
  • 网络My children;My kids;My boys;My babies;All My Children
  1. 我的孩子们都经历了青春期后阶段的焦虑。

    All my children went through a period of late-adolescent angst .

  2. 周一,《我的孩子们》及《只此一生》两部剧集的新篇章将可在网上收看。

    On Monday , new episodes of All My Children , and One Life to Live will be available online .

  3. 这个故事我的孩子们非常喜欢。

    This story went over big with my kids .

  4. 它看起来像是一个有利于我的孩子们成长的理想居住区。

    It seemed like a good neighbourhood to raise my children .

  5. 对我的孩子们来说,他会是个好父亲。

    He would be a good father to my children .

  6. 我的孩子们打起架来时,我不会那样做。

    I refuse to act that way when my kids fight

  7. 我的孩子们过去曾伤害过我。

    My children have wounded me in the past .

  8. 这附近有个动物园?我的孩子们一定会很高兴的。

    There 's a zoo round here ? That 's dandy for my kids .

  9. 我的孩子们想要我跟他们一起过圣诞节,但我办不到。

    My children want me with them for Christmas Day , but I can 't face it

  10. 我的孩子们击败了佐治亚州最好的团队,这是我一生中最伟大的团队之一。

    My boys beat the best team in Georgia , giving me one of the greatest of my life !

  11. "谢谢你们,我的孩子们。我现在感觉好多了。"

    " Thank you , my kids . I feel better now . "

  12. 悉尼和阿德莱德。我的孩子们也学会了如何做披萨,他们非常喜欢。

    Sydney and Adelaide . My children have also learned how to make pizzas and they quite enjoy it .

  13. 彭太太:"最近我们住酒店的时候,我的孩子们会看卧室窗外的鱼,他们从不感到无聊!"

    Mrs Peng : " When we were staying at the hotel recently , my children watched the fish outside their bedroom window.They were never bored ! "

  14. 我的孩子们喜欢收集贝壳。

    My children love collecting seashells .

  15. 我的孩子们最近学会了一个令人担心的法语俚语词:bim(发音与英语的beam相似)。

    MY kids have recently picked up a worrying French slang word : bim ( pronounced beam ) .

  16. 我的孩子们最近学会了一个令人担心的法语俚语词:bim(发音与英语的“beam”相似)。

    MY kids have recently picked up a worrying French slang word : bim ( pronounced " beam " ) .

  17. 然而他以前的一个邻居,尼日利亚人,说她对BNP感到恐惧,她说:“如果BNP执政,那我的孩子们怎么办?”

    A former neighbour , however , born in Nigeria , says she is frightened by the BNP . " If they get in , what will happen to my children ?"

  18. 现在你必须把那生命交给我的孩子们。

    And now you must give that life to my children .

  19. 我的孩子们现在步行上学,我步行上班。

    My children walk to school and I walk to work .

  20. 看在上帝的份上,别碰我的孩子们。

    Don 't touch my children , for god 's sake .

  21. 我的孩子们也要在那里上学。

    And my sons will be going to boarding school there .

  22. 接着,我的孩子们出生了,长大了,又各自离开了。

    My children were born , grew up and went away .

  23. 后来我的孩子们会收到别人送的一些发声玩具礼物。

    And then my children started getting talking toys as gifts .

  24. 他似乎很喜欢我的孩子们。

    He seems to have a penchant for my children .

  25. 我们搬到一起以前我的孩子们也相处的很好。

    My kids got along just fine until we moved in together .

  26. 我的孩子们多次运用过这样的简单技巧。

    My children have used this simple technique many times .

  27. 我的孩子们通常带装盒的午餐上学。

    My children usually take a packed lunch to school .

  28. 噢,我的孩子们,不要像刚才那样谈话。

    Oh , my children , stop talking like that , please .

  29. 我的孩子们已经长大,我的牵绊也越来越少。

    With my children grown , I have fewer ties .

  30. 不需要你来告诉我的孩子们怎么做。

    You don 't tell my children what to do .