
  • 网络I'm in love;I Am In Love
  1. 我在恋爱?实话告诉你,我还情无所钟呢。

    I in love ? I give you my word I am heart-whole .

  2. 我在恋爱时…不是说我们在恋爱,这只是个吻

    The way that I am in relationships -- not that this is a relationship ; it 's just a kiss .

  3. 王子:不,爸爸,我没在恋爱。

    Prince : No , Father , I 'm not in love .

  4. 够了.我需要在恋爱游行上安排一支小分队.

    Enough . I want a full contingent at that Love Parade .

  5. 听着,即使我在谈恋爱。

    Look , I have to be in a reiationship .

  6. 现在你跟我在谈恋爱?

    Now you and I are in a relationship ?

  7. 但我觉得在恋爱关系中,当一个人告诉自己另一半,你要做这个

    But I think that in a love relationship , when the partner tells the other partner ," You should do this . "

  8. 你认为我可能是在恋爱吗?

    Do you reckon I could be in love ?

  9. 凯伊:嘿,布莱恩!布莱恩,嗨!(布莱恩送钱给凯伊)我想我在恋爱中!

    Kate : Hey Brian ! Brain Hi !( Brian gives away money to Kate ) I think I 'm in love !

  10. 即便当我在一段恋爱中,本该让我和情人有效地拉近距离的性也让我树立起了感情的栅栏。

    Even when I had been in a relationship , the sex that was supposed to bring me and my lover closer effectively caused me to put up emotional barriers .

  11. 他在接受记者采访时说:“你知道,我没在谈恋爱,我觉得自己跟感情生活不沾边儿,不像是个二十几岁的年轻人。”

    He told the reporters : " You know , I 'm not really doing the dating thing , I don 't feel like I 'm in the world of dating . I don 't feel like a young twenty something .

  12. 没错,现在我和Leonard在谈恋爱,我只是希望我们能够一起忘掉这事。

    Yeah , and Leonard and I are engaged now , and I 'm just hoping we can put this whole thing behind us . Mm .

  13. 现在,我仍在和天空恋爱。

    Till now , I am in love with sky .

  14. 我想在死前恋爱一次。

    I wanna have a love affair before I die .

  15. 他们说我和这位男生在恋爱。

    They say that this boy and I have fallen in love .

  16. 我看他在谈恋爱了。

    If you ask me , he 's in love .

  17. 没有,我现在没在谈恋爱

    No. I 'm not seeing anyone right now .

  18. 但我在和罗恩谈恋爱。

    But I 'm in love with Ron .

  19. 我在和汤姆谈恋爱。

    I 'm in love with Tom .

  20. 因为我第一次见到你,我就觉得我在恋爱了。

    I said yes because I fell in love with you the first time I saw you .

  21. 我只是以为你们在做而已,我不知道你们在恋爱。

    I thought you guys were doing it , I didn 't know you were in love .

  22. 一个女同学打来电话问我一些数学题,我妈却说我在和她谈恋爱!

    Roy : One of my female classmates phoned me for some math problems , but my mother said that I 'm going out with her !