
  • 网络I want to give it to you;This love I have inside
  1. 我要给你讲一个4只小兔子的故事。

    I shall tell you a story about four little rabbits .

  2. 我要给你写一封情意绵绵的长信。

    I 'm gonna write you a long , gooey letter

  3. 我要给你汇些钱。

    I 'm wiring you some money

  4. A:星期六早上我们要下棋,我要给你煮面条。

    A : We 're going to play chess on Saturday morning and I am going to cook noodles for you .

  5. 我要给你5000美金的礼物卡你可以去J.C.Penney买你想要的任何东西

    I want to give you a 5000 dollars gift card to go to J.C.Penney and whatever you want to get

  6. 我要给你个好灵魂,一副好心肠。

    I 'll give you a good mind and a warm-hearted .

  7. 我要给你份乔迁宴最好的礼物。

    We 're gonna get you the best housewarming present ever .

  8. 我要给你幅我沉睡时的素描。

    I want you to have the drawing of me sleeping .

  9. 装钱的火车,我要给你一列装满钱的火车。

    Money train . I 'll give you a money train .

  10. 我要给你看恐惧在一把尘土里。

    I will show you fear in a handful of dust .

  11. 我要给你看看,我哪儿也不去!

    I 'm gonna show you I 'm not going anywhere !

  12. 但是我要给你看看你没能见过的那些东西。

    But I assure you , something gets lost in the translation .

  13. 太好了。我要给你一张罚单。

    That 's great . I 'm writing you up a ticket .

  14. 我要给你的东西是买不到的。

    But you can 't buy what I 'm gonna give you .

  15. 我要给你取个新名字。

    I 'm going to give you a new name .

  16. 裁缝说:我要给你量一量尺寸。

    " I just measure you up . " said the tailor .

  17. 抱歉,我要给你开一张罚单。

    Sorry , but I 'm going to write you a ticket .

  18. 首先,我要给你三个月试用期。

    I 'll have to take you three month 's probation first .

  19. 我要给你展示最后一项技术。

    I 'm going to show you one last technique .

  20. 请转过去,我要给你洗后背了。

    Turn around please , I 'll wash you back .

  21. 我要给你脖子上拴个铃铛

    I 'm gonna tie a cowbell around your neck .

  22. 哎,韩佳。我要给你纠正错误了。

    Hey , Han Jia , I am going to correct you .

  23. 现在我要给你一个忠告。

    And now I want to give you some advice .

  24. 你可能会对我要给你看的东西很困扰。

    You may find what I 'm about to show you disturbing .

  25. 我要给你看点东西,看看你男人我是怎么干活的。

    I want to show you something ... your man in action .

  26. 朱尔斯我要给你看个很酷的东西

    Jules , I have something cool to show you .

  27. 我要给你的建议与他给我的一样。

    I will give you the same suggestion as he give me .

  28. 儿子我要给你一个惊喜什么惊喜

    I got a surprise for you my son What 's that ?

  29. 我要给你看看盒子里是什么。

    I 'm gonna show youWhat came out of it .

  30. 对此我要给你一个A

    and for that I give you an " A. "