
zhàn lüè wǔ qì
  • strategic weapon
  1. 这位新CEO曾经送给同事们多本《与时间竞争》,这本书讲述的是如何将供应链作为一项战略武器来使用。

    The new CEO is known to give colleagues copies of Competing Against Time , a book about using supply chains as a strategic weapon in business .

  2. 它具有开发成本低、适应性强、协作性高等优势,它必将成为企业现代化商业竞争的信息化战略武器。

    So it is viewed as a strategic weapon for commercial competition .

  3. 此次峰会以签订具有历史性意义的《削减进攻性战略武器条约》宣告圆满成功。

    The summit was crowned by the signing of the historic START treaty .

  4. 经过10年协商,参议院已经正式批准了《削减战略武器条约》。

    After 10 years of negotiation , the Senate ratified the strategic arms reduction treaty .

  5. 预计讨论议题将涉及取代《新削减战略武器条约》(简称NewSTART)。

    Topics of discussion are expected to include replacing the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty , also known as New START .

  6. 举例来说,在这些潜水艇上的常规弹头会在削减战略武器条约(START)和莫斯科条约的限度之下计算。

    For example , the conventional warheads on these submarines would count under the limits in START and the Moscow Treaty .

  7. 我们与俄罗斯基于《削减战略武器新条约》((NewSTARTTreaty)这是近20来最为全面的军备控制协议正在削减我们的核武库。

    With Russia , were now reducing our arsenal under the New START Treaty & the most comprehensive arms control agreement in nearly 20 years .

  8. AZUZ:我们首先来关注一下START的问题,START表示战略武器削减条约。

    AZUZ : We are getting things started with START . It stands for Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty .

  9. AZUZ:关于新的战略武器削减条约,仍然需要美国参议院至少三分之二的参议员投票通过。

    AZUZ : As for the new START treaty , it still needs to be passed by at least two-thirds of the U.S. Senate .

  10. 新的条约将取代1991年签署的第一阶段战略武器削减条约(START-One)。

    The new agreement replaces the nineteen ninety-one Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty , known as START-One .

  11. 在战略武器方面,他显示出了同样的机敏和执著。

    He showed similar adroitness and persistence in strategic arm control .

  12. 作者认为,姆贝基把他的魅力变成了自己的“战略武器”。

    The author argues that Mr Mbeki used his charm strategically .

  13. 12月5日也是原削减战略武器条约到期的日子。

    That is when the governing Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty expires .

  14. 战略武器作战系统生存对策模型研究

    The Research of Survival Countermeasure about Strategic Weapons System for Combat

  15. 美苏在战略武器上的斗争

    The strategic arms competition between the United States and the Soviet Union

  16. 我们为第二阶段限制战略武器会谈所作的准备突然带上了神学色彩。

    Our preparations for SALT II suddenly took on a theological cast .

  17. 关于进一步限制进攻性战略武器谈判的基本原则

    Basic Principles of Negotiations on the Further Limitations of Strategic Offensive Arms

  18. 对以能源作为战略武器的担忧由来已久。

    Fear of the energy weapon has a long history .

  19. 从多方面论述了发展先进战略武器的必要性。

    This paper expounds necessity to develop advanced strategic weapons from several aspects .

  20. 政府在过去的基础上制定了颇为明智的限制战略武器会谈第二阶段协议。

    The administration shaped a sound SALT II agreement built on previous foundations .

  21. 当选总统乔·拜登曾发言支持保留《新削减战略武器条约》。

    President-elect Joe Biden has spoken the preservation of the New START treaty .

  22. 而收益管理系统已经成为一个使饭店获得竞争优势的战略武器。

    However , RMS is becoming an strategic weapons to obtain competing advantages .

  23. 如果没有战略武器控制条约,这一切成就就无从谈起。

    That progress would not have been possible without strategic arms control treaties .

  24. 限制战略武器的谈判没有什么进展。

    Talks to limit strategic arms were marking time .

  25. 美俄裁减战略武器的进程及趋向

    Progress and Tendency of US-Russian Strategic Arms Reduction

  26. 加速发展先进的战略武器

    Speeding up the Development of Advanced Strategic Weapons

  27. 美俄今年早些时候签署了新的《削减战略武器条约》以替代原有到期的条约。

    New START was signed earlier this year to replace the expired START treaty .

  28. 为了达到这一目的,他们会把新一轮限制战略武器谈判推迟到遥远的未来。

    To achieve this they would postpone a new SALT negotiation into the remote future .

  29. 关于削减进攻性战略武器的条约;

    Treaty on the strategic offensive reduction ;

  30. 与当年中国实验核武器成功一样属于战略武器!

    That year as part of the success of China 's experimental nuclear strategic weapons !