
  • 网络Our Sun
  1. 我们的太阳只是天际中许多恒星之一。

    Our sun is only one of many suns in the heavens .

  2. 其中一颗是像我们的太阳那样又大又明亮。

    One of the pair is big and bright like our sun .

  3. 水星在我们的太阳系里是最敏高的一个星星。

    Mercury is the most sensitive planet of our solar system .

  4. 在我们的太阳系里八个行星绕太阳运转。

    In our solar system eight planets circle around the sun .

  5. 我们的太阳在进化上的第一个台阶。

    Our sun is in its first stage of evolution .

  6. 而行星往往会在富含金属的恒星好似我们的太阳这种恒星周围形成。

    And planets tend to form around metal-rich stars , like our Sun .

  7. 我们的太阳早期可能就是超新星碎片和氢结合。

    Our sun was formed from the rem of other stars had exploded earlier .

  8. 它们不在我们的太阳系中。

    They are not in our solar system .

  9. 许多天文学家认为,其中一些太阳就像我们的太阳一样也有行星。

    Many astronomers believe that some of these suns have planets as our sun does .

  10. 然而对于我们的太阳系,每天我们都会了解到更多东西。

    About our own solar system , however , we are learning more every day .

  11. 渐渐地,它们凝聚成团,我们的太阳就因此诞生了。

    Gradually , they clump together and give birth to a star - our sun .

  12. 天文学家宣布在我们的太阳系外发现了32颗新的行星。

    Astronomers have announced the discovery of32 new planets orbiting stars outside our solar system .

  13. 天文学家日前宣布,他们可能在我们的太阳系外发现了第一颗已知的月球。

    Astronomers have announced the possible discovery of the first known moon outside our Solar System .

  14. 这与我们的太阳系几乎处在银河系的赤道有关。

    This has to do with our Solar system that is almost at the Galactic Equator .

  15. 据估计我们的太阳系内部区域有10000颗已知的小行星。

    There are an estimated 10000 known asteroids orbiting our region of the inner solar system .

  16. 在这张华丽的对数图像中心部位,捕捉到的是我们的太阳和太阳系。

    Our sun and solar system are pictured at the center of this gorgeous logarithmic illustration .

  17. 就像我们的太阳但更热。

    Like our sun but hotter .

  18. 他们现在甚至认为我们的太阳系就可能有外星生命。

    But scientists now think that life could be even nearer in our own solar system .

  19. 恰恩废墟上空的太阳看上去比我们的太阳老,这轮太阳却显得比我们的太阳年轻些。

    The sun above the ruins of Charn had looked older than ours : this looked younger .

  20. 当一个恒星像我们的太阳一样逝去,祂会燃尽自己并发出耀眼的光芒。

    When a star like our sun finally dies , it blows itself up , bright red .

  21. 天文学家所困惑的是这颗恒星可能就是我们的太阳。

    Astronomers were confused at the idea that the star in question could be our own Sun .

  22. 学生:外星星球就是那些环绕着一颗不同于我们的太阳的恒星运行的星球,对吧?

    Student : Exoplanets are planets that orbit around a star other than our Sun , right ?

  23. 这九大行星和太阳一起组成了所谓的我们的太阳系。

    These nine planets , together with the sun , make up what is called our solar system .

  24. 这些恒星状球体并不比我们的太阳系大,但是它却比拥有数十亿星体的星系还要亮很多。

    Quasars are no larger than our solar system but outshine galaxies of hundreds of billions of stars .

  25. 这颗恒星绝对是个巨无霸。它要比我们的太阳大百倍,更比太阳亮数千倍。

    This star is absolutely huge . It's100 times bigger than our sun and thousands of times brighter .

  26. 同无限浩瀚的宇宙相比,我们的太阳系是沧海一粟。

    Our Solar System is a drop in the ocean when compared to the infinite expanse of the universe .

  27. 我们的太阳是宇宙中许多巨大的恒星集团中的一员。

    Our sun is a member of an immense aggregate of stars , one of many in the universe .

  28. 美国宇航局正在使用的在我们的太阳系多个目的地人类探索新概念能力为导向的方针;

    NASA is using a capability-driven approach to new concepts of human exploration for multiple destinations in our solar system ;

  29. 它们有一些象我们的太阳一样,被许多行星所环绕。

    It is believed that some of them are , like our sun , circled by a number of planets .

  30. 先驱者十号继续在我们的太阳系飞行;先驱者十一号则要飞向有神秘光环的行星土星。

    Pioneer 10 continues its journey beyond our solar system , while Pioneer 11 headed for the mysterious ringed planet , Saturn .