
  • 网络war bond
  1. 首先,美国是通过发售战争债券,利用国内储蓄为巨额战时赤字融资的。

    First , the US financed its huge wartime deficits from domestic savings , via the sale of war bonds .

  2. 那些有能力的人购买战争债券,其他的人编织、缝补衣服,护理伤病人或做其它一切他们力所能及的工作。

    Those who could bought war bonds ; others knitted , sewed , nursed , or lent any other assistance in their power .

  3. 战争债券政府发行的债务证券,目的在于在战争时期筹集军费。

    War bond debt securities issued by a government for the purpose of financing military operations during times of war .

  4. 1941年,10年期战争债券的利率大约是2.9%,与今天差别不大。

    Interest on a war bond in 1941 was roughly 2.9 per cent on a 10-year maturity , not so different from today .