
  • 网络strategic governance;Strategic Management
  1. 一言以蔽之,战略治理和战术治理不同之处在于对待企业SOA策略的方式不同。

    Therein lies the distinction between Strategic Governance and Tactical Governance-how each embrace enterprise SOA Policy .

  2. 这两个公司的“战略治理”小组都各自有一套完美的企业SOA架构和策略。

    FastCom 's " strategic governance " group has its ideal enterprise SOA architecture and policy .

  3. 首先,通过比较“战略治理”和“战术治理”,给出了SOA治理的定义。

    First , it will attempt to explain to define SOA Governance by comparing and contrasting " strategic governance " and " tactical governance " .

  4. 成功地启动SOA治理的企业往往会在承认“战略治理”小组的权威性同时赋予“战术治理”小组实现商务价值的权利。

    Organizations that succeed with their SOA Governance initiatives allow the " strategic governance " teams to be right-while enabling the " tactical governance " teams to deliver business value .

  5. 在我们的组织中“战略治理”体是什么?

    What are the " strategic governance " bodies in my organization ?

  6. 良好的治理一个重要方面是分清“战略治理”和“战术治理”的区别。

    One key to good Governance is to differentiate between " strategic " and " tactical " governance .

  7. 过程中的决策点将成为所谓的“治理门”,而且需要跟“战略治理”本体以及复审会话相一致。

    Decision points in the process can become " Governance Gates " and should align to the " strategic governance " bodies and review sessions .

  8. 战略治理理论的发展经历了三个阶段:经典战略理论阶段、产业结构分析阶段(波特阶段)和核心能力理论阶段。

    The strategy management theory 's development has experienced three stages : Classical strategic theory stage , industrial structure analysis stage ( baud stage ) and core competencies theory stage .

  9. 然后就科技园建设的难点、热点问题,如战略治理、组织模式治理、资本运营和风险防控治理及创新等进行了深入阐述和研究。

    And then it analyzes and studies the hottest as well as the hardest terms in building the Park , such as Strategy Governing Policy , Organization Pattern Governing , Capital Operation , Risk Prevention and Innovation .

  10. 通过实证分析,对产业技术创新战略联盟治理机制和绩效的关系进行了研究。

    Through empirical analysis , the relationship between governance mechanisms and performance of industrial technology innovation and strategic alliances is proved .

  11. 该战略在治理与妨碍增长的不良的投资环境和公共服务缺陷之间建立了重要的联系。

    The strategy makes the crucial link between governance and weaknesses in the investment climate and public service delivery that hinder growth .

  12. 最后本文在战略联盟治理结构的基础上提出了股权联盟、非股权联盟和合资企业治理形式的选择和学习能力对它们的影响。

    Finally , we suggest three governance forms , such as equity alliance , non-equity alliances and joint ventures on the basis of governance structures in the strategic alliances in this paper .

  13. 目前,该B2B合并项目正在按计划进行,并将B2B渠道数量减少了一半,很大程度上是通过同时对战术和战略计划的治理和管理来实现的。

    Currently , the B2B consolidation project is on schedule and has reduced the number of B2B channels by half , largely through governance and management of both the tactical and strategic plan .

  14. 统筹治理:国家战略和政府治理形态的契合

    Governance as a Whole Plan : Governing Type Fitting in with State Strategy

  15. 在满足股东利益的同时,应当顾及鼓励长期战略的公司治理。

    It should allow for corporate governance that encourages long-term strategies while satisfying shareholder interests .

  16. 基于期权博弈的企业战略投资动态治理研究

    Dynamic Governance of Firm 's Strategic Investment : A Study Based on the Options Game Theory

  17. 根据战略联盟的治理模型的结论,学习能力和谈判破裂担心程度是影响战略联盟治理结构和治理形式选择的主要因素。

    According to the conclusion of the model , learning ability is the main factor affected governance structure and governance forms of strategic alliance .

  18. 重点先容了国有建筑企业战略人力资源治理系统的四个子系统以及它们之间的内在关系。

    The article focuses on the strategy of state-owned construction enterprise human resources management system , as well as the four subsystems of the intrinsic relationship between them .

  19. 基于这一逻辑,文章还探讨了中国内生于工业发展战略的农村治理模式对农村居民政治态度与政治行为的影响。

    Based on such logic , this paper also discussed the impacts of Chinese endogenous rural governance mode within secondary industry strategy on villagers ' political behavior and attitude .

  20. 在周三长达4小时的会议上,世行董事会就领导能力、战略、公司治理、多边机构面临的环境及世行的独立性等问题对佐利克进行了严格盘问。

    At a four-hour meeting on Wednesday , the board grilled Mr Zoellick on leadership , strategy , corporate governance , the environment facing multilateral institutions and the World Bank 's independence .

  21. 葛霖表示,他将负责战略和公司治理,并在全球范围内代表这家银行;而纪勤则将领导汇丰的管理团队实施战略。

    Mr Green said he would take responsibility for strategy and corporate governance and represent the bank around the world , while Mr Geoghegan would lead HSBC 's management team to deliver the strategy .

  22. 财产保险公司是我国新兴的特殊的金融性企业,其面临政策风险、保险风险、市场风险、信用风险、操作风险、战略风险和治理结构风险等特殊风险。

    Property Insurance Company is the emerging special-financial enterprises , which face special risks policy risk , insurance risk , market risk , credit risk , operational risk , strategic risk and risk governance structure .

  23. 公司战略、公司治理和公司理财对公司价值的三个价值推动要素都有很大的影响,因此,需要融合公司战略、公司治理和公司理财来实现价值创造。

    The strategies , management , financing of the company has great impact on the three value-driving factors . So , the strategies , management and financing should be integrated to realize the creation of value .

  24. 本文阐述了财务危机发生的内部原因是公司战略失策、治理结构不合理和财务管理失败,外部原因有宏观环境、体制因素和行业影响。

    This paper describes the internal causes of financial distress , which has impolitic company strategic , irrational corporate governance structure and unsuccessful financial management . There are macro environment , institutional factor and industry influence for the external reasons .

  25. 然后通过层次分析法和灰色理论的结合对产业技术创新战略联盟的治理绩效进行了分析评价,建立了产业技术创新战略联盟治理绩效的评价体系。

    And through the combination of analytic hierarchy process and gray theory , the paper also analyzed and evaluated governance performance of the industrial technology innovation and strategic alliances . The paper aims at establishing a governance performance evaluation system for industrial technology innovation strategic alliance .

  26. 供应链战略合作伙伴关系治理结构的研究

    Research on the Governance Structure of Strategic Partnership in Supply Chain

  27. 保险机构投资者战略参与上市公司治理研究

    The Research on Insurance Institutional Investors Strategically Participating in Listed Company Governance

  28. 引入战略投资者对国企治理结构的影响

    Analysis about Effect of Introducing Tactic Investment on Governance Structure

  29. 有些组织致力于企业级的业务转型,其他一些组织则确定它们的路线图、愿景、战略以及评估和治理标准。

    Some organizations engage in an enterprise-wide business transformation .

  30. 论社会发展战略中的综合治理方针&兼论两者之间的关系

    On Comprehensive Administration Principle in Social Development Strategy & Also on the Relationship between the Two