
zhàn lüè zhòng diǎn
  • strategic focus;strategic emphasis
战略重点[zhàn lüè zhòng diǎn]
  1. 从APEC到10+3:中国的战略重点在区域经济一体化

    From APEC to " 10 + 3 ": China should Lay Strategic Emphasis on the Regional Economic Integration

  2. 其次,根据CIMCO公司的发展战略重点,将该公司经营绩效目标概括为财务目标、客户、内部经营效率、学习和成长能力四个方面。

    Secondly , according to the development strategic emphasis of CIMCO , the paper summarizes the managing performance goal as four respects of financial goal , customer , inside business efficiency , ability of study and grow up .

  3. 汇丰正重新将战略重点放到亚洲,上个月已将行政总裁纪勤(michaelgeoghegan)的办公地点从伦敦迁往香港。

    HSBC is renewing its focus on Asia and last month relocated Michael Geoghegan , its chief executive , from London to Hong Kong .

  4. 提出了加大在OTC市场的投入;进入农村市场的战略重点,同时,还提出了一些战略的组合。

    Proposed to increase investment in OTC market inputs ; into the rural market , strategic focus , while also raised a number of strategic combinations .

  5. 混合动力电动汽车(HEV)作为一种折中解决方案很好的解决了车辆的燃油经济性和排放性能,也逐渐成为了21世纪汽车工业发展的战略重点。

    Hybrid Electric Vehicle ( HEV ) is a good compromising solution to fuel economic and exhaust of the vehicle , and is becoming the strategy point of auto industry in21th century .

  6. 中国土地开发整理战略重点的新定位

    Study on Strategic Point of Land Consolidation and Reclamation in China

  7. 这家银行声称自己的战略重点仍在亚洲。

    The bank says its strategic focus will remain on Asia .

  8. 南通市服务业发展机遇与战略重点

    The Opportunities and Strategies for the Development of Nantong Service Industry

  9. 长江三角洲发展的目标定位与战略重点

    Target Location and Strategic Focus on Development of Yangtze River Delta

  10. 我国区域经济发展战略重点西移的条件及意义分析

    Significance and Condition of Diverting Westward of Chinese Regional Economy

  11. 区域工业循环经济近期战略重点研究&以广州市花都区为例

    The Recent Strategic Stress on Regional Industrial Circular Economy Stress and hippocampus

  12. 能源是社会主义经济建设的战略重点之一。

    Energy is one of the stratagem emphases of socialist economy construction .

  13. 新时期我国卫生服务的战略重点

    Strategic Points of Our Country 's Health Service in the New Period

  14. 中国公共服务改革:理念与战略重点

    Public Service Reform in China : Ideas and Strategic Challenge

  15. 西部大开发战略重点探析

    Discussion of the Strategic Focal Point for the Western Development

  16. 区域协调发展科技战略重点

    Emphases of Science and Technology Stratagem for Regional Harmony Development

  17. 广东高等教育大众化的战略重点选择

    On the Strategic Choices of the Popularization of Higher Education in Guangdong

  18. 论大渤海地区整体开发的战略重点

    On the key points of overall development strategy of the Bohai Sea Rimland

  19. 关注生态安全之三:中国生态安全的战略重点和措施

    Strategic Points and Countermeasures of Ecological Safety in China

  20. 温州高新技术产业发展的基本条件及其战略重点

    The Fundamental Condition and Strategic Priority of Wenzhou New and High-tech Industry Development

  21. 但是内部人士希望太平洋地区成为新的战略重点。

    But insiders hope that the Pacific will be the new strategic focus .

  22. 在对林业现状评价的基础上,本文提出了生态林业建设的基本原则、战略重点和目标。

    The basic principles , keypoints and targets are dealt with as well .

  23. 我国进口战略重点初探

    Initial Exploration on Priorities of China 's Import Strategy

  24. 农业保护政策的战略重点:国际经验的比较研究

    The Strategic Point of Agricultural Protection Policy : Comparative Study on International Experience

  25. 对奥运战略重点项目投入结构的分析与对策建议

    Analysis of Input Structure of Strategic Events for the Olympics and Suggestions for Countermeasure

  26. 提出提高湖北工业产业竞争力的战略重点和对策建议。

    Proposed the strategy emphases and suggestions for promoting Hubei industrial competitiveness of industries .

  27. 国家教育信息化是信息技术和战略重点的重要组成部分。

    State education information is an important part of information technology and strategic priorities .

  28. 零售银行业务:现代商业银行发展的战略重点

    Retail Bank operation is a Tactic Emphasis in the Development of Modern Merchant bank

  29. 阐明了其发展的指导方针,即把品种质量作为发展的战略重点;

    Developmentof variety and improvement of quality as key points of strategy are described .

  30. 山东现代装备制造业发展的战略重点与政策取向

    The Strategic Focus and Policy Orientation of Shandong Province 's Modern Equipment Manufacturing Industry