
  • 网络I'm the captain
  1. 我是船长,我说向左就向左。

    I 'm the captain , and I say go left .

  2. 我是船长的妻子。

    I 'm the captain 's wife .

  3. 我是船长。

    This is the captain speaking .

  4. 【电影原声播放】Michaels船长求你了我是船长片刻之后,我们会打开舱门。

    Captain Michaels . Please This is Captain . In a few moments , we will open the gates .

  5. 因为在这里我是船长,你是小弟。

    Because I 'm the skipper , and you 're gilligan .

  6. 船长:我是船长,一会儿我们会打开大门。

    Captain : This is your Captain . In a few moments , we will open the gates .

  7. 我是船长,他说,这两个是我的大副和二副。

    ' I am the captain of that ship , 'he said , 'and these two men are my first and second officers .

  8. 我是一个船长征服这个海洋

    I 'm a sea captain taming the ocean !

  9. 记住,现在我是你的船长。

    Hands , 'I said , 'so please remember I 'm your captain .

  10. 凯恩:我曾经是个船长。

    Solomon Kane : I was a captain .

  11. 我是杰克斯派洛船长。

    I 'm Captain Jack sparrow .

  12. 先生,船长回答,在您来说,我不过是尼摩船长,在我来说,您和您的同伴不过是诺第留斯号的乘客。

    Sir , the commander replied , to you , I 'm simply Captain Nemo ; * to me , you and your companions are simply passengers on the Nautilus .

  13. 我是这艘船的船长,是不是?

    I am the captain of this ship , am I not ?

  14. 我是一艘船的船长。

    I 'm chief officer on a ship .

  15. “不,”他的新朋友说,“事实上,我是泰坦尼克号的船长。”

    " No ," said his new friend ," actually , I was the caption of the Titanic . "

  16. 当我在那两个人质面前露面时,我是同船长一起去的。船长向他们介绍,我是由总督派来监视他们的。

    Then the two Prisoners of the first Gang , to whom having their Characters from the Captain , I had given their Liberty , and trusted them with Arms .

  17. 我是来接管这条船的,汉兹先生,我说。记住,现在我是你的船长。

    I 've come to take control of this ship , Mr Hands , I said , so please remember I 'm your captain .