
  1. 一想到要花这么多钱,连我都有点犹豫。

    Even I boggle at the idea of spending so much money .

  2. 情况这么复杂,我都有点儿蒙头转向了。

    It 's all so complicated . I 'm totally lost .

  3. 乖乖,你妈跟我都有聪明的孩子们。

    Gee , what clever kids your mother and I have .

  4. 我都有点害怕去知道这些是什么了。

    I 'm almost afraid to find out what it is .

  5. 但是我都有不确定对不对。

    Divorced now , she was finally able to tell her story .

  6. 每一次的触摸,我都有这种感觉;

    Cause everytime we touch , I get this feeling .

  7. 我都有一个多月没进过公园了。

    I haven 't been in that park for over a month .

  8. 什么东西都跟这有关。我都有点烦了。

    Everything is now . I 'm kind of sick of it .

  9. 一直以来我都有一个愿望。

    I 've had a wish for a long time .

  10. 在整个过程中,我都有一种近似疯狂的紧迫感。

    There was a sense of insane urgency throughout the entire process .

  11. 我都有点迫不及待地想看了。

    I 'm too impatient to wait to see it .

  12. 如果不是你,我都有孙儿了。

    I 'd have grandchildren by now if it weren 't for you .

  13. 我都有资格参加举重锦标赛了。

    I 've qualified for this inter-prison power-lifting tournament .

  14. 对你对我都有好处!

    Good for you ! And good for me !

  15. 每天我都有机会再向前迈进一步。

    Every day gives me the chance to take one more step forward .

  16. 看来大部分人对我都有抵触。

    I guess I have that effect on people .

  17. 火车上真是太挤了,我都有点呼吸困难了。

    There was such a crush on the train that I could hardly breathe .

  18. 星期二整个下午我都有空。

    I 'll be free all Tuesday afternoon .

  19. 不管你怎么看,我都有麻烦。

    So any way you look at it , I 'm in the shit .

  20. 除了今天外我都有空。

    3Im free every day except today .

  21. 这里所有人我都有义务保护。

    Everyone in here is my responsibility .

  22. 劳伦和我都有一些名声。

    Lauren and I had a reputation .

  23. 委员会的委员们一个个对我都有好感。

    The members of the committee were to a man personally well disposed toward me .

  24. 我都有点儿佩服我自己了

    I 've even begun to admire myself

  25. 我都有追踪记录。

    I have a track record .

  26. 当看上去好象你和我都有嫌疑的时候。

    You didn 't just go into the station and tell them that I did it .

  27. 从牙刷到印有芭比头像的手表我都有。

    I 've got everything from the toothpaste to a watch with her face on it .

  28. 他从前对你没有益处,但如今对你我都有益处。

    Who formerly was useless to you but now is useful both to you and to me .

  29. 请心中布满怒火地看着我们,愤怒对你对我都有帮助。

    Look at us with an angry heart , anger that will help you and help me .

  30. 为什么会发生这种事?窃贼走后很长一段时间内,我都有种恐惧感。

    Why did this happen ? There was a fear that lingered long after the thieves have fled .