
  1. 现在我来付账——咱们以后再算。

    I 'll pay now ─ we can settle up later .

  2. 给我来份热狗,但别加芥末。

    Give me a hot dog , but hold the mustard .

  3. 我来这里工作已经整整一年了。

    It 's exactly a year since I started working here .

  4. 让我来概括一下到目前为止我们所作的决定吧。

    Let me just recap on what we 've decided so far .

  5. 你领头,我来照样做。

    You go first , I 'll take my lead from you .

  6. 别担心费用,我来替你付。

    Don 't worry about the cost ─ I 'll treat you .

  7. 你能不能在你方便时给我来个电话,安排见一次面?

    Can you telephone me at your convenience to arrange a meeting ?

  8. 对不起,我来晚了——我错过什么了吗?

    Sorry I 'm late ─ have I missed anything ?

  9. “让我来!”汤姆果断地说。

    ' I 'll do it ! ' Tom declared .

  10. “这个我来做吧。”她提议道。

    ' I 'll do it , ' she offered .

  11. 我来给你的支票盖上公司的章。

    I 'll stamp the company name on your cheque .

  12. 你弄脏了的地方总是要我来打扫,我受够了!

    I 'm fed up with clearing up after you !

  13. 你要是觉得自己有种,就冲着我来吧。

    Come and get me if you think you 're hard enough .

  14. 她又就买新衣服的事情数落起我来。

    She started on at me again about getting some new clothes .

  15. 别担心——这事儿我来处理。

    Don 't worry ─ I 'll see to it .

  16. 事情的那方面由我来处理。

    I 'll take care of that side of things .

  17. 现在我来唱一首披头士乐队的歌。

    Now I 'd like to sing a song by the Beatles .

  18. 我来帮你拎那些包吧。

    Let me give you a hand with those bags .

  19. “让我来说明一下!”他热心地补充道。

    ' Let me explain ! ' he added helpfully .

  20. 为什么投诉总得要我来处理?

    Why do complaints always land on my desk ?

  21. 我来帮你脱大衣吧。

    Let me help you off with your coat .

  22. 其他人都跑掉了,留下我来挨罚。

    The others all ran off , leaving me to face the music .

  23. 你洗盘子,我来擦干。

    You wash the dishes and I 'll dry .

  24. 我来把你的枕头拍松。

    Let me fluff up your pillows for you .

  25. 我来腾出一块地方好放你的书。

    I 'll clear a space for your books .

  26. 那个日子我来不了。

    I can 't come on that date .

  27. 请给我来杯矿泉水。

    A glass of mineral water , please .

  28. 我来打电话给你叫辆出租车。

    I 'll call a taxi for you .

  29. 我来谈谈一些常见的错误认识。

    Let me deal with some common misconceptions .

  30. 只剩一张票,我来与你掷币决定给谁。

    There 's only one ticket left ─ I 'll toss you for it .