市公共空间质量急剧下降。

    As cities are continuously developing and car-ages are coming , the traditional public space and open-air life in cities has been dying away and the quality of their public space is dropping sharply .

  24. 同时在对国内外相应的理论与实践进行比较、分析、研究的基础上,将普遍的人的需求分解为户外生活、空间使用方式等,并结合人的多种感觉进行人性化分析。

    On the basis of compare , analyze and research to theory and practice at home and abroad , the thesis resolve the common demand into outdoor life , spatial behavior and the others , and consider manifold sense perception of people .

  25. 具有健康的微红颜色,通常和户外的生活联系在一起。

    Inclined to a healthy reddish color often associated with outdoor life .

  26. 残废人通过体育活动和户外自然生活得到康复问题专家组会议;

    Expert meeting on rehabilitation of persons with disabilities through physical activity and outdoor nature life ;

  27. 几千年前,当人类搬进室内生活时,我们越来越远离户外环境及生活在那里的各类微生物。

    As humans moved indoors many thousands of years ago , we became increasingly separated from the outdoor environment and all the organisms which live there .

  28. 合作能力、高效率解决问题的能力、以及创造力是我们在户外拓展工作生活不可或缺的组成部分。

    Collaboration , effective problem solving and creativity are important components in our work life at Outward Bound .

  29. 户外运动&时尚生活的健康表达

    Outdoor Activities & A Healthy Expression of the Fashionable Life

  30. 孩子们大部分时间都待在户外,他们的生活健康而又活泼。

    Great deal of time is spent out of doors , and the children lead an active , healthy life .