
  • 网络strategic structure;Strategic Architecture
  1. 调整战略结构加速山西旅游经济发展

    Adjusting Strategic structure and Accelerating the Development of Tourism Economy in Shanxi Province

  2. 动漫产业是近年来全球高速发展的一个新兴产业,它的发展将为全球经济战略结构带来根本性转变。

    Animation is the fresh industry with high-speed development recently around the world , which elevation will bring ultimate conversion for global economic and strategic structure .

  3. 浅论加入WTO对中国各产业的影响及其战略结构调整

    Preliminary Analysis of the Influences of China 's Entrance into WTO on China 's Industries and Their Strategical and Structural Adjustment

  4. 调整战略结构发展农村经济增加农民收益

    Adjust strategy structure , develop rural economy and raise peasants income

  5. 浅谈地质勘查工作战略结构调整及对策选择

    Strategic Structural Adjustment of Geological Prospecting Work and Selection of Measures

  6. 对国际战略结构未来发展变化的论述。

    Discuss the future change of the stratagem structure .

  7. 对现实战略结构的审视;

    Survey the realistic international stratagem structure ;

  8. 正文部分从概念界定入手,概括阐述城市品牌战略结构,锁定本次研究的视域。

    Body part starting from the concept definition , elaborates the structures of city brand strategy and locks this study sight .

  9. 在分析模式的设定上,选择国际战略结构的内在冲突作为研究问题;

    On the enactment of the analysis mode , we choose the immanent conflict of international stratagem structure to be the issue ;

  10. 分析得出中国民营中小型出口企业竞争力影响最大的为生产要素,其次需求状况,再次为企业战略结构、竞争和综合因素。

    Analysis of Chinese private enterprise competitiveness of small and medium-sized export biggest influence factors of production , the second for demand for enterprise strategy , again structure , competition and comprehensive factors .

  11. 文章从需求、供给、战略结构、机遇、政府等方面分析我国高等教育服务贸易的竞争力。

    As a result , the thesis tries to analyze the competitiveness of higher educational service trade in China from the aspect of demand and supply , strategy and structure , government and challenges .

  12. 在当前战略结构调整、高技术产业迅速崛起的背景下,对高技术服务机理的研究,无疑有助于加快我国高技术扩散和技术创新,因而,本研究有着重要的研究价值。

    In the context of strategic structural adjustment , the rapid rise of the high-tech industry , undoubtedly , studying the mechanism of high-tech service will be helpful to accelerate high-tech diffusion and technological innovation in China .

  13. 成功的利润模式创新经验对多数企业的指导意义并不清晰,其根源在于缺乏利润模式背后的一般战略结构的探讨。

    By the innovation of profit patterns many enterprises have achieved great success , but the experiences are not clear to other enterprises . The reason is that it is short of the general structure research on the strategy behind the profit patterns .

  14. 本文探讨企业未来的几大运作模式,对国企的深化改革和进行及时的战略结构调整、迎接未来市场挑战有积极的参考作用。

    The topic of this paper is to explore the several great operating and managing modes of enterprises which have active reference significance to deepen the reform of enterprises , adjust the strategic strucure , meet the challenge of the market in the future .

  15. 主要从生产要素、需求条件、相关产业和支持产业、企业战略结构与竞争对手、机遇和政府的作用等几项因素来对广州的高新技术产业的发展进行了分析。

    Porter 's Diamond Theory , it is mainly from the production element , the requirement , the relational and sustaining industry , the stratagem structure and the opponent of the corporation , the chance and the government to analyze the high tech industry in Guangzhou .

  16. 这次新一轮的战略结构调整,必须针对我们所面临的新形势和新任务,明确调整目标,理顺调整的总体思路,抓住调整的工作重点,采取有效的对策措施,才能有力推进和取得实效。

    This adjustment must adapt to new situation and new tasks , clearly define the aims for the adjustment , straighten out the overall thinking of the adjustment , grasp the focal points of the adjustment and take effective measures to promote the adjustment and attain effectiveness .

  17. 引起民营企业快速发展的原因是多方面的,除有产权清晰、国有企业战略结构调整、劳动力成本优势等方面原因外,还有国家经济政策对民营企业支持的原因。

    There are many reasons leading to the rapid development of private enterprises . In addition to clear property rights , strategic adjustment of state-owned enterprises , the labor cost advantage , national economic policy on private enterprises is one of the major reasons for the rapid growth .

  18. 全球性金融危机的爆发给我国入境旅游客源市场带来了巨大的影响,入境旅游市场结构也将出现一系列变化,需要重新审视和调整我国入境旅游市场的战略结构和战略重点。

    The global financial crisis had made a great impact on the inbound tourism of China , meanwhile the series of changes of the structure of inbound tour market will appear , so we have to redefine and audit our inbound tour market both from strategic structure and strategic emphasis .

  19. 钱德勒在其具有开创性的经典著作《战略与结构》(StrategyandStructure)中重点谈到了四家公司:杜邦(DuPont)、通用汽车、西尔斯(Sears)和标准石油(StandardOil)。

    He focused on four companies : DuPont ( DD ) , general motors , Sears ( shld ) , and standard oil in his seminal classic strategy and structure .

  20. 比较优势理论,战略、结构、绩效(SSP)理论,技术变迁理论是现代企业提高竞争力的主要手段。

    Comparative superiority theory and the achievements ( SSP ) theory , technical vicissitude theory is the main method for modern company to improve its competence .

  21. 利用SWOT分析法对安阳市城市发展条件进行研究,安阳市未来城市区域和城市的经济、空间发展战略与结构形态可见轮廓。

    The urban developing conditions must be researched with SWOT analysis . Thus the future urban area of Anyang City , urban economy , space developing strategy and structure form can be figured out .

  22. 他们在负责麦肯锡咨询公司的调查研究项目结论中归纳出管理的七要素(7s),即战略、结构、制度、人员、技术、作风和共同价值观。

    They summarized the conclusions of the management of seven elements ( 7s ), strategy , structure , systems , personnel , technology , style and shared values when they are responsible for the McKinsey research project .

  23. 自从40多年前阿尔弗雷德·D·钱德勒(AlfredD.Chandler,1962)[1]提出著名论断&战略决定结构,结构紧随战略以来,关于战略和结构的关系问题就一直是研究者们津津乐道的话题。

    Since Alfred D. Chandler ( 1962 ) [ 1 ] put forward his famous theory of Strategy determines structure , structure follows strategy forty years ago , the relation between strategy and structure has always been the subject which most interests the researchers .

  24. 本篇论文主要进行了基于超循环理论的战略联盟结构模式研究。

    This thesis focuses on the strategy alliance structure mode research .

  25. 权力视角下的战略联盟结构模式研究

    A Research on The Structure Patterns of Strategic Alliance from Angle of Power

  26. 这一过程将引致对于组织战略和结构的重新审视。

    This process results in a reexamination of an organizations strategy and structure .

  27. 投融资战略资本结构协同度及其测度模型研究

    Synergy Degree and Measurement Model of Capital Structure of Investment & Financing Strategy

  28. 钱德勒战略与结构互动分析框架的理论模型构建

    A Theoretic Constructing of the Chandler 's Structure-strategy Model Based on Haken Model

  29. 中小企业技术创新战略的结构模型分析&以浙江省中小企业为例

    An analysis on the structural model for the strategy of technology innovation in Chinese SMEs

  30. 展望未来,美国在任何一种能源密集型行业都拥有巨大的战略与结构优势。

    The US has a massive strategic and structural advantage for any industry that is energy intensive going forward .